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Carolina Cardinals are ASA National Champs!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by rangeroo22, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. Intimidator Coach

    Intimidator Coach Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002

    what part of the state are ya from ?
  2. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005

    I counted 'em. How do ya keep 17 girls happy with playing time? Must be a really extra special group and egoes not a problem.
  3. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    Can't really speak for Ray but I would say these parents and kids buy into the program and the success they have had with getting kids signed to play college ball at some very good colleges. Ray has been at this game for many years, even back in slow pitch days so he has built a great reputation and has been able to draw great talent. Parents, at least a major portion are only concerned about playing time and if U win with their child playing, OK if not they don't care, just play my child every inning and tell me U are going to do that right up front. They will move around thru organizations till they find that group that will cater to their needs.
    There are many good teams in NC and most do a good job of attending the right tourneys to get their kids seen. Most are new at the Showcase arena and it just takes time to build your reputation and to convince coaches to come see U play. We are in our fourth year of Showcase ball with the Blues and still struggled at times getting our players seen. We do spend many hours a week e-mailing and calling college coaches to get them to see us play and we will put a player in the minute a college coach let's us know they are interested. It is about getting kids signed to play college ball and if the parents can buy into that concept, we will get their child seen and signed at some quality school.
    Ray and his organization has done a great job for years and the Blues as I told Ray last week are working hard to match his success. We have a ways to go but are learning each day the hard work it takes to stay at the top and to follow the Cardinals lead. We respect all the top organizations and the time the coaches spend at this level. MOst are not paid a cent for all they do! Support your coaches and ask what U can do to help them with things that will make their life easier!
    I know I went off the subject a little but I think U all understand, having a plan of action and following through with that plan makes for a successful organization, business or pleasure!:blah: :blah:
  4. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005
    Kudos to all involved

    This is even more impressive given the fact that several of the girls on this team had played for the Pitt Co Rockets since that team's inception. Could have been tricky blending two different "cultures" but, obviously that was successfully done. Interestingly, this team did not dominate all summer. They were knocked out early @ Florence and took their lumps a couple of weeks ago @ Walnut Creek. Obviously, the players took something away from these experiences and turned it positive in Owensboro. It also helps when most of the those looking to play at the next level are already signed or have good offers. Less pressure on every one.

    Bmac or others . . . who handled most of the pitching? It appeared @ Walnut Creek that having Mendy MC was pretty important.
  5. FalconMom

    FalconMom Member

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    Feb 1, 2005
    I would guess that all of them had important roles in a tournament that big. Excellent team effort, Congrats Cardinals!
  6. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005

    I certainly didn't mean to imply otherwise. Scores suggested some fine pitching/defense. Just curious about how the pitching duties were split up.
  7. softballwizard

    softballwizard Member

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    Jun 1, 2006
    According to the Western Carolina website McKenzie was the winning pitcher in 5 games
  8. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004
    To be honest, the culture of the two teams was not really that different. Both Ray and John Roberts have the same goal, putting their players in the best position possible to play at the next level. These men work hard to instill the qualities college coaches look for both on and off the field and accept nothing less from the players and parents. Ray has always looked at the player and her parents before talent, and that has caused him pass on many talented players, but has allowed his teams to form a unique bond and closeness that can't be explained unless your have been part of the Cardinal family. That bond continues each year as these girls become part of a "sisterhood" where the past players help the existing or recent players with not only questions and issues about softball and college, but about life as well.

    The team played very well and won both games the first time they played together last fall against the two teams from Japan in Washington, DC. The team went on to win the Scrappers tournament later in Salem, VA.

    This summer had it's ups and downs, but way more ups. It just takes time for a team to come into it's own, especially one that had no practice time together before the summer began or even after the summer began, to be honest.

    To his credit, Ray does a masterful job in sorting through the playing time. To my knowledge, there was never a time when a college coach was there to see a certain player that the player did not play. (we may have taken some lumps becase of that, but that really didn't matter as the main goal was accomplished with a player being seen.) All of the Cardinals are some of the best from their high school teams and were used to playing every inning of every game. Of course there were some who played more this summer than others, but all the players and parents understood the big picture and what just being asked to play for Ray means for the player's future.

    With players from all over the state, the team never really had any organized practices. We did find local fields at the tournament locations and go out 3 hours before games to practice. Most people don't know this, but if our first game was midmorning or later, we have already put in at least a couple hours of BP and infield before we show up at the field for the first game of the day. And, if it wasn't too late, many times after our last game of the day, we would find a field and practice. However compared to most teams, the total practice time was very limited.

    This past week at the Nationals, the players were focused and committed to win it all. Without exception, none of the girls even went swimming at the hotel pool and were always in bed by 11 PM or earlier. Also to the girls credit, this team did not have any of those little cliques that cause problems on so many teams. Everyone one hung out with everyone at different times. Again, this is because Ray looks for players who are truley team players with truley team parents.

    Both Ray and John have put their heart and soul into promoting the fastpitch game and their players. These guys have done so many things behind the scenes that very few people will ever know about. These things include helping not only Cardinal players, but players from other ASA travel teams as well as Little League and rec. teams. And, if it weren't for Ray, we may still not have fastpitch softball in the NC high schools. (that's a whole other thread!)

    I know I and all of the other players, parents and coaches in the Cardinal organization couldn't be happier for Coach Chandler. But I'm sure Ray would rather have all the attention go to the girls (rightly so), but one of the most special moments of my life was hugging Ray the moment the last out was made the the final game. We really didn't want to let go! Before I get in trouble, I also should say giving Brittany (my daughter) a hug after she caught 4 games in 98 degree heat and playing well as she did was very special too, especially while holding the national championship trophy!

    One last thing about the Cardinals and I know Ray would agree. For many years, the success of the team is due to the countless hours behind the scenes Ray's wife, Sharyn puts in. Sharyn helps to keep Ray on track and things organized so Ray's main focus can be looking out for his players. The Cardinals would not be nearly as successful without her.

    I know I am speaking for all the past and present Cardinals and their familes...Congratulations and thank you Ray and Sharyn. :229031_ha :229031_ha
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  9. Biggies_Mom

    Biggies_Mom Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 17, 2004
    Little Wordy!

    Bmac1, you should write a book! Congrats to all the Cardinal Family, job well done! Ray and his coaching staff have done a great job and have a good organization.

    :woot: :woohoo: :woot:
  10. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 20, 2004

    In the local paper today there was a short blurb about the Cardinals National Championship. It went on to say that West Forsyth's catcher Britney McKenny went 5 for 6 in the 2 championship games, knocked in both runs in the 2-0 win in the first game and then hit the game winning homerun in the 1-0 final game. Wow! Talking about stepping up in big games.

    I'm sure there were other young ladies who stepped up as well, but this performance by McKenny is one of those you dream of having while playing for the national championship. :woohoo::229031_ha

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