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Monday's Tryouts

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by papagrande44, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006

    does it really take you 15 minutes? Takes me around 5! :talker:
  2. sportsmom

    sportsmom Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2007
    Sorry, my bad....my perception was that it was possibly a new coach wanting instruction on how to have a 'fair' process from some guys who had done that before. If you know the poster and know different, that's fair...I just thought it was someone looking for real help.
  3. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    127 Feet 2 Inches

    127 Feet 2 Inches is also the distance from 3rd Base to 1st Base. It's also the distance from 1st Base to 3rd Base.

    AND not only the distance from Home to Second Base but it's also the distance from Second Base to the Plate!

    If Outfield is your "thing" a throw of 127 Feet 2 Inches might just be a pretty good indicator of whether or not Little Johnny is going to be able to hit a cut off man (ACCURATELY) or not.

    So let's stick with the 127 Feet 2 Inch thing. Humor me.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2008
  4. papagrande44

    papagrande44 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2008
    Sorry to get the fire started. Thanks for all the comments. I am actually a HS coach. This is my 11th year, 6th as HC of a 4a school with over 2200 kids. My initial post was just to pick other coaches' brains and see if they may have some tools i can use tomorrow to make sure that the best kids make the cut. My principal does not look to highly on off season workouts. I do have them but for whatever reason, attendence is sparse at best. The worst kids i have are my upper classmen. Happens every year, senioritis or whatever you want to call it. I DO KNOW who my Varsity team will be. There are probably 3-5 slots that will be decided in the next 3 days. The JV team is another beast. Most kids that tryout will be 9-10 graders. These are the kids that i want to make sure i get a GOOD look at. I like the idea of sending the older kids to the cage and let them spend most of the workout on hitting/drills/etc. That is something i haven't done before and I will add. I am definitely going to implement a lot of throwing drills. I think this does separate those kids that can play and those that cannot. Those with "in shape" arms will rise to the top. Hitting wise, I can tell who can hit and who cannot after about 5 swings. Since my background in in pitching, the bullpens should run smoothly too. Again, watching a kids mechanics will let me know who can pitch. I guess my MAIN problem is that i only have myself and 2 others running practice and I want to make sure that each and every kid atleast gets a few moments in front of ME, since i am the HC and will have to answer to any complaints that may come. Either way, tomorrow is FINALLY here!!!! Workouts are no longer voluntary. For the next 3-4 months, those that want to get better are mine. Those that don't, can spend the next 3 days acting like they want to play HS baseball then enjoy the rest of spring doing what NON-BASEBALL players do. Thanks again for those that make suggestions. Just wanted to learn from others. And YES, i will have atleast 50, probably a lot more. Have a great start guys!!!
  5. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    I would but you know me........ The only player that IMO has to be dead on from that distance is the catcher. I would dare say that 99.999999% of the plays at third are fielded behind the bag or coming in on the batter. Throws off balance. With maybe a rare play for frist to third. As for a cut off. A throw to the plate is called by the catcher. Yes. an outfielder should be able to hit his cut man. But, that man is to move (use of his feet) as directed. This does bring to mind a good question. Why is a player in the outfield judge in showcases with throws to the plate and not the cutoff? Arm strenght and accurately.
  6. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Sportsmom way to read the heart of the poster. You have that true insight. Aguyyouknow say sorry. (Just kidding) It was hard to tell. Coach as far as the seniors. My son had a coach that had came in and was thrying to correct a few (lets say) problems. Put it on the line to them. Cut them and this will show the other players that its time to play. Bring up a few of the young players. The older ones will toe the line or go away.
  7. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    The 1st cuts are always the easiest. It's when it gets down to those last 2 spots with about 5 equal players that are the toughest. Do any of you coaches ever consider grades for the final cut with equal players?
  8. SoutherNo1

    SoutherNo1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 20, 2003
    Case in point: Last season Rocky Mount vs. Roanoke Rapids , pitcher is throwing a shutout. Man reaches third on an error. Next batter hits a one hopper to center fielder Brian Goodwin who hoses the runner at home with a laser from about 250 feet. Shutout preserved.
  9. sportsmom

    sportsmom Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2007
    Glad that you are here posting! Wishes for great days of tryouts, needed insight, and a year full of success! :clap:
  10. TriadMan23

    TriadMan23 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2007

    Aguyyouknow, you have been:sign0081: by the sportsmom!

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