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Campbell U. baseball coach resigns

Discussion in 'The Next Level' started by EastOfRaleigh, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2006
    I didn't mean to step on toes...

    Like I said Campbell is one of the best schools in the state and the South. guess what I meant by apples and oranges wasn't fair. But I will stand by the idea that "the Campbell's" of the world have a tough time going up against the top programs in the state and South. Specifically I don't think it's the coaches that are inferior as compared to the money and facilities. That's what I meant by apples and oranges.
    Also, Duke's bseball facilities aren't great either. I don't think anyone would confuse Duke or their facilities with the "big dogs" I was referring to.
  2. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 11, 2006

    I went back and read your response right after I posted.
    you make alot of bad arguments about college baseball.

    Number 1-Baseball has nothing to do with one game. Everyone knows that. Like most low level schools trying to confuse their recruits, the "campbells" of the world throw their top pitchers on tuesday against "the ACC boys" who are throwing freshman who haven't pitched in a week. It's a weak attempt to prove that for just one game they are as good as the big boys.

    number 2- No one who knows college baseball would put Duke in that mix of teams that have it all. For instance, their facilities are sub par for the ACC. There's nothing to argue there. Secondly, they aren't allowed to sign playes in the early signing period as of 2004. if that has changed, it's been the past two seasons. that right there is a priveledge even Campbell has. Also, Duke isn't allowed to sign JC players. the big time programs live off these guys. Maybe Campbell and Duke are competing for the same baseball players, but the only thing big time about duke athletics is basketball.

    My last thought is to remind that all I was first wanting to do is point out how hard it will be for a coach to succeed without the financial backing of the university. They're not College of Charleston period....

    If your son or a relative decided to play at Campbell, he should have done it for the education and a decent baseball experience. Not to compete with the big boys. They're out of Campbell's league and reach.

    how's that for apples and oranges?
  3. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    Hi, Guys. Let me pipe in on this subject. I agree totally that the small, high academic schools are behind the 8-ball in recruiting. My son plays at Davidson and Coach Cooke told me that he gets cut ZERO slack on admissions. Davidson rejected over 20 high school valedictorians in 2005. The most school wins in history is 28 (twice). I think there is a correlation. The only thing I disagree with is Campbell on par academically with Duke and Davidson. I truly doubt their admissions standards are as tough. Anyway, these programs represent opportunity fior kids like mine that can play but don't have the "d-1 body".
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    UNC-Asheville is another program that is tough to ignite. It's not because of coaching talent, but the lack of commitment from the school towards the program. With only 3 scholly's to offer and lack of other investments, it's tough to build a winning program.

    App State is another example going the other way. Once the school decided to invest in the program with the maximum scholarships, new facilities and the hiring of Coach Pollard (not trying to imply the previous coach was not good); App State was able to attract a number of premier players that in years past wouldn't have given them a glance. App State is not a place that most pitchers would want to pitch. It had become a pitcher's graveyard. BUT, Coach Pollard has been able to overcome that challenge.

    The one thing that I have noticed over the last 5-6 years is the college presidents apparently realizing the importance to the overall athletic program by having a good baseball team....plus the monies are getting better and better for the conferences. With the major sports reaching it's apex in financial resources, the AD's are realizing that the baseball program is a source that has been largely untapped.
  5. leftydad

    leftydad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2004
    Good Post Braves

    App State is an excellent example of how to get a program going in the right direction. The Coach is a very able recruiter and is very energetic about the program. Davidson definately has one of the toughest academic standards to deal with........Great school and Coach..........
  6. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Going in the right direction? Man it's cold up there. They will always struggle do to the conditions in spite of a beautiful campus. When was the last time they won the Southern Conference? You can all blast me if you want, and I know Braves will, but a lot of small D-1, and D-2 schools "use" baseball. A private, small school that gives a 1/4 scholarship for baseball is still raking in $15,000+. And this is 28+ kids. Baseball is a cash cow for these schools. Figure it out. Do these schools spend $400,000+ on the baseball team?
  7. MVaughn

    MVaughn Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2003
    Cornelius, NC
    UNC-Asheville is also changing things. There hasn’t been much made of it but I recently talked at length with their coaches and my understanding is that they have a general upgrade of their athletic facilities, with a new basketball arena, underway and that program includes upgrades and a renewed commitment to the baseball program. The overall upgrade of facilities should benefit the baseball program with more office space and locker room space. Specific to baseball, they are putting in lights and possibly a dedicated indoor hitting/pitching facility will be available by next season. There is also a plan for a new baseball stadium in the works, very similar to Winthrop’s, but that may be further down the road. It wouldn’t start until the basketball arena is completed and I don’t have a specific time table on that. I believe they have just broke ground on the basketball arena. Until then they will continue to play a majority of their home games in the Tourists stadium - McCormick Field (Colorado Rockies minor league team).

    As for scholarships, Coach Perry – UNC-A’s new recruiting coordinator, at a recent seminar advised that UNC-A doesn’t have a specific number of scholarships allocated but they do have a specific dollar amount available for scholarships. This amount is currently equal to 7 full in state grants. That number will be increased each year over the next two years to reach 10-11 full in state grants. This is all part of their administrations commitment to the program and the coaches. If they follow through on these commitments, it should alleviate the majority of UNC-A’s current competitive shortcomings.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    A-Men brother...that's great news!!! They deserve it. The other thing I would like to add is that UNC-A won their conference tournament last year. That was quite an accomplishment.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Mudcat, my friend, I would never blast you. I don't really know if you are right or not, but if you are going to field a team, you might as well get the best players that you can. In many cases, the "actual" cost of a player attending a private school is no different than a public one, considering the other avenues of financial aid that public schools don't offer....believe me...I would know or my son would be attending a public one.

    And the future will tell about the App State program, but they have the most overall talent than they have ever had. It has amazed me the past couple of years the quality of players that Coach Pollard has recruited. It's a very young team, but the developing talent should blossom by next year. I know this, if Coach Pollard can't get that program successful in the next couple of years...it ain't never going to happen.. If I were them, I would schedule all of my Feb and most of March games in the Deep South...or Florida
  10. olefty

    olefty Full Access Member

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    Feb 11, 2006
    I begrudgingly admit that Coach Pollard is doing a great job. I say that because he is beating us in several instances. I have always wondered,except for early spring weather, why app wasn't better. Just about every kid west of Raliegh is considering going there. Also, they have controlled their tuition to the point that it is one of the best buys in the country. As much hype as the app baseball program has produced over the last two years it will be a shame if app isn't successful.

    From a coaches (ie, realistic) perspective- you can take all the talent left over in the state after UNC, USC, NC state, And clemson are finished and App will never be any better than fourth or fifth in the socon. Elon, CofC, western, and Citadel will always be better. Doesn't matter what spin Coach P puts on it. This ain't div 1-aa.....

    those four schools out recruit, out coach, and out play app every time year-after-year.

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