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Way to go North Davidson

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by lightningdad, May 23, 2006.

  1. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
  2. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003

    I leave for a couple of hours to attend meetings and look at you. Stirring it up...lol...j/k....Looks like you've been busy this morning. I thought you were the one that was wearing "GO Sugar Jets" on your hat?.....lol.....There really are some people who have issues with CC but I never felt you were one of them. Just the guy who took up the banner to be the opposing viewpoint...:lmao: Nobody here can take away the accomplishments of CC no matter what is written. But, you should feel free to state your opinion here even if its not the most popular one of even the opinion of the moderators. I have not seen you use foul language, just playing devils advocate as you do so well....Loosen up everybody....yes the season is over for a lot of teams but that don't mean you lose your sense of humor as well...
  3. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005
    I've known Monte for 40 years and NEVER heard him Curse. NEVER. Played ball with him, and against him, beat him and lost to him. Almost fought him a time or 2. NEVER heard him curse! NEVER!
  4. oldiegoldie

    oldiegoldie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2006
    cc.....class act

    Let me back up here.....I have friends on both sides of the fence as far as CC and NDSH are concerned....the CC followers just could not understand why the defending state champs had to travel in the 2nd round....on the other hand the NDSH followers were also a little ticked at having to play them in the 2nd round....but that was out of the hands of both sides.....this issue was really not the point of the message but thats ok too.....as far as the "FU" thats a fact jack so if you've never heard him cuss b4 you should have been in Welcome on Tuesday night
  5. CollegeKid

    CollegeKid Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2006
    I mean really All you people do is run your mouths. So what if the #1 team in the nation lost 1 game leading to States. Not that big of a deal...It's highschool Softball..GET A LIFE!

    Second, Coach Sherrill would NEVER EVER CURSE. I played for him for 2 years and never did he EVER say a curse word no matter how mad he got so dont OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND RUN IT..Thank you very much. You people who bash on CC and coach sherrill really need to..
    1. Get a life.
    2. Stop being nosey, rude and ignorant.
    3. Do something besides sit on the computer and bash an awesome coach and an awesome team.

    Coach Sherrill is one of the Best coaches in the nation. No one is better then him. and he COULD so make it at the college level b/c players RESPECT HIM. Unless you have played under him dont RUN YOUR MOUTH..

    Thanks once again bashers
  6. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    Look at all these new people. Either they are new or just hiding behind a different screen name. Whats up with that.

  7. oldiegoldie

    oldiegoldie Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2006
    no ones bashing cc

    this isn't about bashing anyone.....as I said.....the CC players and fans showed that they were a first rate group from the time they got off the bus till they got back on......as for Monte.....he started out with a bang and finished with a bang.....that team will always be remembered for its accomplishments and those accomplishments will probably never be matched..but if ya get beat after an 83 game winning streak or an 83 game losing streak there is no excuse for a coach to show bad sportsmanship....those kind of things stick in peoples minds.....but I guess its like everything else....bad news is always what ya hear....no one likes to spread good news........
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    bashers huh? i like that, so . . . . you're saying that because you never heard coach curse in the two years you played for him that it never happened, even though its been stated and witnessed by several people on this board who were at that game????? i personally dont have anything to say bad about cc or sherrill, but i do find it offensive for someone's first post to be like this. . . could this be a cover name for someone else????? really, putting everyone in the same category is also offensive. and if highschool softball is no big deal, then why are you making it one????? try to remember, you're entitled to your opinion just like everyone else, but its all in the delivery, which you need to work on. lets see what your second post will be like. play nice now. lol
  9. EnkaJet04

    EnkaJet04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003

    About time you showed back up...I thought you had left Jack and me by ourselves to defend the fort...lol...How bout coming up for air in the arcade every once in awhile....lol...There are always a lot of first time and one time only posters. Lets see if they want to be part of the TBR Family or just a one time shot in the dark...
  10. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2003
    You really mean that I have two friends here. I thought that I had offended everyone!!

    These new people are part of the TBR family. They signed up with a different screen name so nobody would know who they really are.

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