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Caldwell County Post 29

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by Carolina Man, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. bulldogslider

    bulldogslider Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2007
    This might be the best thread on here

    I have also been reading the threads over the past couple of weeks and this one is the one that does hold true, the stats are ground breaking!!!!
    A coach, a politician, a player, a fan, a former college player, a hitting instructor, many opinions, many ideas, yankees, braves, bunting, not bunting, madison, poovey, south, west, hibriten, didn't play here, up against them, weak pitching staff, college players, a kid who is playing for team USA, ................................ now, Gary Hamby is the most winning coach in North Carolina baseball right now. he has more than grayson, more than parham, more than Bobby, he has a banner in the Hitzone to show it, he has started a 29er prep travel teams for the younger ball players to learn the system and play together like south does. Those coaches have done great things for Caldwell and are trying to better the program. I know for a fact that they are good coaches so why leave out one guy that they had most of their season up until the state tourney, why not blame him for the loss, they had an intern coach with them that plays college baseball, he saw all the good things and bad things that were not seen by any fan, player, or critic..... he stayed 3 to four hours after a game to discuss the positives and negatives and how to improve. he saw how plays were called, he saw when plays were not called in situations, and he even knows why players didnt pitch as good as they should have even though they were faced against a sophomore in the SAC collegiate conference, a kid who plays for junior team USA and going to the ACC, yeah no wonder he couldn't beat that pitcher...wow a D2 guy always dominates a D1 pitcher..... hahahaha i bet if you asked that intern what he thought about CALDWELL'S COACHES...........I WOULD SAY, i'm the intern who knows more than anyone on here, and i am saying this out of personal experience....."anything can happen in baseball" the coaches are doing a fine job, they have created a monster and they know that, they would not have it any other way. They are a dynasty, they get to the state championship and contend almost every year!!!! The coaches will never get fired, one day they may choose to step down, but if and when that day comes, i sure hope that i may be considered as someone who can step up to the challenge and CONTINUE the Caldwell Post 29 Legion baseball TRADITION. I learned so much from them and i know and understand why they did what they did. High school baseball is a different level than legion, so the practices should not be the same, its a much longer season and more back to back to back games, so practices are based upon what is needed and more relaxed than a south's practice. Legion is fun baseball that follows a hard nosed school season. The coaches? No question you say they look like the three stooges, well they may be the 3 stooges with 2 other guys helping them coach a team, but if you add up all the wins Gary hamby has, he is the most winning coach in North Carolina. Period
  2. bulldogslider

    bulldogslider Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2007
    This might be the best thread on here

    I have also been reading the threads over the past couple of weeks and this one is the one that does hold true, the stats are ground breaking!!!!
    A coach, a politician, a player, a fan, a former college player, a hitting instructor, many opinions, many ideas, yankees, braves, bunting, not bunting, madison, poovey, south, west, hibriten, didn't play here, up against them, weak pitching staff, college players, a kid who is playing for team USA, ................................ now, Gary Hamby is the most winning coach in North Carolina baseball right now. he has more than grayson, more than parham, more than Bobby, he has a banner in the Hitzone to show it, he has started a 29er prep travel teams for the younger ball players to learn the system and play together like south does. Those coaches have done great things for Caldwell and are trying to better the program. I know for a fact that they are good coaches so why leave out one guy that they had most of their season up until the state tourney, why not blame him for the loss, they had an intern coach with them that plays college baseball, he saw all the good things and bad things that were not seen by any fan, player, or critic..... he stayed 3 to four hours after a game to discuss the positives and negatives and how to improve. he saw how plays were called, he saw when plays were not called in situations, and he even knows why players didnt pitch as good as they should have even though they were faced against a sophomore in the SAC collegiate conference, a kid who plays for junior team USA and going to the ACC, yeah no wonder he couldn't beat that pitcher...wow a D2 guy always dominates a D1 pitcher..... hahahaha i bet if you asked that intern what he thought about CALDWELL'S COACHES...........I WOULD SAY, i'm the intern who knows more than anyone on here, and i am saying this out of personal experience....."anything can happen in baseball" the coaches are doing a fine job, they have created a monster and they know that, they would not have it any other way. They are a dynasty, they get to the state championship and contend almost every year!!!! The coaches will never get fired, one day they may choose to step down, but if and when that day comes, i sure hope that i may be considered as someone who can step up to the challenge and CONTINUE the Caldwell Post 29 Legion baseball TRADITION. I learned so much from them and i know and understand why they did what they did. High school baseball is a different level than legion, so the practices should not be the same, its a much longer season and more back to back to back games, so practices are based upon what is needed and more relaxed than a south's practice. Legion is fun baseball that follows a hard nosed school season. The coaches? No question you say they look like the three stooges, well they may be the 3 stooges with 2 other guys helping them coach a team, but if you add up all the wins Gary hamby has, he is the most winning coach in North Carolina. Period
  3. 1945ball

    1945ball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 11, 2007
    Here we go agiain his record, I guess that has nothing to do with the quality of players he has had. Those kids have played together for years and are quality coached until they get to the 29ers where they are without the leadership they need. When a coach is so vain that he has to have a BANNER boasting about his record that is sad. We need fresh blood with fresh ideas without an ego that needs to be stoked with banners.
  4. anotherspartanfan

    anotherspartanfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2006
    My 2 cent

    I just couldn't hold it in any longer...

    I have to say I am proud that my son plays for Gary Hamby. I feel that my son is extremely fortunate to play for both Parham and Hamby. It is the PERFECT mix. Parham can be in your face during HS ball and I love it. They need that for HS baseball. They need discipline and teaching and everything else he gives in his style of coaching. And what he does works!
    Hamby is generally more laid back, which is what is needed for the LONG summer of back to back to back games. And what he does works!
    I am proud that my son plays for a coach who has a banner with his wins. Isn't that what all this talk is about...wins? Why didn't they win the championship this year with all the talent they had? ......that's baseball, you don't win them all. That's why they have the 5 game series in the playoffs, just like pro ball, any day it's anybodys win. And the banner hanging in HitZone is not for him but for the young men who played on those winning teams. He is PROUD of those guys and what they accomplished then and what most of them are doing now. The banner is for those young players coming in to learn baseball and to learn the "winning" tradition of Caldwell County baseball and be proud of who they play for.

    At the beginning of this season no one thought Post 29 had any pitching (without Madison) and would not do as well as in years past. Even with the players who had "played together for years". Only Messer, Brown, and Coffey had true pitching experience. They couldn't do it all. It was Hamby who found the talent in Berry, Severt, and Poarch to make the deep pitching staff.
    Sure, anyone can look back and second guess situational plays and what should have been done here or there. I'm sure every coach does that. What I don't understand is the quesion of bunting. They did bunt. Ask poor Nelson who was asked to sacifice time and time again. They all went thru batting slumps, some worse than others, was that the coaches fault? And yes, they were looked at, suggestions were made to fix those problems, and what they were doing wrong, but not all took that advice. They had bad days (errors and bats) and they had great days (espn type plays). One game they lost the score was 1-0. Who would have thought that would be possible from the power hitters on this team. It happens!! That's baseball!!

    As far as the politician comments. I'll take the way Hamby talks to the guys and teaches about life, baseball, and Christ over some other coaches and the way they scream and belittle their players any day. I guess I'm one that has had the "wool pulled over my eyes".

    Parham + Hamby = SUCCESS (not only in baseball but in life)
    I consider my family extremely blessed!!
  5. RaleighDevil

    RaleighDevil Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2005
    Raleigh, where else.
    I thought I was done with this board until May.:10:

    I 've been around four Legion coaches. Two had teams to play for the state title, and another had a state title with another program. The success of all of them was largely a function of the talent they were dealt. The difference in the coaches is not nearly as great as the difference in the talent between programs.

    Did Wayne County have a veteran team this season? In a sense. We lose our three best pitchers, each of whom was with the program for three years, so that will be a problem in 2008. But we return the infield as well as players who started in left, center and at catcher. That extra year makes a difference.
  6. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    you couple of guys that dont like the coaches didnt put forth anything except you think this and you think that. as we said you are entitled to you opinion . my opinion is you dont have a clue!
  7. Angleeyes28

    Angleeyes28 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2007
    Moose and Bulldogslider

    Bull: I too hope you are considered for the Post 29 job when and if it comes open. If you think someone who has to have banners flying to show off his accomplishments can even be mentioned in the same breath as Grayson, Parham, and Bobby D., and thats who you look up to, most will have an easy time disposing of the 29ers when it comes to crunch time. Then maybe you too will be gone in favor of some REAL coaches.......unless you happen to have the STUDS to carry you. Have you ever seen Grayson and Bobby win with below par teams?? Most people will admit they have. Has Hamby ever had a below par team?? If he did he lost. He always has the horses to be in the race. Then when he doesn't win people like you will say well Madison this, Poovey that. I would liked to have been able to line my pitching staff up 1,2,3 the way he could have this year.

    And Moose: we don't have a clue??? Can't you get any better than that. How long did it take you to stare at your screen and think that one up??
    Its time for these guys to go and most people realize it. I think the program will flurish if they leave. Its not too shabby right now. But those runner up finishes that Baseballwidow is so proud of....thats the first loser. Several of those teams should have been Regional Champions. But stage is too big there.....Hamby has to COACH and thats where the others get an advantage...when he and his staff start coaching (or whatever it is they do) and criticizing the players...then you have got them.
  8. MOOSE

    MOOSE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    short and to the point
  9. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC

    Damn...where have I been and how long has this been going on...LOL...Great response by baseballwidow....I wish I had the ability to write like she does, I would have to agree....I thought we were done with legion ball for the winter....Guys their is a lot of difference between High School Ball and Legion Ball...They don't compare....There is politics in Legion Ball but Hamby is not the problem in the political arena. Hamby was offered a State Championship as CO-Champions in 2004 but turned it down. That was for reasons nobody wants to talk about ( when Garner was stripped of the title for having a illegal ball player, that just happen to be MVP of the tournament). But that my friends is called integrity...till my dieing day I will always believe Caldwell should be State Champions in 2004. That's just one example of things that has happen to keep Caldwell from grabbing the big prize....The list goes on and on....Hamby cares about the players and Hamby spends a lot of time in the program. Hamby has experience having total commitment from a few of his players to the program for the entire summer. I'm sure other programs has the same problems but its a problem just the same. But I do want to say that he gets 100% from most of his players. To win State Titles you have to have 100% total commitment from every member of the team. Until you get total commitment you will keep coming up short.

    Carolina Man
  10. 1945ball

    1945ball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 11, 2007

    BUT, the most important thing is quality leadership and that my friend is a quality that Hamby does not have.

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