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What happened?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CanAmMan, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    awesome, tell Regan I said hey and i still have a bag of gum for her (personal joke).
  2. Biggies_Mom

    Biggies_Mom Full Access Member

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    May 17, 2004
    Hey TC,

    Sorry to see you leave us. I wish your DD well and I will personally miss her, she was my girl. Peace and Good Luck!

    Biggie's Mom #12:woot:
  3. cfastpitch44

    cfastpitch44 Full Access Member

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    Apr 17, 2004
    Thanks V.L. We had a great season and really enjoyed you and DD. I will never forget that HOME RUN she hit in Nationals. Walk Off Bottom of the 7th. WOW!!! We will keep in touch.
  4. Angeleyes21

    Angeleyes21 Junior Member

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    Apr 1, 2006
    I agree with EastOfRaleigh This is getting to be more and more of a problem in HS athletics. Then when someone blows the whistle nobody wants to get involved ( get their hands dirty ). Personally think it was a legit discussion.
  5. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    I wanted to bring a different perspective to this discussion that doesn't involve CC.

    There is a constitutionally held right in case law called freedom of movement. You might imagine what I am talking about if I said you had to pay a fee or "tax" of several 1000's of dollars to be able to move from NC to FL or CA. Such a tax would preclude some from being able to afford the move and there by would restrict their freedom of movement. Such was exactly the case in FL several years ago when a heavy fee was imposed on car registrations for new residents in an attempt to help pay for new roads and other services that were being strained by the heavy influx of new residents. Suit was brought and the court held that the fees were so exorbitant that it violated the citizen's right to freedom of movement. The state of FL had to refund many millions of dollars as the result of the case.

    I am aware of a county system that has as its offical policy not "releasing" a student's records who simply state they have transferred schools. In my opinion this clearly violates the right to freedom of movement. Even a school system funded by taxpayer's dollars probably should not be able to refuse a student who wants to transfer even though they do not live in the district. There exists even now in NC the right to transfer your child out of their district if a school is not meeting certain goals as outlined by Raleigh. Of course, by the time such a case were to make it through the system the point would be moot not to mention the cost involved in bringing such an action.

    It is understandable, when Jane comes in to play softball and she is better than my Sally at her position and now my Sally is sitting even though she has paid her "dues" that I as a parent would be upset; but before we go laying down a blanket policy of transfers losing all athletic eligability which is what we are REALLY talking about we need think about how such a policy would impact every parent's right to do what THEY think is in the best interests of their child.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2006
  6. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2003
  7. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Transfers? Let it happen!!!!!

    I say....let 'em all move into whatever district they want to!!!

    If a family wants to inconvenience themselves and spend the money to pick up their roots to move to a school district so a young lady can play softball for a particular high school, then so be it. Personally, I think they're crazy...but who really cares????

    IMO, if you have a true "leader-type" softball player with a lot of talent, they would most likely learn MORE by being the catalyst of an average high school team than being a "me, too!" player on a powerhouse. It's so easy to "follow" to an established program, however, the true triumph/glory comes when you are able to help establish your own success.

    I would also contend that college scholarships are mostly derived from travel ball, and not high school. So, in a lot of ways, they're wasting their time and money. Also, coaches leave these powerhouse schools all the time....what happens then? Do the families move again???? (you never know who might be leaving next....)

    History shows that ALL dynasties eventually crumble or implode....I would say that applies to high school softball, too!!! I would question the sanity of a parent willing to move their family for the sake of a high school softball team.

    And, to all the folks that want to pull Central or Butler into it, I think those fine young ladies got their scholarships from their work on the Cardinals and Blues (and others!), as opposed to their affilations with CCHS or BHS

    (The target is now on, folks....let ol' Double Dog Dare have it!!!!)
  8. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005

    without pulling out constitutional law, I think some people are just saying that it seems odd today that some parents will go to such lengths as to "move" their residence so that a 15-18 yr old kid can play HS ball at a school that continually plays for & sometimes wins championships. move from a school where maybe a kid grew up at o a school where they maybe know 1 or 2 kids probably from a TB team.

    when this happens, it brings into question the actual move and the residence, & whether there was any enticement by the school that the player "transfers" to.

    that's about it.
  9. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006

    Gee, EoR.............you kinda took the fun out of the thread.

    For those of us that watch the office clock on the wall go "tick tock" until 5PM, we could sure use some decent material to comment on. Got any???

    I thought the Constitutional comments were a bit out there, but extremely creative. Just trying to have fun.........guess I'll go back to work now.

  10. crybabies

    crybabies Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    Get a LIFE

    I see all of you are so worried about CC that you can't do anything else but talk junk, make up lies, and keep bringing it up over and over. I have been following CC softball for several years now and I think they have a great program and a great coach. If I thought my daughter was good enough to walk on the field with that group of girls, I would pack up and move too. Maybe that is the problem with all you people , your just jealous that your daughter is not good enough to play with them.
    I know that there are alot of high school coaches out there that might have been great slow pitch players or maybe didn't evan play, and they think they know the game. Walking on the field in the middle of feburary and hitting a few balls dont mean nothing to me. If the coach my daughter plays for can't help her then I'm looking for someone else. I don't care who you are if you don't respect your coach because they don't know as much about the game as much as you or your daughter does then you ain't going to get any better. I want my DD to play for someone that is going to teach her something, to get her prepared for college.
    Softball is not just a spring and summer sport. It takes all year to learn and to develop the game of softball. How many of your kids are working out with there high schools know? How many of them are running everyday, lifting weights, or just studing the game situations. I know CC is!!!!! There coach wants them to get better it only helps there program, and each one of them to get into college one day.
    There are a lot of good programs in this area why don't people bash them. Butler just won the state championship North Davidson finished second they both have great programs no body talks bad about them. West Rowan has a good program so does Hopewell, or evan Kings Mountain. Do you really think all these schools don't have people move in. If you think they don't you are saddly mistaken they all do. The only reason nothing is said, is because nobody thinks about anyone being illegal beside CC.
    So all you people that can't stand CC get a life!!!!!!!! Respect the girls in the program. All of you that keep posting things about CC, it just hurts the girls in the long run. Think about who you are hurting!!!!!!!!!!!
    I thought that this board was supposed to be positive. Maybe the modereator needs to start banning people that can't do this. Or maybe just deleting post that should not be on this board.
    Maybe something will be done about all the bashing or trash talking on here.

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