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Football season

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by anotherspartanfan, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. anotherspartanfan

    anotherspartanfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2006
    How is football affecting anyone? I know some college players are having to report the first week of August.
    What are the rules for other High School football teams. Practices start Monday, how are the 2 sport athletes handling this?
    Was the state tourney not held the first week of August last year?
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Football season and students reporting to college only affects legion players who are in the state tournament,,,, everyone else is finished with legion ball by now. To answer your question, both of my sons have been lucky enough to play on legion teams who went to the state tournament and yes both missed some HS football practices, not sure how many. Maybe we were fortunate, but their HS football coach realized what they were doing (legion) was just as important for their community so they were excused from missing FB practices until legion was done. Then, they "probably" put in a little overtime on the FB field, but they were glad to do it because their football coach worked with them on the legion thing. Just my experience.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2007
  3. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    what about the team that wins the State Legion tourn., to advance to the SE regionals & possibly the world series? That could get later into the start of HS football games.
  4. tools

    tools Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2003
    Somewhere in the Triad
    I guess they have to make a decision then! It would be a nice situation to be in.
  5. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Here's one for the record, this happen in 2005 when Caldwell was playing in the State Tournament at Cherryville. South Caldwell's football coach told one of his players and his dad that the player had better be at football practice or they would be penalties of some sort ( can't remember what ). Caldwell was playing on a Monday and the coach was basically making the student chose between high school football or legion ball that I find ridiculous. He actually told the parent that legion baseball was nothing more than a glorified softball team...LOL...Can you believe that. This player was a really good football and baseball player. How many kids gets a chance to play in a state tournament? It was early season for football, the coach should have told the kid to go play for Caldwell County and represent them well...instead he had to play baseball with his football coach hanging over his head worried about football....any comments on that...

    Carolina man
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Boy!!!! you would think in Caldwell county where baseball is revered, the community would have a talk with the football coach. Perhaps, re-teach him the importance of community pride....either that or sic the "Bleacher Bums" on him. He'd get the message real quick.:laugh4:
  7. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    It came close, Jeff Parham had just taken over as AD at South Caldwell and he has a lot of respect in the community, he got the word out to please cool it and keep it under raps ( Parham was trying to look after his football coach). I don't think he wanted to deal with that hornets nest as a new AD. That's the word I got anyway. Post 29 got beat two and out. If we had went deep into the tournament, it probably would have gotten nasty.

    Carolina Man
  8. SCSpartanFan

    SCSpartanFan Full Access Member

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    Mar 31, 2003
    Carolina Man,

    Before you make those kind of comments you need to make sure you get your facts straight. First of all there is no conflict between Coach Parham and Coach Carter or between football and baseball and there never has been, the two are good friends and have always worked well together. Coach Carter sends out a summer calender to all his players a month before school ends and this give Coach Parham a chance to schedule around conflicts if at all possible. Coach Carter also has all his work-outs in the mornings so it does not interfere with anyone playing ANY SUMMER SPORTS. or for the kids who need to work in the summer.
    But the simple fact of the matter is Legion B is finished before football practice starts , Legion A however is another matter. High School football practice starts the first week of August always has....... The North Carolina High School Association mandates that each player must attend 6 practices before that can participate with contact, and 5 contact practices before they can participate in any scrimmage or game.. that is the North Carolina Athletic Association rule, any team caught not following this policy is subject to forfeit. As far as Coach Carter at South Caldwell goes, he allows players to miss 3 practices after that they are off the team, unless the absence is due to illness or death in the family. The church softball comment you spoke of was taken totally out of context.......What Coach Carter said was, Legion Ball is not a high school sport and if allows legion players to miss practice then he also must excuse players who want to participate in the state church softball tournaments that are also held at this time, or players whose families wait till the first week of August to take their family vacation or players who want to go to church camp or band camp or whatever else. As a high school coach you have to be fair to your players ..that means you must treat them all equally,,,if you tell your players they can miss for baseball games then you have to excuse, softball games or beach trips or whatever else....Coach Carter always tries to be fair to ALL HIS PLAYERS, not just his quarterbacks, running backs, or whatever...what kind of example does it set if you tell one of the potential quarterbacks he doesn't have to follow the rules but your second string offensive lineman does....He has worked his butt off to bring a respectable football program to South Caldwell, and we are damn lucky to have him, but he has to make tough decisions everyday and you can't please everyone...as far as this year, Cody Poarch has one missed one practice, and he can go to the state tournament, and miss Thurs and Friday, and still be fine, Messer will pitch Wed so Poarch will not be pitching wed anyway, Coach Carter always sits down with his players and tries his best to work with them in any way he can, but he also has to set rules and follow them if he wants to have the respect of HIS WHOLE TEAM, NOT JUST ONE OR TWO PLAYERS...

    The change needs to occur in the legion calendar, they need to take in consideration school sports start the first week August and that kids have to get ready to go to college, most leave in the next week.. the state tournament needs to begin early or perhaps best of three series instead of 5 so that their would not have these conflicts. Look at other options instead of bashing a coach for trying to do things the right way....................
  9. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Where in my post did I ever say that Carter and Parham had a problem with each other or there was a problem between baseball and football, Read the dang post man...Looks like your trying to stir s### here....I'm not aware about the Poarch situation (didn't say a word in my post about Poarch), but I am aware about the situation in 2005 because the dad of the player told me about it after a meeting with the coach. You're right that Carter has done a good job in football at South but it burned my A## to no end when he put that kid in that situation going to play for State Title for Caldwell County. All I saying is the Coach should have supported the kid and backed him going after a state title. That's just my opinion...and I do have my facts straight unless the dad was lying to me and I don't think that is the case because he was pretty upset, it was about 15 minutes after he got out of the meeting with the coach when he came by the baseball field while the 29ers were practicing. I even ask him to repeat it because I could not believe what I was hearing

    Carolina Man
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2007
  10. SCSpartanFan

    SCSpartanFan Full Access Member

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    Mar 31, 2003
    So in other words you're bringing up a situation that happened two seasons ago on what a parent of a kid told you....Just to clarify things,,the state tournament in 2005 was in Cherryville, there were 3 south caldwell football players on the team, the three sets of parents involved had already discussed carpooling and taking the boys back and forth so they wouldn't miss practice,,,,Mainly because all three were starters and their parents didn't want them to miss the mandatory practices so they wouldn't have to miss the first scrimmage or the West Caldwell game... as I stated before if you don't have your days in the NCHSAA will not allow you to participate.. The parent in question did meet with Carter on what would happen if they had missed more than three practices and he explained the situation as I did before. Parents tend to become very emotional and worry about things before they happen you should know that, as it was caldwell lost two and came home and the boys didn't miss a single practice and had a very successful football season....just as it is this season carter has already met with Poarch and I feel together they will be able to work this out...and everyone will be fine....I am not stirring up anything...and I am not the one bringing up things that happened two years ago...I dont see at anytime that Coach Parham felt he had to (protect his football coach) or things could have got nasty.....Coach Carter is very fair,,,,and very supportive of his players playing other sports...but lets face facts these boys have been playing baseball since February,,,,it is the first week of football practice and he has a job to do, and if you are going to be a part of the team you need to be at practice,, the legion system needs to look at finishing so that these kids have time to prepare play high school sports or get ready to leave for college.

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