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Un-professional Umpire

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitch5, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005

    Please PM me with some more info (game time, field, teams playing, ect...). I would like to know who he was for our records.
    Rick McHone, NC ASA JO Comissioner
  2. erms

    erms Full Access Member

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    Mar 17, 2006

    I had the opportunity to watch the games at Myrtle Beach this weekend. There was one umpire I made it a point to speak to following the game. I thought it was important to let him know how much I appreciated the patience he demonstrated with players and coaches as well as how consistent he was with the strike zone. It wasn't shoe box size and the corners were not 6 inches wide. He called the way it should be called and the kids can learn when it's right. An ump who doesn't do the job justice, doesn't just impact the game....he hurts kids.
    (by the way...we lost and I can still compliment the job he did.)
  3. luvdagators

    luvdagators Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 2, 2006

    Sounds like the ump from Statesville that caused our team The Crossfire so much trouble.He even yelled at the umpire assisting him in the same game.Very unprofessional.................
  4. fastpitch5

    fastpitch5 Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2004

    I appreciate the feedback and it sounds as if this guy just had a bad day. Most umpires are pretty consistent and I have seen them get dogged over the years and been sympathetic for them. I had no intention of starting an umpire bashing, I just needed to know if his outburst and his reaction was "the norm" and it wasn't. It bothered me more that he took his anger out on our pitcher and the team by making even more bad calls. Showcase or no showcase they all need to be fair. The end.............
  5. asettles

    asettles softballmom

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2006

    My husband and I moved from out of state last year to NC. We have yet to see a fastpitch umpire actually call a game that knows the fastpitch rules. They do not have a good strike zone. I think they are unaware at how much movement a good pitcher can put on a ball. The game is going to be won usually on how much movement a pitcher can place on the ball not necessarily that she is the "fastest" pitcher out there.

    My daughter was pitching this summer, our catcher asked the ump what she needed to do ... and he was serious ... his comment was "she needs to slow down she is pitching it too fast and I cannot see the ball come across the plate". Come on NC umps learn your rules.

    We are looking forward to doing some traveling and more competetive games in the near future. The umpires we have seen are on a more local area. I won't mention the area. Hopefully the umpires will improve. But it is a shame when they do not know the rules. My husband had his umpire license in the other state we lived in and we both ran a league with 30 teams in it.

    Just some comments.
  6. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003

    I don't care if he was having a bad day or not. That is no excuse!! I would have pulled my team from the field & had the field umpire go get the Big MIC (Man In Charge). I would have told him that he either replaced the plate umpire or give me my money back. There is NO excuse for this *&^%heads reactions. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Umpires like this needs to be shown the parking lot & told never to come back & then phone calls need to be made to other associations about this guy. A good umpire can handle this situation in other ways. I have umpired many games & have made my share of bad calls. We are all human but I can admit when I make a kistake (but that rarely happens).!!! LOL

    What does it take to become a umpire for these tourny's?
  7. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2003

    I have seen some umpires around here that are not even qualified to be Wal-Mart greeters!!!!!!!
  8. TeamTFS

    TeamTFS Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 24, 2005
    Tournament Director

    I am investigating the situation that occured on the field during the game in question. I will be discussing it further with the other team on the field, my Umpire in Charge, and Rick McHone (NC ASA) to see if something should be done about it. People that know me do know that I am a big proponent of umpires acting professional. If I find enough evidence that an umpire is unprofessional at one of tournaments, then he/she will not be brought back. It is up to the other decision makers to handle it on their level.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
  10. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    For the most part, the umpires do a quality job. There are a few and we all know them that have to be the center of attention and let everyone know they are the "cat's Meow" for that game. Heck a couple have to feel that way whether they are umping or not! When U have that type of guy, the girls usually suffer with knit-picky calls etc.
    We did have one guy that was a little touchy this weekend but I was impressed with most of our guys. We did not play well but tourney and umpires were not a problem for us. Hitting, fielding, talking, and fundamentals caused us grief! Ha Ha
    Coaches, I saw five watching games. Lander and Limestone were prominent at several games and I saw Mars Hill at a couple. Was not paying particular attention but Presbyterian also made a couple.

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