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Freedom losing kids to Patton

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by NICKELDEUCE, May 2, 2007.


    NICKELDEUCE Junior Member

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    Oct 3, 2006
    Friends in Burke County are saying that Patton will be taking alot of good athletes from Freedom. She says coaches at Freedom are trying to get kids to transfer, however the school board policy says that they have to sit out for a year? Can anyone give clarification?
  2. Pioneer Fan

    Pioneer Fan Junior Member

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    May 9, 2007
    The rising senior class of 2007-2008 may stay at Freedom and compete. All others can transfer but have to sit out 365 days.

    CHIMIKE3 Full Access Member

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    Apr 7, 2007
    will it work??????

    I know that the people at patton want stop open enrollment, but with players jumping around from freedom to east burke over the years, i don't see this plan working. like caldwell county, the best players in certain sports will go to the schools that are strong in those areas. what a mess in burke county. it should be a real interesting year.

    FHS BBALL Full Access Member

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    Oct 25, 2004
    The situation will be just like other schools in our area because of the sorry school board and administration. They want to make Patton the best school. Just look at how they drew the district lines. They tried their best to get most of the money and athletes in Burke County. No one has spoken to any of the coaches at Freedom to tell them what is going on, allowing Patton to hold open gyms at Freedom, calling kids and trying to convinvce them to come. With all of this happening, it makes one school hate the other and the outcomes will be very ugly when the games roll around.

    NICKELDEUCE Junior Member

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    Oct 3, 2006
    I know the athletes come from Glen Alpine and Oak Hill. Salem and the in town kids are not the better athletes. There is just as much money on Lake James as anywhere. Open gyms have been at Liberty Middle, and at the Morganton Rec. Maybe Volleyball is at Freedom, but the coach works there. This is about a few kids, not the overall good of the county. It is really about Freedom afraid of losing basketball, softball and football players. Lets be real about this one. The Freedom coaches have been informed, they are just choosing to tell the kids differently. Think about the Patton kids being 9th and 10th graders playing in the CVAC as varsity players. Is it really fair to Patton kids or coaches? Selfishness is running rampant in BC!!!!!1
  6. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
    No coach at Freedom has been approached by the powers in the central office to explain the entire process of what kids go or stay and what kids need to do to transfer(or remain at their school).

    The problem is the transfer policy has never been enforced, now they want to enforce it.

    I totally understand not the kids at Patton playing a varsity schedule in the CVAC with only 9th and 10th graders,they wouldn't have a chance, that's why they should've opened the school with only underclassmen(IMO) and played a JV schedule for 1 season.

    Why would I or any coach in the state be happy with loosing kids off their team? Burke County needs another school, Freedom is overcrowded no one is debating wether we needed a new school or two. Just ask the kids where they want to play! Do you honestly think a good softball player, football or basketball player really wants to go play at Patton? Some may choose that and I wish them good luck, but most will choose to remain at Freedom. For a lot of kids it creates opportunities they wouldn't have at one school.

    All i'm saying is it should have been done a little differently, talk to coaches, players, teachers. Let them know everything that's going on.
    Last edited: May 30, 2007
  7. fhspatriot

    fhspatriot Full Access Member

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    Feb 20, 2003
    I know for a fact that this policy has been in affect for about 3 or 4 years and has never been enforced or been used consistant.There has been kids who have transferred and been allowed to play sports while others tried to transfer and was told they would have to sit out a year.this is not fair.It happened this past year cause i know for a fact about a softball player who lives in freedom district (which is patton district now) and she was allowed to transfer to east burke and got to play while a girl wanted to come to freedom to play basketball and the coach was told she would have to sit out a year if she came to freedom.I know of other situations where transfers were allowed to transfer out of county and still live in this county.There have been kids who want to stay and at freedom and they were they would have to sit out a year.I got a question about that??? what about the kids who live in freedom district who sent in a transfer to go to patton.I was told by a reliable source that there transfers were approved and nothing was said about them having to sit out a year.i agree with coach fox here patton should have started out with 9th and 10th graders and played a jv schedule.U should not punish a child for wanting to stay at a school they have been at for 2 years and have played on successful teams and have a chance to be real; good these next 2 years.this policy has never been fair and if they let kids who live in the freedom district go to patton then they should let kids who have went to freedom and want to stay there be allowed to stay.None of the coaches i know and i know several of them at Freedom have been telling the players anything different.The players want to stay on their own choice.I also know alot of parents who want their kids to stay at freedom cause thats where their kid wants to play.

    NICKELDEUCE Junior Member

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    Oct 3, 2006
    Why not? Why would a kid not want to go to Patton? Would the coaches be so worried about losing average players. I dont think so. It is their better players, their starters that thay are worried about. The bench warmers, they really dont care about losing. I know that is a fact because I talked to one of your football coaches recently and they werent worried about any players. Their words were we arent really losing any athletes. I am sure that the transfer policy hasnt been strictly enforced until now. Not that it is right but there hasnt been a major split in schools either. I agree it could have been handled differently. But if you allow the policy to be broken you are opening a can of worms for years to come. It will come to your best athletes getting mad at a coach and wanting to leave. Or when you are down, and the other school is doing good, you lose more athletes. Kid need to go to school where they live. It has happened here in Caldwell Co, and thats why they have gotten stricter. Freedom athletics are not what they used to be, with the exception of softball, which sport has lived up to the teams of old. I cant think of one. Give the new school chance. Bottom line kids are afraid of change. SO are adults, parents included. There are enough athletes to go around at each school, if the policy is adhered to. Word is Silvers interviewed today for the Patton job. His hiring alone will silence alot of people wanting to stay at Freedom. He would be a great hire. Wish we could get him here in Caldwell Co.
    Last edited: May 30, 2007
  9. tandjsma

    tandjsma Junior Member

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    Aug 4, 2006
    As a parent to a child in this situation with no FEARS of CHANGE, moved here 8 years ago which was a major change in all aspects of life, I find it interesting that everyone that has a comment regarding the transfer policy and all the support for it are people that have NO child involved in the situation (including the school board and High School Administrators). Walk a minute in my childs shoes before making your comments. There are student athletes that want to transfer from Freedom to Patton and from Patton to Freedom, it will be a wash in numbers, so let it be. We are talking about kids that love the sports they play and have been successfull in the situations they are in. Pride and Egos are what is in play in this situation, should never had committed to playing Varsity sports the first year or so. I fear for the teams that will not be prepared and in contact sports against teams who are not excited about changing thier schedules to include you, it could get pretty nasty very quickly.
  10. homerun

    homerun Full Access Member

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    Mar 4, 2003
    Just a Question
    If a new school would only have JV teams who would they play?
    Varsity and JV teams are only allowed to play a set number of games and the majority of scheduling is a combination of JV and Varsity.

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