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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by steelballs, Jun 7, 2006.

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  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Just tell Madison that when the pressures become almost unbearable, when he is so tired that he can barely get out of bed. That the demands of his time become strained.....just call ol' Braves and I'll take care of him. And I promise that we won't get arrested...........

    this time :D
  2. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.

    Give him about 10 months, I think he can afford the bail money. ;)

    With the tourney coming up, let me tell you what I am seeing... in years past Caldwell has peaked too early and run roughshot over Area IV then had nothing left for the big dance. That didn't happen this year. We stuggled to get in. We had a hard road through the playoffs. Last night after winning the title, it was like how did we get here?

    Caldwell is just now starting to put some things together. We had 16 hits last night. Nearly everytime had runners on, we scored. And where oh where did Derek Coffey come from last night. If the group of him, Gragg, Chandler, Merrikan, Berry and etc can compliment Messer and Bumgarner we can be contendahs...
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    From the 7th inning of Game 3 until the end of the series. Caldwell showed their talent...don't forget about my ol' friend Shane Clawson either. He always seemed to be on base or making a play
  4. jccunc1

    jccunc1 29ers Fan

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    Mar 31, 2006
    Braves, it was a pleasure meeting you at the game last night. I enjoy reading your posts and really appreciate having the opportunity to post on TBR. Should be a great tournament coming up with several teams having the potential to win it all. If Caldwell and Garner meet on Sat then I hope we don't have any problems with the teams and fans getting out of control. Garner definitely has a big advantage over the other teams by getting to draw the host team on Friday. Caldwell knows firsthand however that you can't overlook your 1st day opponent or you will drop into the losers bracket in a hurry, although if Garner were to lose on day 1 it would have to be classified as the biggest upset in the AL NC Tournament history.
  5. Airman

    Airman Full Access Member

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    Feb 17, 2006

    I just seem to keep saying as the 29ers keep winning that I believe Shelby is the best team we have faced in the play-offs. Maybe its just the rivalry, but Shelby seemed to be the most competitive to me. They were definitely good enough to be in the state tournament. It is a shame we have to knock each other out of the play-offs, especially so early.
  6. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

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    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Don't mean to disrespect Pineville because they have a fine team, but I would have to agree with you about Shelby probably having a edge over Pineville and would be a worthy opponent in the state tournament.

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006
  7. 12to6

    12to6 Full Access Member

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    May 17, 2004
    i dunno about shelby being better than pineville...shelby is probably better than a banged up pineville team who've we've seen throughout the playoffs. but with m. fulginiti and c. austin back, i think pineville would have the edge.
  8. luigiboy

    luigiboy Full Access Member

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    May 10, 2006
    Originally Posted by u-r-out
    My question, when can a sixteen year old kid be a sixteen year old kid without all the pressure that others not directly involved want to add?

    The answer to that question would be: When that sixteen year old doesn't aspire to be a major league baseball player.
  9. 23109shelby06

    23109shelby06 Junior Member

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    Apr 18, 2006
    Thanks and maybe I'm looking at it to positively but I can't help but feel like we would have beaten the other teams to but its all bittersweet now. I'd like to add a few words in about a guy to watch out for in the state tournament for Caldwell. He has a very good chance of being put into a situation on the mound where him being effective is critical and I think he has the stuff to come through and thats Gragg. I'm not sure how he did in the Pineville series but have seen him pitch against us and Gaston. We had some words early on in our game and he got me a little fired up which might have hurt him in the game because I got the best of him a couple times when he fell behind, but I was talking to the guys and everyone seemed to agree that we were better off with him out of the game. It didn't work out for us because we got him out early and couldn't manage much off the relief but when he through pitches over and when he worked ahead he can be as good as anyone (as long as he doesn't put the big boy britches on and thinks he can throw at whoever he wants)
  10. 23109shelby06

    23109shelby06 Junior Member

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    Apr 18, 2006
    By the way 12to6 at Shelby we had a few names we could throw around to oand I'm sure Pineville had a great team, but we've faired a little better against Pineville and if you want to compare the rosters I think we stack up pretty dang good.
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