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2006 NC American Legion State Tournament

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by JM15, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    i didnt trash the team or the coach..
    how much run support do you blame on the rest of the team if you give up 10 runs in 7 innings ?
    and fyi ..Orbison has always been known to leave his pitchers in to long..
    just a fact...
    and yes i can coach from the internet really well... but that greenbalzs as the pitching coach :umno: .. you have got to be kidding.....:lalala:
    come on now.. we didnt trash the team or the coaches ..
    they got pounded and thats the bottom line.. you have it some days and some days you dont...
    ps.. Yankee... i know your a great supporter of the Kannapolis Legion program , players and coaches.. so dont hold your comments back..
    show some love...:detonate:
  2. BullpenBilly

    BullpenBilly Junior Member

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    Jul 17, 2006
    Let's see if we can draw you a picture.....K-town had no pitching options left for this game....so, you tee it up and hope for the best which ain't gonna work when you are playing at this point in the tournament. They did the best with what they had left. As for Coach Orbison (who has forgotten more about baseball that we ever knew) he was taken to the hospital during the game and was not even there during the time you are referring to.
  3. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

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    Feb 7, 2002
    i'm just gona shut up..

    i was not referring to any given time or game...
    its a known fact Ktown always leaves the pitchers in to long ..

    btw.. that team has 8 pitchers i know of.. if your a team in a fight for a championship and your season is on the line.. unless you threw 9 innings the night before or 150 pitches or have a broken ,arm i'm asking for the ball...
    you worry about tomorrow's game when it gets there...

    congrats on a well played season.. they just ran out of gas at the wrong time...
  4. TTIMEnktown

    TTIMEnktown Member

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    May 16, 2005
    The bottom line is, we had a great season !!! Third in the state is not too shabby. Our kids can walk with their heads held high knowing that they were a great team. I am glad that my son got to play with kids like Garrett Sherrill, Ryan Query & Blake Ketner for the past 2 years. Also, playing with Kyle Seager & the Faggart boys this year. These are quality young men.

    As far as the pitching goes, we did have 3-4 "pitchers". We had a few kids who could come in when they were asked to. Brett Honeycutt pitched in a few games for us this legion season, but didnt pitch at all for his high school team. He did a good job when he came in. Our bullpen did a good job for us also. Max Morales came in some very crucial games & really pitched well. tj & myself can tell you that we saw him pitch during high school season & we were pleasantly surprised @ what we saw him do for this legion team.

    Good luck to the young men who are going on to play at the next level. We will definitly be watching you guys,,,,and may even try to hit you up for some free passes to the College World Series :).

    And last but not least, lets keep Ken Orbison in our prayers & hope that everything will be ok with him.
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    Well Kannapolis just ran outta gas, and Morehead City was on a roll yesterday, plain and simple. Gotta tip your hat sometimes, no excuses. Would like to ask everyone to remember our assistant coach Ken Orbison in your prayers as he was taken to the local hospital by ambulance in the middle of the game, only know that his blood pressure was extremely high. As for our pitchers, both Hosack and Honeycutt did well, the MC hitters were just hot,,,, especially Chisenhall and Poulk who are both the real deal.

    Kannapolis Post 501 has nothing to hang their heads about. The Wojans just won their 3rd Area III championship in the last 4 years (2003, 2004, 2006), just finished 3rd in the state for the 2nd time in the last 3 years (2004, 2006), had a 33-10 record and broke the team record by hitting 69 homeruns this summer. Also as I asked others several weeks ago, we discovered that Garner and Cherryville had 125/128 respectively HR's for a state/national record but that was done with -5 bats. Someone indicated since they went to -3 bats that Shelby's 2005 team had 66 homeruns so based on that, our 69 quite possibly is a state record with -3 bats.

    Btw, Jerod Faggart set a Kannapolis Legion individual record with 18 homeruns this year as well.

    Have thoroughly enjoyed another season being around these great young men and I think they know that I'm wishing them all the best in their futures.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  6. greenballz

    greenballz Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    all i was saying is that ive played in two state tournys with 501 and leaving the pitching in too long always killed us, the coaches always listened to what they players wanted to do and not what was right to win the game
  7. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    newspaper article for Morehead City Post 46...

    Opening game Friday night

    CNT sports writer has been here the entire tourney doing coverage of Post 46.
    CNT only publishes paper 3 days a week so that's why the Friday game is here.
    Next edition will be Wednesday and CNT does not archive the articles.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2006
  8. Village Idiot

    Village Idiot cloud of dust

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Soggy Bottom
    will do
  9. K-Town-Yankee

    K-Town-Yankee Full Access Member

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    Jan 22, 2003
    Coach Ken Orbinson suffered a heart attack in the 6th inning and was transported by ambulance to the hospital.Coach Thompson said Orby suffered a mild heart attack and was doing OK after visiting him in the hospital after the game.

    It was a really tough game for the Wojans.Garrett Sherrill lead the game off with a bunt single,but pulled a hamstring running to first.Sherrill,one of the Wojans top hitters and top pitchers left the game.Then coach Orbinson suffering a heart attack in the sixth.A really tough way to end the season.

    Wish the best to coach Orbinson and Garrett for speedy and complete recoveries.

    Kannapolis won a record 33 games and an area III title.Finished 3rd in the state.An excellent season.Nothing to hang their heads over.Good luck to all the guys in the future.
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    BB- great to have you posting again. I sure have admired your boys. It's a heckuva feat to rise up from the loser's bracket to play for the Championship. I hope you have some more pitching...how's your arm :D

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