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Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by Otis, Sep 3, 2007.

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  1. sickofthis07

    sickofthis07 Full Access Member

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    May 23, 2007

    yes.. word.. this man has no right to blast anybody.. im my opinion he is an idiot.. has he ever talked to tustle? has he ever talked to anyone but some parent that didn't even know what he/she was talkin about.. hell the parent could have been a cheerleader parent.. tustle doesn't want anyone to know where he is goin and who is talkin to him.. it is his decision.. period.. its his decision in the classroom also.. but i again.. were not on here to talk about this mans grades.. and who does gary roberts think he saying he runs from his past present and future.. screw him.. you came to one game, saw the best high school athlete in the state, and you think you can bash him and the coaching staff.. yes he was bashing buggy when he said he was runnin from the tortures of his past.. what kinda shakespeare weak stuff is that.. just cuz you don't have anyone down east even remotely on buggys level doesn't mean you can come up here and bash us.. If you read this mr roberts you should be ashamed of yourself, and get a life.. that is all
  2. baseball1623

    baseball1623 Junior Member

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    Jul 2, 2007
    i know we are not on here to talk about kincaids grades but from what i have saw he is goin after school to a 5th period so he can get caught up... for dude from durham.. he is a idiot.. anybody that has saw tus play more than one game knows he don't have time to get up as soon as he starts to move someone is offering to help him up... he don't play the fourth quarter? every game i have saw this year he played the fourth quarter. and everybody that said if he only got the ball 15 times and people would say he should get it more is right... the coaches can't do nething right. last fridat was the most carrys tus has had and Merto still had 2 TD passes. the TEAM played good not just buggy... The d-fence picked it up a whole lot after the first quarter.. Great job
  3. The Warden

    The Warden Full Access Member

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    Oct 21, 2003
    Creedmoor, NC
    I agree with one point in what he said in that the coaching staff needs to find other options so that Terrance is not over-exerted. I just would hate to see him injured because he was used too much.

    As far as his other views, he's a complete tool. But, if Terrance isn't doing his homework and keeping his grades up to par - That's HIS fault, and not that of the school system.

    However, I would like to see the academic requirements increased so that the students focus more on their academics instead of their athletics. Also, if a kid is academically ineligible or on the verge of academic ineligibilty - remove them until the player is eligible regardless of how good or bad they are, athletically.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Hey guys. This has been a good thread. Let's not bring personal issues (like one's academic progress) to TBR. It's not fair to the kid and in most cases it's based upon the same info the idiot from Durham stated, " I heard from a parent......"
  5. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2007
    Yes there are scouts there looking at Buggy and that's wonderful. Those scouts are not there because of coaches putting his name out there. His name is out there because of the press he's received and the talk around like this post.
    The point I was trying to make is that the coaching staff at McDowell does not put forth the extra effort to try and help those athletes who have a desire to climb that ladder to the next level. Let's face it most parents have no idea of how to go about getting their son or daughters seen by a college.
    I know in the past coaches were asked to write letters and send video of players only to be told they don't do that.
    Yes there have been athletes that have gone on to play at the next level but that is because they had a parent or an outsider doing the leg work necessary to make it happen. And yes there have been excellent players that had to do the junior college thing with the hopes of being able to move up, but that rarely happens. What percentage of college level players have moved up from the junior college level from McDowell?
    Maybe the lack of support comes from the fact that the past two coaches came from areas that were economically stable and most could afford college and they can't relate the the fact that for alot of the athletes at McDowell they only way they'll get to college is through scholarship money of some type.
    If they don't get that support then won't get the chance to further their education.
    Most athletes that I've had contact with aren't picky as to where they'd go to school just as long as they get to go, it doesn't have to be App, UNC, or State. They just have the desire to go.
    We all know that if a player is great enough and a school wants him bad enough they'll find a way for him to be part of their program. But what about those good players that aren't great but still have the desire. Who puts their names out there?
  6. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

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    Aug 22, 2007
    some of you guys are just as ignorant as the man from durham. first of all the only game buggy has had over 30 carries was last week against south caldwell. secondly their have been scouts at every game this year looking and calling buggy. third i bet none of you are on the coaching staff nor have kids who play who know exactly whats going on. to my knowledge the players on here that respond love buggy and know the coaches are doing all they can. lastly its no ones business except buggy what his grades are what is in his past and what he does with his future. he is a 17 year old KID leave him alone and let him play ball.
  7. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    First of all let me say that I think this thread should be closed and deleted.

    Kincaid is a amazingback and I wish him all the best for the future.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  8. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

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    Aug 22, 2007
    ive been thinking about this all day and heres the bottom line. everyones entitled to their opinions and they are entitled to express them. however when it is one that unvolves a 17 year old player, opinions-not facts-, and an idiot writer, the local newspaper should have enough decency not to print it. the whole town should be outraged right now, not because its best football player was verbally attacked or that the coaches or teammates were attacked but that a grown man wrote those things with no knowledge of the player, team, or coaching staff and was allowed to belittle and take advantage of a law that was established to protect and enact civil actions. i myself am at fault on this one, we shouldnt be writing about terrence but we should be worried about why this was even on the surface of the news and media to start with? maybe we have more to worrie about in marion than football players and records how about common respect and consideration of a kid just trying to better himself and those around him
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Let's let this thread lie. If one feels it's important to catalogue Buggy's season...that's great, but let's do it on a new thread.

    Good point frmrtitangreat---these are just kids.
  10. sickofthis07

    sickofthis07 Full Access Member

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    May 23, 2007

    ok.. on one last note.. this cat used to live in marion then he moved to durham.. never played a sport.. he's a first class douche bag
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