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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by steelballs, Jun 7, 2006.

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  1. jccunc1

    jccunc1 29ers Fan

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    Mar 31, 2006
    Caldwell County Post 29 defeats Henderson on the road 14 - 12. Caldwell scores 6 runs in the top of the 9th inning to take a 14 - 12 lead and turned the ball over to Jimmy Messer to pitch the final inning which he stuck out the side with a wicked curve ball.

    Coach Gary Hamby decided to not pitch his 2 aces (Madison Bumgarner and Jimmy Messer) unless an unusual situation called for an inning or so of relief which turned out to be the case when Caldwell took the lead at the end. Caldwell fell behind 5-0 in the 1st inning after Henderson hit 2 HRs off starter Josh Severt. Caldwell answers back in the middle innings by Colt Seter hitting a rocket grand slam over the left field wall. Colt started in Centerfield tonight since Josh was the starting pitcher and Brad Hardee was at orientation at ASU. Caldwell turned the ball over to Matt Gragg after tying the score at 5 each but Henderson quickly came up with 6 runs I believe off Gragg. Gragg was pulled in the same inning in favor of Derek Coffey who responded well by only allowing 1 additional run through 8 innings of play. At one point Caldwell was down 12 - 5.

    The game was very heated and nearly turned nasty at the end when fans from both sides were going at each other. It was even so bad that Henderson refused to have prayer with the Caldwell Team at the end of the game which has been a recent tradition started where both teams huddle up at home plate and put their arms around each other and have prayer. Instead there were some heated words and the Henderson players just walked off. If there is a lesson to be learned don't try to rub it in against Caldwell until the last out of the game. All Henderson managed to do was wake up the sleeping giant.
  2. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    Hats off to Post 29

    Like Post 29 or not, you have to hand it to these kids. They have been through a rough rough summer with the passing of their classmates and losing the state title and just being 16, 17, 18 isn't a walk in the park either. Hey and thats just off the field. On the field they started 0-5, lost a infielder when a bat flew into the dugout and knocked him bloody. and lost an outfielder to knee surgery this week.

    But look at the standings this morning... they are in a tie for 4th place. You wanna know how that happens? heart... and that team has a ton of it. Kids don't always make the right decisions at the right times and don't always do the right things, but you can't hide pure heart...

    I was not at Henderson, but I bet money I know how that ninth inning started. Casey Justice or Brad Hardee or Brian Chandler or one of the other leaders on that field got just POed enough to get the team together and let them know they might lose but they won't lose without a fight... and they didn't.

    But it goes back to one of the reasons I harp on that Legion baseball is the best thing going today... winning and losing means something. You can have the worst batting average or ERA in the world and never be looked at for anything and put a team on your back because you say I am not losing tonight.

    You have alot to celebrate Post 29... no matter what happens in that drawing Friday night and what seed you end up with... just remember Sunday your record is 0-0 and games become wars
  3. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

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    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    where are you getting the idea that anybody is leaning on Matty...read the dang post man....not one post was referring to Matty and his commitments....not one....I was referring to Senior week at the beach or baseball...Keep twisting Man....it just shows what kind of world we have when people can't understand a simple statement.

    Great win Post 29 against Henderson.

    Carolina man
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2006
  4. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    Welp... I think we have been in this situation before guys. Shelby versus Caldwell for the right to play forward. Just a quick recap, Shelby walked the dog on Caldwell early this year in Shelby before the entire Caldwell Post 29 team was active. In the last week of the season, Caldwell knocked Shelby away from the West #1 seed by defeating them in Granite Falls.

    For fans of great baseball, this is the series of round 2. I bet it will be quite the war. I know the respect both programs have for one another. I have been involved in the program at Caldwell for five years, and I cannot think of a year that these two teams have not faced off in the playoffs for a shot at the State playoffs or championship hardware.

    This series a great example of why Legion is the best thing going today. I'd be willing to wager that the gates at these games will be near 1000 people every game. Also, these games in these types of series are the ones that make the goosebumps pop on the arms from when the teams are announced to the final out.

    The best of luck to both sides... <coughGONINERScough>
  5. blademan

    blademan Full Access Member

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    Nov 29, 2005
    I just wanted to say congratulations to Caldwell on their series vs. Union County, and good luck against Shelby. I thought the pitching for both sides was great but the UC guys seemed to go into a slump with the bats at the wrong time. Defense was well executed on both sides of the ball as well. UC was a young group starting fresh after a two year absense for this area in Legion, and they represented themselves very well. For you guys that were there, I hope you don't hold the actions of one player against the team as a whole, if you know what I mean. My son plays second base for UC, but at the start of the series started feeling weak and achy. He tried to tough it out, but was seeing double and couldn't go at all in the final game last night. Took him to the Doc this morning and found out he has Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. According to the Doc we seemed to have caught it early enough that he feels the medicine will start turning him around within 48 hours or so. I sure hope so as he's really hurting now.

    Good Luck Guys,

  6. Airman

    Airman Full Access Member

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    Feb 17, 2006
    Man, Blademan that's awful. We will sure keep him in our prayers. I thought the whole team (UC) was a class act. I didn't see all the games but from what I hear it was only one player like you mentioned on the UC team that was, shall I say, different. For the most part both teams showed sportsmanship all around. I wish your son well.
  7. jccunc1

    jccunc1 29ers Fan

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    Mar 31, 2006
    Blademan, your son is in my prayers for a quick recovery and I hope he feels better soon! Overall I was very impressed with the UC team and their coaching staff. Your team has the pitching talent to compete with anyone in American Legion and I mean that. It was tough luck that UC picked a time to go silent with the bats but the future looks bright for your program. I know there was 1 very talented player on your team that seemed to get the Caldwell fans excited in a negative manner but I know that doesn't excuse some of the rude comments that were made by the Caldwell fans as well. My apologies for that behavior from our side. It is a shame what happened because this guy from UC has unbelievable talent and he just needs to be taught to control his emotions and the sky is the limit.

    P.S. - Thanks for the great directions .... they were easy to follow and saved me time! I wish you guys the best of luck going forward and I hope we can get a good clean rivalry going forward year to year.
  8. caldwellsportsfan

    caldwellsportsfan Junior Member

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    Jun 12, 2006
    Post 29/Shelby should be great

    Caldwell County and Shelby once again meet in the playoffs, what else is new? This could be an excellent series, could go the distance. It seems as if Caldwell's pitching has come together, great effort by Gragg Tuesday. How about Rutherford pushing Gaston to a 5th game tonight and Henderson doing the same to Pineville! I think I agree with a lot of what Jeff Link has been saying on WJRI about the strength of the West compared to the East. (By the way, thank goodness for radio coverage, not many people could drive to Union County!) We'll see what happens tonight in those game 5's.
    Great information on playoffs on www.caldwellbaseball.com and www.foothillsradio.com, I've been getting the latest playoff information at these sites daily.

    Go Post 29!
  9. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    I don't know DownSouth,,,, there's another "little" 2nd round series down the road between Rowan County and Kannapolis that just might draw a few fans.

    But your right,,, Shelby/Caldwell will be a classic. Btw, I'm not surprised at all that you guys are BACK, and I'll go out on the limb and say that I have a feeling you guys will probably end up playing in Thomasville. Good Luck.
  10. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

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    Aug 18, 2005
    Who's Pitching tonight and Saturday Night for South Caldwell and shelby?
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