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Queen of Diamonds

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by niteowl, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005

    I coached one of the teams in the Queen of Diamonds and had a blast. It was a great opportunity to meet and assist some girls from other states. I had some pretty good ball players on my team. I like the concept. I didn't like the format of drop dead, revert back to the previous inning...that sort of thing. They told us it wasn't about winning but had an elimination round??? It was about winning, and losing runs due to time constraints didn't do my girls any favors.
    I did hear some positive comments from the college folks that were there. I also heard some negatives as well. We will never be able to please everybody all the time.
    As far as Jack Thomas' role, I saw him there and spoke to him but didn't hear anything out of the way about him.
    I will say that I am not fond of recruiting services but Jack Thomas is one of the few people offering a recruiting service, who I feel, truly tries to help his girls. His rates are relatively inexpensive compared to most others and I think, from talking with him, he has the best interest of the girls at heart. I have personally heard him mention young ladies to a college coaches who he has no monetary interest in whatsoever. That says something positive about his character.
    I don't know whats happened between Jack and Charlie but they need to get over it.
    The only question I have about this past weekend is with Kfastpitch who put this thing on. I know it was $150.00 for each girl entered, there were approximately 200 girls. Thats $30000.00. The coaches of the teams were volunteers. Their rooms were paid for one night. There were residual expenses such as meals fo college coaches an such. Where does the rest of the money wind up? Just questioning?
  2. csrllc

    csrllc Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 28, 2006
    Clearing Up Misunderstandings.

    Hopefully, this post will clear up many of the misunderstandings that have been written on this post in the last few days.

    I am not going to “defend” myself as I have learned that this can be a shark infested place. I say that with tongue in check. I respect each of the Travel coaches, and College Coaches who post on here, as well as their opinions. I do realize that people here have strong opinions and very few will be changed. So I will not attempt to do so. However, I will be happy to discuss, with anyone who genuinely wishes to know about my service and the details of what you get for your money. As Freedom Sball said, I will not be pushy. Or, you can feel free to visit my website to view my philosophy, references, as well as any NCAA info. I assure you the service you pay for, even the $250 Do it yourself program is more info than you can get off the internet for free. Especially considering your time to research all this material would cost you a bundle. Travel Coaches, Parents, and College Coaches who have worked closely with me can attest to my credibility and heart in helping kids. I do not need to defend myself. Thank you to those of you with positive posts and thank you Rick for your comments.

    Homer 3, Cheese 105: I understand your comments and hope to get an opportunity to provide you a little of my desire in what I am trying to do. If you would like to discuss your concerns, please feel free to send me a private message.

    What I do want from this post is to defend Kirt Whiteside and the QDSS. This is too good of an opportunity for these girls to be seen and showcase their skills to have skeptics put it down.

    First. Kirt Whiteside and I have a great working relationship from the standpoint that we both respect what the other is trying to do to help kids reach the next level. Other than being friends, that is where our relationship ends. I first met Kirt last fall when several kids that I worked with were accepted to the, what was then called The Ringor Showcase at Kent State. I attended the showcase last January. With the exception of Plantation, there was nothing in the South, or especially in the Carolinas, at that time, of that size or quality to compare his showcase. The problem that I saw was that most of the coaches that attended, which was nearly 175, were from the North. It was a showcase for the northern recruiting base. Not many kids from the south want to go north. I told Kirt he needs to bring his event south. I introduced him to Coach Cooke at Winthrop and the rest is history. I do not get a cut of his event and he does not get a cut for endorsing me. I know this is hard for the skeptics to believe, but we do this simply out of respect for each other. It is called putting the kids first. That is our common connection.

    Second. The only reason he gives me an endorsement is because he knows I will work hard for my kids. Just like Coach Chandler, Coach Threatt and others, Kirt, in his over 13 years of working these Showcases, has seen kids burned by recruiting services. He will not tolerate that in any way. As stated above, we have a respect for each other. I also have a respect for Coach Cooke and what he is doing at Winthrop. By NCAA Rules, he cannot be associated with a recruiting service. The understanding that Kirt, Coach Cooke, and myself reached is that I would be able to attend to talk with the College Coaches present about their needs and scout kids. I would not approach any kid or parent on Winthrop’s campus to solicit business. Kirt sent an email to everyone attending to inform them of my service. If they were interested, they could contact me and set up a time to meet with them. If not, I left them alone. Coach Cooke and Coach Chandler have, in the past, asked a recruiting service to leave the facility for soliciting business from kids and parents at an event. Coach Cooke very strictly follows the NCAA rules and will tolerate anyone putting his program in jeopardy. Out of respect for Coach Cooke and his program, I complied with this request this past weekend.

    All in all I think this was a very successful weekend for the kids, Coach Cooke, Kirt, and most of all Softball in the Carolinas region. I believe there were college coaches that have never been to an event in the Carolinas who attended this weekend. The focus that this event is attached to a recruiting service is not only completely wrong, but completely hurtful to the kids and coaches involved. It will only get better from here.

    Rick, as far as the rest of the money, I know Kirt does not make a profit off of this, at least not a huge one. There were advertising costs, he has full time people working on organizing the teams and going over the applications ect… Kirt does this because he loves softball. If there is a profit, I assure you it is very little or it is put into making the next showcase better.

  3. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    Thanks for taking the time to clear this misunderstanding up and for assisting in this Showcaser!!
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Jack, I in no way tried to make this a personal attack, I have never met you and therefore wouldnt consider doing that. Most know how I stand on recruiting services, I have had quite a few parents contact me and tell me their horror stories (no reflection on you). I will defend my statement that, in 5 minutes on the internet, I had 25 college coaches email address's printed out. To me, it's all about how much effort you want to put out personally to get a coaches attention. Again, that's just me opinion. check you pm.
  5. csrllc

    csrllc Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 28, 2006
    Agreed and Nothing Personal

    Cheeze, I know you did not intend this as personal. I have sent you a PM in reply to yours. I respect your opinion. That is why I did not defend myself or the industry. I simply wanted to defend Kirt and what he was trying to do with this event. I also wanted to give some understanding on why he gave his blessing on me. As I stated before, he was not by any means telling kids to use me. In fact, during the process of the QOD he gives kids the coaches contacts and tells them all what to do on their own. The reason he meantioned me is what I call "going to Walmart." You can go to Walmart and get the stuff to change your oil, bake a cake, make a clothes, or whatever. Or you can go to Walmart and have them change your oil, make your cake, or buy your clothes. Not all kids and parents, even with the instructions Kirt gives them, feel comfortable with the recruiting process. They were asking for additional help. Therefore, because he does know what I try to do in difference to other services, He recommended me. Because of that recommendation, I would hate to see something that has the potential to really help softball in the Carolinas be hurt or put down because it has the appearance to have a connection with a recruiting service. That would be a sad day for the kids and the sport in this area.

    By the way, Congratulations on the work you have done to help those kids. If more coaches and parents would do that there would not be a need for recruiting services. I have always said that there is not much that I do that can't be done on your own. So I agree with you there. I look forward to meeting you sometime. Keep up the hard work.

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