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South Caldwell at AC Reynolds Running Thread

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by DownSouth, May 23, 2006.

  1. rocketrowdie

    rocketrowdie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2006
    i have never witnessed hidden alcohol in the woods or anything like that. we only sit up there for the big games when there is limited field seating.

    htn- i havent said anything bad towards south caldwell so far in this thread. we are talking about the game, not creating another argument.

    CLASS CHANGE i will post later more about the game
  2. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    no credibility - post away
  3. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    i have the highest respect for the acr team. they made this year very interesting. this year was a great year to be a high school baseball fan in the nw-4a! thanks to all the players on both teams and good luck from here on.
  4. anotherspartanfan

    anotherspartanfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2006
    I understand the need to be in the outfield last night. I don't know of a high school in our area that is equipped for the kind of crowds we are getting in these playoffs. Both ACR and South fans were out on the hill last night and only this one incident,from possibly one young player is not that bad, considering the rivalry.
    What I am concerned with is the fact that if this child is allowed to continue to play baseball for ACR, are our JV players going to have to worry about this person in the next couple of years. Several of the JV players were very ugly acting when the Varsity got the win at South. I only hope they mature in the coming year or two and can have the same, on the field relationship, as the current varsity players on each team.
    ACR Varsity: You are to be commended for your behavior last night and especially for your season. Great Job! Good Luck to those senoirs moving on to play college ball.
  5. SCSpartanFan

    SCSpartanFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 31, 2003
    NCNative - Are you kidding me?

    First of all I would like to congratulate Coach Jeff Parham, his staff, and the South Caldwell baseball team for reaching the regional finals, two wins away from playing for a state championship. I would also like to congratulate the parents and fans of this program, that is the ones who truly support the program no matter who happens to be in the starting line-up on each particular night. The fact of the matter is ,this is a very talented baseball team from top to bottom, every player on this team is a very good baseball player, they are very deep at every position, and there are players on this team that would start on many other high school teams, but they can not all start on this team each night. There are parents of players on this team that support the team each game, even though their children have rarely played this season, or that have kids on the team that are role players, that may be called on to pinch hit, or as a baserunner. To these parents, I applaud you, because you are indeed role models for your children and for this community.
    You don't pout around , bad mouth the coaching staff, and the other players on the team, especially the player that is playing the position that you think your child should be playing. What you fail to realize is this is such a special time in their lives, it is very rare to have the opportunity to be a part of something as special as this, you should treasure every moment. Instead you blast the coach because your kid isn't playing, or isn't pitching, or isn't playing where you think they should. You are miserable at the games, you refuse to cheer for the team, unless your son is in the line-up, and you take opportunities like this to blast other players on YOUR team. And for you NCNative who has supposedly traveled the state of north carolina to watch baseball , but yet quotes the batting average of one of the South Caldwell shortstops on another thread, and wants to know what is wrong with Parham on this thread. The fact is Coach Parham has two very good shortstops on this team, and they are both very fine young men, and both have had to opportunity to start and play in a lot of games this season, Each has had good games and bad games, and yes both have made errors..they are human.,one is a senior and one is a junior, and I have the plesure of knowing both. I sure Coach Parham would like to be able to play every kid on this team , every inning , but he can't ....he, by the way is human too, and if you think your kid should be playing ,,that is your opinion, but you don't coach this team, he does and it really doesn't matter what you or others in the stands think...he makes the decisions, and he does what he feels is right, and I can tell you ,I WOULDN'T HAVE HIS JOB FOR A MILLION DOLLARS. As a Spartan supportor I do feel that South Caldwell is blessed with many good coaches, that serve as role models in this community, they have tough jobs, with long hours, and they have to live with the fact that no matter who they play or don't play they are going to be second-guessed, criticized, and bad mouthed. Every parent wants their child to play,,,and EVERY parent thinks their child should be playing,, but to act the way some of you have acted this season is embarrassing, you probably won't be, but you should be embarassed at the way you have treated other parents, players, and the coaches of your own team. The Spartans are 27 - 3 and begin a three game series tomorrow , for a chance to play for a state championship...win or lose , they have had a remarkable season...with great pitching performances, game winning homeruns, and memories that will last these young men a life time, I wonder when some of you look back on this time , if you will be ashamed of how you have acted.....I doubt it....to bad,, you have missed a great season while you wallowed in self-pity...............................
  6. SCsoftballmom

    SCsoftballmom remember all that serve

    Likes Received:
    May 17, 2006
    South of somewhere
    Correct me if I am wrong......

    NCNative claims our shortstop commited "several" errors last night..........
    After reading the Lenoir Newstopic article about the game last night,they state that South had "NO" errors.
    If this is correct, what game was it NCNATIVE "was" watching then?
    And to SCSpartanfan. I AGREE 100%
    It amazes me how easy it is to criticize a coach or team that has advanced further than the others.
    Oh Well another day in"TBR"
  7. carolina30

    carolina30 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 23, 2005
    The reason South Caldwell is not playing #25 is because he made alot of errors in the tournament. The coach has to play the best player. It should not matter if he is a senior or a junior. I believe the best player is playing right now, that could change. At this level the coach has to play the best player for the team, it would not be fair to the rest of the team. Sorry!
  8. Spartanbaseball14

    Spartanbaseball14 Jballer

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2006
    Hudson NC
    Probably the best post i have seen or heard about The Spartans......WAY TO GO SPARTAN FAN....we need to stop critisizing our coaches and players and start pulling for one another if we want that state championship. I know the boys want to get the championship I just hope the fans will come together like we have as BROTHERS this year and support us, not put us down.
  9. NCNative

    NCNative Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2006
    I traveled over 200 miles one way to see the game last night. I watched as the short stop bobbled the ball and was unable to throw out the runner that eventually crossed the plate ACR. I have no idea what the short stops name is but I have no kids. I played baseball for years growing up which included high school and legion baseball in Wake County. of the tournament games I have seen across the state this year, I can only state what I have seen in that 17 has made more errors and has no productive offense to his credit. I don't know the players of either team personally, but in listening to many of the fans on the south caldwell sideline they were questioning last night why 25 wasn't playing. I have seen 25 play in other games as I went to watch many teams to see how they would stack up against Cary should they get lucky enough to advance. Unfortunately Cary wasn't able to overcome a better team than the Broughton high team and so they are now out. My love of the game of baseball is such that I thought I would see other games in the state. Just because the paper prints that there were no errors doesn't mean that it didn't happen. The error happened in the same inning that the pitcher had a great pickoff move and the first baseman dropped the ball. If I had a son playing ball I probably wouldn't have the opportunity to been traveling as I would probably be working with him on legion baseball since Cary is out of the tournament.
  10. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    NCNative with possibly the worst attempt at disguising a hidden agenda in the history of message boards.

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