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Thoughts of AL State Championship

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I watched my very first AL State Championship games and I had the time of my life. Here are some thoughts of the day:

    - First, let me thank tj for providing the most gorgeous weather I have ever experienced in my life for baseball in July. I can't ever remember a day/night in July being that cool. tj has some great connections

    People that I met:

    A. Carolina Man- what a nice guy. And not once did he mention Cherryville
    B. Ball-Dee- he is what makes sports so special. The man has literally sacrificed his life (although he would never call it sacrificing, but a committment) to help the young players in Caldwell county by coaching, counseling, mentoring and providing terrific facilities for them to play in. And to show further proof that good things happen to good people, Ball-Dee won the 50/50 ticket drawing last night.
    C. Mike London- "The best sportswriter in NC that covers HS, amateur sports" There is no one else close to him in their committment to excellence.
    D. tj- is the real reason that I became interested in American Legion. What he has done to continue to push the credibility of legion ball across our state plays a huge factor in why the K-Town program enjoys their success. He's a leader in his community and enjoys a terrific relationship with all of the people, players and coaches of Kannapolis. He actually bleeds blue
    C. JM15- I was so disappointed in not meeting Jere. I went up to every person wearing a NC State hat and asked "do you know Jere M.?" I found out later that all of those guys were Caldwell supporters.

    other thoughts

    - I sat with the Caldwell crowd and had a great time. I'm sure that Garner did not appreciate the booing of their coach, but let's be honest. Did you expect anything else? I actually thought they were pretty tame compared to what I have personally witnessed at some games I played in (of course, I have witnessed fans running out on the field to aid in a brawl). As an opposing player, I would have secretly been envious of the support they provide their team.

    - Kannapolis team- they are unbelievably good. There is not one player that goes up to the plate not capable of putting one over the scoreboard. Someone asked about their home field and does it have short fences. Let me tell you now...they don't. They can hit one out of any field at anytime. Plus, they have something that many teams don't....chemistry and they play for fun. They don't care if it's a pick up game or the State Championship. They just want to play....and beat you. There are no two players more fun to watch than the Faggart brothers. Then you have Kyle Seagar, Garrett Sherrill, Ryan Query, Blake Ketner, etc., etc... this team is loaded.

    - Caldwell team- The Jimmy Messer Show. This was the 2nd time I have watched this kid pitch. He is sensational.....and only a rising junior. I found out another secret to Caldwell's success; Brian Chandler. After sitting with Brian during the Pineville/K-Town game, I found out a couple of things about him. The key word is "harnessing". Brian harnesses his speed when he pitches. He doesn't want to embarrass the batter with some heat. Plus he has found that he is ready to pitch anytime and throw as many innings for his team, by "saving" his arm until he needs it. Sure he can throw 90+, but that is so "passe". Plus, Brian "harnesses" his power at the plate, too. Yes, he can go yard, but he chooses not to display that side of his game unless it's needed. He figures he is more valuable by getting on base and let his teammates pick up the RBI...he's a team player. Of course, all of this is what Brian told me. So, I have never been able to witness those days that he unleashes his power.

    - Garner team- do not write these guys off. They are tremendously talented. Don't be surprised to see them climb back into the Championship game.

    - Pineville team- I am proud of these guys. Coach Rummage has done a fantastic job in taking a "wounded" club and to go further than any team in Charlotte in years. I believe this year has been the coach's best job of coaching...and he is a heckuva coach. Keith Mauney is hitting like I thought he would during this championship. He hit a 2 run bomb to help stake Pineville to a 3-0 lead.

    Special note

    I met DownSouth of Caldwell. I can not describe the feelings I have for this young man. There is absolutely nothing he won't do for the players and parents of his team. He is the player's mentor and counselor, as well as helping any parent with anything; whether it be advice or slipping a few bucks to a kid to get something to eat. I am proud to have finally met him. It was my great pleasure and a friendship that I feel we'll have for many years to come.

    I wish I had the time to say hello to Coaches, Empsey Thompson and Joe Hubbard, for Kannapolis. They are two quality men that players love to play for. They understand the game and love to teach it.

    Braves jr- He knew half the players on the Kannapolis team and wished he could have played with them. He loves those guys and the way they play. The Faggert boys are his ultimate teammates. He really likes all of them...but the one guy (I didn't know they knew each other) that he really likes is Blake Ketner. It must be a pitching thing.

    That's all for now. I'll try to think of some more later
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006
  2. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Braves - I hate I missed you too. I sat right behind homeplate with my girlfriend, sister and cousins. We only stayed for the Garner-Caldwell game but if Garner wins today and plays again tomorrow then I'll probably head back out there. I would really like to meet some of you guys.
    By the way -- I was wearing a white NCSU hat.
  3. Dbacks20

    Dbacks20 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2004
    Charlotte, NC
    Braves....I'm hurt, you weren't glad to see me too?

    I want to echo what Braves has said...it was great to meet a lot of the faithful TBR posters...there are a great group of people supporting NC Baseball and especially Legion Baseball.:satana:
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    dbacks- You don't count. Those people don't know me, yet...so they aren't corrupted
  5. Ball-dee

    Ball-dee Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2005
    Braves, thanks for the kind words. The years I worked for the School system were all great times. I had some great kids as you saw them play and have become friends with some of them. I loved what I did and still try to show it by supporting them as often as I can. Watching Caldwell basesball is a real privelege and unless you have been around you can never understand it. Hope to see you again soon.
  6. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    post 29

    Braves..it was very good to meet you and your son and also good to meet dbacks20. I just wish it had been another time besides when we were playing Garner. I really get into the game and don't talk a whole lot while the games are going on, especially a game of this magnitude. Sorry if you heard anything ugly about Garner, please understand I had a son who played on 2004, 2005 Post 29 teams and what happen in 04 is still very fresh ( but not as fresh as that buttwopping we gave Garner the other night...LOL). That was a great win and I really injoyed it, but nothing will replace the wrong of the legion officials of 2004. After Garner was stripped of their title for having a illegal ballplayer, Post 29 should have been declared State Champions. Hope to see you again some time and maybe we can sit down and chat awhile.

    Carolina man
  7. big_tymer13

    big_tymer13 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2006
    i think it should be a little hard to call a 4-1 victory a "buttwhooping" especially if anyone was actually watching the game, it was embarassing to be apart of American Legion baseball with everything that happened in that game and i hope Roy Waters and the rest of the area 4 crowd sleep well at night knowing they had that game handed to them
  8. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
  9. big_tymer13

    big_tymer13 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2006
    bull? after the umpire missed NUMEROUS calls our catcher finally asked where the pitches were and the umpire had the nerve to say "well maybe if you werent bouncing around so much i could see the ball better" are you kidding? he's a college catcher and after Caldwells player scored and decided to have a few choice words for our pitcher and things got a little hair Roy Waters has the nerve to come to Garners dugout and tell US to keep our mouths shut and not say anything to Caldwell who started the whole thing? rediculous and anyone who stepped up to the plate for Garner had to swing at balls 7-8 inches off the plate because he was getting those calls and they were awful Messer is legit, but trust me he's not that good (guess thats what happens when you get three Area IV umps)
  10. Airman

    Airman Full Access Member

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    Feb 17, 2006
    Big Tymer

    You obviously don't know the story. If you were at the game you would have seen our player along with our 3rd base coach talking to the umpire there because your pitcher was using some nasty language toward them after Garner's coach was thrown out. What did the kid and coach at 3rd have to do with that ejection. Absolutely nothing!! He just turned and started cussing them out because they were the closest to him. Our player then crossed the plate and in return said "How do you like that sh--?" and turned toward the dugout. He didn't even know that your pitcher started to follow him to the dugout and another Garner player jumped between them until told about it after the game. He had no intention in starting something. Just finishing something your pitcher started. So there---get your facts straight and quit your whining. We all have to play with umps from other areas in different games and every strike zone is different. Every batter and pitcher has to adjust to an ump. Garner is a good team. Caldwell is a good team. Go Caldwell!!!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2006

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