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South Caldwell at AC Reynolds Running Thread

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by DownSouth, May 23, 2006.

  1. flotg

    flotg Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2005

    I don't know what the radar readings were on Maddy last night, but I can assure you that the response from the 2 ACR homerun hitters last night - Kyle Paeplow and Cameron Duckworth - was that he was throwing just as hard as he did in the other meeting of the teams, as I overheard their comments. AFter seeing him and the team 3 times in less than 2 months, I'm sure the players knew what to expect and how to adjust. The pop foul that Paeplow hit in his third at bat would've still not hit the ground had he evened it out just a bit....

    Duckworth (Sr), the cleanup hitter, and Paeplow (Jr), the DH, got the opportunity to do their jobs last night - and do them well. As a senior - what a great way to end your high school career - getting a HR off a player who is touted as the best in the state. As a junior, what a great way to end the season and what a challenge to look forward to next year.

    As far as the comment about the "alcohol in the outfield" let's put a stop to that kind of rumor-mongering right now. Hearsay is a dangerous thing and only causes hurt to people and programs. It would be greatly appreciated if those kind of comments could be kept to yourselves as no one has any FACTS on the matter - it has not been talked about at our school with our students so I have no idea where that "idea" came from. In fact, in the years I've been attending games, no one ever sits in the outfield - it's only at these few "big" games this year that we even had enough attendance to warrant people moving out there to watch the game as there is not enough room by the concession stand to fit all the fans that attended the games this year.

    The ACR Rocket program has worked incredibly hard to get to the point they reached this year - NW4A Conference Champions and 3rd round of the state playoffs - undefeated except by 1 team. Yes, the situation in the outfield was unfortunate and should not have happened. The only ones who know EXACTLY what happened and what was said out there are the ones who threw the stick and those that were running after the game. But let's move on and leave it alone. It's my hope that the ACR administration will deal quickly and appropriately with the individual.

    The Rockets are a great team this year - as are the Spartans - congrats to both teams on great seasons.

    Good luck to the Spartans in the run for State:ylsuper:

    BTW - Daniel Coffey - you are a gentleman and it was a pleasure to meet you this year - best of luck to you!
  2. NCNative

    NCNative Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2006
    hidden agenda

    Trust me I have no hidden agenda. I wish I did have a son playing. However he would be playing for Cary, or either Green Hope and not South Caldwell. I was raised in dowtown cary went to west cary junior high, graduated from Cary high in 1983. Played with Legion post 67. Traveled with several all star teams in my younger years. Cary had a few good players this year but nothing of the calibre that I have seen in the other schools which is a shame as we need a great baseball year. Fortunately they played well enough as a team to win the conference playoffs and do a good job in our area for the playoffs. Unfortunately it wasn't enough for us to beat broughton. We are well known for wrestling but have never been a big baseball powerhouse. Do I wish our program was as successful as SC has been over the 20 some odd years they have had a program? I sure do. I do however hate to see talent wasted. Sorry to have upset you some, of you but I am one of the few from outside of the area posting to this board.
  3. SCSpartanFan

    SCSpartanFan Full Access Member

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    Mar 31, 2003

    When you travel the state of North Carolina, to watch teams and see how other teams will "stack up " against your team ,,do you always make it a point of criticizing opposing coaches? "what is parham thinking" is the title of your reply...funny thing the only other post you have sent in is on the unsigned seniors post, when you sing the praises of Andrew Berry and you call him by name not number, and accuse the coaches of putting in on the bench so the "scouts" can't see him, then you once again criticize the other shortstop, you even quote Berry's batting average..................why in all of the others games you have traveled to see, is there no other comments about other teams, players, or coaches....."what is parham thinking",,,,he is thinking about how to beat his next opponent and take his team to play for a state championship,,,,,,,,and yes the shortstop did bobble one ball, but it was not ruled an error, he also made several very nice plays, you failed to mention that,,,........... if you love baseball like you say,,,,and you travel to all of these games to watch it...then you must know that players ...all players make errors,,,, South won the game,, 7 - 3, and I don't know where you were sitting but i didn't hear anyone questioning who was playing, they were to busy cheering for the Spartans....that's what real fans do............
  4. SCsoftballmom

    SCsoftballmom remember all that serve

    Likes Received:
    May 17, 2006
    South of somewhere
    NCNative I am guessing you were unfortunate enough to have sat around the very group of fans that SCSpartanFan was referring to.
    For that I apologize. My experience with sporting events has shown me that no sport is without FOOLS!
    There will definately always be those who criticize,pout and bad mouth the coaching staff and other players simply because they wouldn't have put a particular player in a starting position over another.
    A thought to ponder: Together Everyone Accomplishes More
    One player cannot pull the team into victory ALONE.
    BTW these guys are human for gods sake.....They live and learn like the rest of us, Brush themselves off and go back for more.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't care who, what where and why.....this is going to stop.

    Spartanfan..well said....and to spartanmom. TBR has nothing to do with it. it's your own parents that are attacking each other and their own players. Perhaps you should address them vs insulting TBR with your comments.

    Geez...why can't you guys talk about the game instead of all the extra stuff that detracts from two teams participating.

    This is the 2nd time I have noticed somebody making disparaging remarks about the SS. If one insists in trying to embarrass a player, you will not be posting here.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Well said again...now let's move forward about the game. The players are the one's that deserve the attention, not this other stuff
  7. NCNative

    NCNative Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2006
    I haven't quote stats from other teams because the thread of this is about Soth Caldwell. I have sat in various places while watching their games but most of where I have been sitting is in the bleachers. I am sure there were some rude comments made during the game by fans but most of those I pay no attention to. I have never heard anyone talk trash about a particular player just that one was favored over the other for his playing skills. I can give you stats for other teams outside of caldwell if you want. Like I said I still think 25 is the better player. If I had to pick probably one of the best 2nd basemen in the state it would be the 2nd baseman. The only way I know madison's name is that everyone yelled it the whole game. I copied and pasted some of the names from the Caldwell baseball site to link the names with their respective numbers.
  8. sprtndad

    sprtndad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2006
    In reply to everything being said about the two shortstops. Both players have had bad games this year (defense and offense) and coach parham has always played whoever has been on top of their game. I don't think one is any better than the other. It is just a function of who is playing the best at the time the line up is made. I have also been around coach parham and I know from experience that he does not show favortism to any of the players. If you are doing your job then you get to play. If you make mistakes or don't produce then someone else gets the opportunity to perform. I have never seen some much electricity at a high school baseball game as there was last night. All 4 games that these 2 teams have played this year could have went either way. What a great rivalry it has turned out to be. Good luck to all the Spartans in the games against N. Forysth. GO SPARTANS.
  9. u-r-out

    u-r-out Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 26, 2005
    Now South Caldwell Has it all

    Well alot of people have said that South Caldwell has it all but they WERE missing one very important part of a loosing formula, Someone complaining about Johnny's playing time. Please, Please for the good of their team and baseball if you truely don't even have a dog in the fight then stay out of it and don't try to start contriversey. And if you are a parent, then I beg you... For the good of this or any team, just keep your mouth shut. This IS NOT RECREATION BASEBALL. I have umpired for 27 years, and I have seen more teams go down to talk like that than the ones that were outclassed with more tallented kids. Also I have had many South Caldwell games in the past, and if I were a parent of a kid on that team I would be very happy no matter if my son played or not. Coach Parham is a very fine baseball coach (maybe not the best that I have ever seen but he is always getting better and noone works harder than he does to improve his game) But most importantly he would teach my son to be the best baseball player that he could be, more importantly he would teach my son to be a better man than he could ever be without the help of Coach Parham. Remember that baseball is a game (and never more than a game) but Coach Parham teaches his players to be good sports, and good Christians. He will save the lives of more kids than hand out championship rings, and you all should be proud!!
    Last edited: May 24, 2006
  10. BigDipofCope

    BigDipofCope Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2006

    U-R-MY HERO! Well said.:229031_ha

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