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NW4A-Week 8

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by interestedonlooker, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Fred

    Fred .........

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    North KKKarolina
    Isn't ACR's quarterback out for the Freedom game? (Did I read this?)

    If so, does anyone think that will give Freedom a chance?

  2. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2007
    Yes McDowell used to have size bit I believe Coach Riggs had alot to do with the "big" boys not wanting to come out and play. This is basically because his belief was that all you needed was speed and size didn't matter. So those with size sat the bench and after doing all that work and the word getting out the "big boys" stopped them from going out. Heck can you blame them who wants to work themselves to death all summer only to sit the bench because they were "too big or too tall" Couldn't believe my ears when I heard Riggs tell a boy that was 6'3" and 250lbs or so.
    Never quite understood why he picked the shortest guy to be QB. Heck back in the early 2000's our QB couldn't see over the center. It's hard to pass a ball when you can't see over the guys in front of you.
    Guess when we get a coach who's been a "hoss" and appreciates what a big guy can do for a team we'll have to endure those offensive lines that are bigger than our defense.
    On the BB side of things if you're a player like Petey why would you put yourself out there to take the chance of suffering an injury that could sideline you by playing football?
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2007
  3. interestedonlooker

    interestedonlooker Full Access Member

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    Jun 4, 2007
    Looks like EB is averaging almost 35PPG while only giving up 19.5.

    AC is averaging roughly 23PPG while giving up almost 43....

    But at home AC is tough......it will be interesting to see.
  4. OldRef

    OldRef Junior Member

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    Oct 23, 2006
    Western Burke County. Lived in the Hickory Area f
    A.C. Reynolds vs Freedom

    Don't worry about Freedom Friday vs A.C. Reynolds That bunch from Western Burke County are not very tough. I have watched my grandson's team now and they lack disipline and hart. The games against Shelby and Crest were lost mainly on Hart during the final minutes of both games. The games against T.C. and Asheville High were lost on effort and disipline. The offense is a bad as it could be. At least 17 to 20 turnovers in the last 3 games, I could be off a couple but I'm close. The coaching is well lets say there does not seem to be any disipline or organization. Don't mis-understand me there are several coachs that are coaching but over-all it appears to be on the defensive side. The receivers are getting better but the QB has a hard time getting the ball. The Offensive Line is lazy and will not, as us old timers say "get after your butt", the backs are not very tough and all they can do is try to be pretty and dance and bounce outside. Heck they fumble before getting hit. This might be the worst bunch of backs that Freedom has ever put on the field. The fullbacks are soft and will drop the ball at anytime, anywhere also. The defense will stand around and watch others try to make plays and they sure don't hit hard and do not play as a unit. The defense has it's moments where they are tough but they seem to be lacking mental toughness. They have found a QB, but just a little pressure from a defense and he will panic and make bad decisions every time. And if the receiver can't jump 34 inche's; Freedom ain't catching the ball. Last week at McDowell the defense's lazy and non-aggresive play made the McDowell back look like a All-American. Now Big Dan and the rest of you McDowell folk don't get mad. Ole 24 is a heck of a back but he made two of his touchdowns, on Freedom's lack of hustle and lazy play. Over all I look for Reynolds to beat Fredom by 28 to 35 points just like their JV team did tonight. Freedom better do some recruiting and get some kids in there with Hart and a will to win. If the game is tight don't worry, the Patriots will find a way to "self explode" this bunch can not over come advesity. If you watch the bench the kids don't seem to be paying attention at all. Now the parents can blame the coach's for play calling, but they have to look into the mirror for lack of hart and toughness. As Coach Bryant used to say you can tell if a player has a good Mama and Papa!
    With that said I hope your homecoming is good, I will sit on the Rockets side so my trip won't be a wast of gas.
    Look for East Burke to beat Alexander by 28
    Watuga by 21 and Kincad and Britetenstine put on one heck of a show. If McDowell can control the clock the score might be closer.
  5. ebhs1977

    ebhs1977 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2003
  6. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    It's early in the morning and I'm wide awake. Might as well put in my two cents.

    East Burke at Alexander Central It's obvious that East Burke has the best team they have had in some time. As I have posted earlier it's obvious that Alexander Central is suffering because of a weak defense. Russell and the passing game are very good but the Cougars can't run a lick. Look for Alexander to keep in close because they will score some points but the Cavs will sneak out of Taylorsville with a 10 point win. The Cougars could pull an upset if East Burke helps them with a few turnovers.

    Freedom at AC Reynolds AC Reynolds is not quite as good as in the past. They still have a weapon in Spencer and he will get at least a couple of scores. Freedom, who knows? Reynolds by 17

    McDowell at Watauga Two of the best backs in the state on one field. Kincaid will outrush Breitenstien but Watauga has more than just him EB this year. Watauga wins by 2 touchdowns.
  7. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    Freedom ain't catching the ball. Last week at McDowell the defense's lazy and non-aggresive play made the McDowell back look like a All-American.

    OleRef,using your logic every team mcdowell has played this year has had a LAZY defence because Kincaid has looked like an all american in every game.LOL
  8. OldRef

    OldRef Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 23, 2006
    Western Burke County. Lived in the Hickory Area f
    Freedom vs A.C. Reynolds

    Like I said if you read it. There were a few times that the Freedom Defense gave up big plays because they did not Hustle / Lazy all the same. McDowell's back is really good. I did say that. But he also had two easy runs in the first half. I'm over 70 years old and I could have gained at least 10-15 yards on a couple of Freedom's lazy defense. They had some players stunting in the same gaps a couple of times and their DB's were lost or they don't like to hit. McDowell was tougher then Freedom last week. But no -please don't try to start a argument. The Kincaid kid is relly a good back and I think his OL did a good Job last week. McDowell I was told only had one player, but after watching last weeks game they have a bunch of kids that played hard and out played Freedom's.
  9. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    Boy, you'd really think people(old Ref) that wanted to bash a team/coaches/players could use spell check first!
  10. Fred

    Fred .........

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    North KKKarolina
    Ref, you may want to be careful about grouping geographical areas like that- it makes you look really silly and mentally capable of ref'ing nothing but a game of 1st grade kickball.

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