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A disturbing trend

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It was only 6-7 years ago that parents were tellling their kids, "Once you get to HS, there's no more daddy ball, there's no more politics. Coaches decide who they are going to play and when. I can't/won't discuss playing time with the coach and if you have a problem then you go to him." Parents sitting in the stands were pulling for the team whether their son played or not.

    Now, we have situations where a coach can have a winning program, dedicate himself to his program, his school and his players...and still be fired.

    I can recall some coaches retire from the profession because they wanted to devote more time to their families, but I never recall successful baseball coaches being forced out. And from the coaches that I know that this has happened to, they are frustrated, upset and puzzled.

    When and why did the environment of HS baseball coaches change? I have my ideas but I would prefer yours.
  2. deuce

    deuce Full Access Member

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    Jan 28, 2006
    I think you answered your own question w/ the thread up above... You got dads that will do anything for their kids to play because they think they are Gods gift to baseball. They just cant give it up. My dad never once complained to the coach as to why I wasnt playing or why I hadnt got the chance to pitch. We did end up moving schools and I know some disagree w/ that but we did what was best for me. But never once did we complain to the coach or put other kids down when I was not playing at my previous high school.
  3. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    of your are correct EXCEPT I believe because of a "few pepole" throughout my 18 yeaqr career in public education and 16 as a coach of many teams and sports all successful to note..it undermined and obviously destroyed the "passion" I have always had as a player and even moreso as a coach!!!! Don t get me wrong I still love the game itself and it is basically all I really know and care about other than my faith and family.:Angel_anim:
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    My take

    Bobby comes home with a bad grade. "Boy you need to put more time and effort into your school work. If you bring home another bad grade in that class Im going to whip your a**."

    Bobby comes home with a bad grade. "I knew we should have gotten you out of Ms Smith's class. She has never liked you. She is always looking to fail someone. Dont worry we will go down and talk to the principal tomorrow about her."

    Bobby gets stopped by the police for speeding. "I told you that you had to be carefull son. It is a dangerous thing to be out on the roads going that fast. You better make sure that this does not happen again. That officer is out there doing his job and you need to make sure that you are carefull".

    Bobby gets stopped by the police for speeding. "These cops out here are just looking to stop these young kids for nothing. People are out selling drugs and breaking in houses and all they have to do is stop kids for speeding? Dont worry Im going to call our lawyer and we are going to have his job for this."

    Bobby doesnt get in the game. "Hey dont worry about it. You just need to keep working hard and prove to the coach that you can help him win. Go to practice tomorrow and work your butt off. I will be glad to throw you some extra bp this weekend. Dont get down just keep plugging along. Its not where you start its where you finish. By the way nice win for the team tonight."

    Bobby doesnt get in the game. "That coach is an idiot. He sits the best players and plays the worse. Its obvious that he has favorites. That Jones kid at 2b is horrible. He didnt even start on the AAU team. Just dont pay the coach any mind at all Bobby. He obviously has no clue how to judge talent. Dont worry me and Mr Smith are going to take care of him. You just keep doing what you are doing and let us take care of it."

    Parents who teach their kids personal responsibility and teach them to respect authority figures. Parents that take personal responsibility away from their kids and teach them to not respect authority figures. That is what we are actually dealing with here. The fact is you can not make everything all right for your kids. At some point and time they must learn how to deal with the fact that life is not fair and life can be cruel and tough. Are kids more talented today than when I played? Yes. But the vast majority are soft and spoiled and coddled. Why? Because many of these parents never played the game. They never had to dig down deep and scratch and claw just to make a team muchless actually play in a game. I played with alot of kids that could not make a HS team now talent wise if their life depended on it. But they were tough. They were gritty. And they didnt complain. I guess when you spent all day putting in a bacca crop and then went to play ball it was an honor just to be on the field. Now people for some reason think it is their kids right.

    I think we have alot of guys coaching Bobby's LL team AAU team and making sure he hits in the top of the order and plays all the time. And then when he gets in HS they can not come to grips with the fact they no longer have any controll. "This is not going to happen to my son." "I never got a chance to play in HS so my son is going to."

    Its kind of funny but the parents of the kids I have coached in HS that were actually players never complain about anything. And the kids dont either. When it does happen is seems to always be the guy that either never played or if he didnt it was the coaches fault. Wow! Coaches that dont want to win. They actually put the guys on the field that give them a better chance to lose than win! When are we going to play these teams in the playoffs? Im still waiting.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Do you think the discovery of Showcase baseball has something to do with it. You know, the striving by the parent/player to gain a scholarship whether the kid is talented enough or not. Johnny played SS for the Better Batter Bulls. He is getting letters (sure they are form letters), but doesn't that show they are interested in my Johnny? How can that HS coach be so stupid not to start him at SS.

    6 years ago, there were very few NC players receiving D1 schollys. With the advent of Showcase, there are many. I don't recall having these concerns when our boys were playing Babe Ruth and Legion baseball. So, are the parents transferring their dreams to the HS coach and forcing him to be accountable if the son is not playing where he should and when he should?

    Is that what is causing these problems?
  6. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006

    I have always said showcase yourself by showing that you can play the game. Not play the game in order to showcase yourself. I hope that makes sense.

    I think you have too many parents trying to live their dream through their child. When it does not go as "they" think it should then you have problems. I do not believe that showcase baseball is for everyone. I do not like the term showcase anyway. To me its just baseball. If you play the game to win and you play hard as a team that will show whoever is there to watch what you and your team can do. If you get caught up in trying to impress on lookers and it becomes all about what you do then that is not what it should be all about. College coaches want to see as many prospects as possible at one venue as many times as they can. This is a good thing for players and coaches. Just play the game. Play to win. Everything else will take care of itself.
  7. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    I think it is more about the politics that is played out at the high school level. I have seen employees passed over for a position due to gender or race. Yes, I used that card. It may not be pretty but it is the truth. Adminstations are under more presssure to have coaches to be a credited teacher at the school. The lack of funds and raising cost have left some schools with little or no money for athletics. It is falling more and more on these coaches to be expected to do more with less or nothing and still bring the players and fans. It is placing more pressure on them. Some just say the heck with it. Some just drop high school ball, get them a travel team and work their magic there. I will say it is a sad state of affairs that this is happening. The WSFCS system has all but dropped middle school programs and funding at the high school level is a wish. ADs have had about all they can take and just give up. I tried calling to get some questions answered about funds. I left over 10 messages, cell, home and work number contacts no replies. Voicemail is just a way not to answer the phone. Sorry I am going to another thread. It is all a cause and effect.
  8. doctorbuzzy

    doctorbuzzy Full Access Member

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    Feb 13, 2007
    Don't blame it on the race or gender

    Totally uncalled for here.

    I hate it when someone does this as it is a lame excuse people love to revert to when things don't go the way they think it should. While I'm not naive enough to think it doesn't happen on occasion, it is an anomaly when it does and becomes the stereotype for minorities and women hired in positions people think they got only due to their race or gender.

    Don't resort to this as a reason you believe things are in the tank in your area. This is a simple excuse from a simple mind.
  9. moesyslak

    moesyslak Banned From TBR

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    Apr 2, 2003

    i totally disagree. there were at least 15 d1 programs in nc 6 years ago and the majority of their players were from nc. nc has always had their share of players drafted and they have always had plenty of players that were recruitied. imo the problem you mentiobn is because parents have their sons and daughters playing ball in hopes of some reward in the future instead of playing because they love to play ball.most of these parents are unrealistic in their assessment of their kids potential as a good player is not necessarily a good prospect.
  10. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    As my post says I have seen it happen. I did not use it and say this is way it always happen. It is politics and there are many ways that it plays into the mix. To say I am using it as a simple excuse, is also a easy way to overlook the problem or argue a solution. To call me simple minded is also as simple minded as my statement. I do not take it as a personnal attack. Just as your opinion.

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