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Positive influences on our kids......

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by marlinfan1, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ...in any sport, are sometimes not given the credit for their connection and value to our kids. These people or coaches etc. are the very ones who aren't looking for any recognition, but their involvement with sports and our kids are very much appreciated but not spoken about. So I'll start with my first couple of names, 1. Wiley Warren, my dad!, the baseball complex at Broughton HS is named in his honor, as a tribute to his support of growing kids who wanted to learn the game. The locker rooms at WFU are in his name. 2. Pop Rivers, who I have not had the pleasure of meeting personally. This man is trying to establish creditabilty to the prep games, be it fastpitch, baseball, or others. I'll bring in more names, and beleive me I've got a few to list who are just like all of the folks who "unconditionally give their time and efforts" for the advancement of our kids. Marlin
  2. 3bagger15

    3bagger15 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2008
    Garner, N,C,
    Marlin may I add to your list....

    ...... a name that probably not many people will know unless your dd played for him when she was young... Bill Schott. Bill moved back to his home state of Illinois a few years ago but he had a huge impact on my dd's life. He instilled alot of confidence in my dd that she still carries with her today.

    Moe Barbour... Moe made his mark on Legion baseball for 16 years, now he is in his 5th year at Garner High School as volunteer head coach of the softball team. Moe makes the girls fell good about themselves whether they are on or off the field. He is an excellent coach and will gain the same respect in hs softball that he did in Legion baseball. My dd was very honored to have played for Moe.
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Positive post my friend....

    ....and your two folks listed are awesome. You might not beleive this, but Bill Schott was my DDs first TB coach. He gave his time and passion to the kids 10u Challengers with pure class. Moe, I've known for 20 some years. We played against each other in HS and in college. Make no mistake about this TBR, I , in my opinion was way better than 'ol Moe. LOL... Hey this dude could bring it on the ball field when he was playing and I see no reason to beleive that his smarts don't trickle down the line to his teams. Thanks 3 bagger for getting in the fastpitch lane of the good stuff!
  4. jfagala

    jfagala Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2006
    Monroe, nc
    How about....

    These 2 for travel ball....Ray Chandler of the Cards and Rodney Threatt of the Blues.

    Before you call me a "homer" here is why.....these two look after kids who may not ever play for them personally, a few times not even in their organization, trying to get them scholarship money and get them into the right situation for them and their families. They do it because this is their lifes work, to get kids into school. Guess what the pay is? -$1000 or -$2000 each year for travel, gas, etc....not a great balance sheet, huh??

    I am sure there are others, but these 2 have been the most successful around Charlotte/Winston/GBoro area.

    LDFRDGUY Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 13, 2007
    davidson county
    mike lambross [n davidson] i've seen this man help any girl from any school get better at her game, my dd does no go to nd but he has helped her very much with her game and i've seen girls from everywhere go to this man for help and i've never seen him turn anyone down.
    chief [pitching coach] has helped my dd and many others to be at the top of their game and has been very instrumental in helping get their college rides.

    my dd will never forget what these two coaches have done for her.
  6. 3bagger15

    3bagger15 Full Access Member

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    Jan 24, 2008
    Garner, N,C,
    Bill and Moe

    I remember well back to the 10u challengers. If you remember that is where we first met you and Landon. Bill had such a way with the youngsters that they will never forget him. His son was nearly killed in a car accident not to long ago. He and cindy now are taking good care of him in his rehab. May not be to long before he moves back to G-Town.

    I have known Moe since we were in 2nd grade!! Great friend, great coach, great person. no doubt he will make a huge impression on the fastpitch world.
  7. sballfan50

    sballfan50 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2007
    shout out for these two

    My girls think the world of Chief at ND. Even after one had hung up her glove, he went to "bat" for the remaining one when she needed someone to speak up for her because he believed in her and thought she deserved a fair chance....Thank you Chief! Also Lamar Powell, ND's jv coach. He should get some credit for ND's success also. My girls loved playing for him. He knows more about softball than the vast majority of HS coaches. Thanks Lamar!:cheers2:
  8. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    I choose the one and only Cheese.....

    Ed Meyer is on the top of my list for the way he interacts with ALL players, not just his. He is always there for the girls no matter what team and is very respectful of everyone. I watched his team play this weekend and never heard a negative word out of his mouth.....some funny looks for bad calls, but he stayed low key.

    I would also like to add Ricky Broome and Steve Hunt to the mix. They help all girls they come into contact with no matter who they play for. My DD made varsity this year mainly because of the workouts these men had during the cold months. She has left every practice tired and sleepy, which she has not had in a long time. Ricky and Steve also come out to see school activities for their girls and show support for them.

    I will also add John Fagala and Rodney Threatt. Without them, my DD would not be playing anymore. These guys are true friends that really care about players whether they play for them or not. My hat is off to both of you!

    OOPS......Can't forget COMETFAN! Paul, words can't express how much you mean to my DD! We spent one day in Salisbury talking and you are the man!!!!!!
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007

    ...with my buddy 'ol Windbag, I mean Coach Charlie! This guy has had, AND STILL Has, a huge impact on the positive direction our sport needs to prosper. It was Charlie Dobbins who came to me at a rec game when LW was maybe 8 or 9 and introduced us to what travel ball was and how it might be of interest to my kid. I had no idea, as I'll bet most of all of us would agree, how special this game, and the avenue to excellence, TB can be, if we give it a chance. I did jump in with both feet and I'm glad I did. ALSO, not only was CD credited with introducing TB to my DD, he has done the same for many, many, more! AND he's had my kids back since she's been involved, and it continues today. Thanks My Friend.
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    the big CD, big respect from my family...you actually made my dd think about playing college ball with one meeting between the two of you...she choose not to because of certain aspects of education, but i was amazed that you had that power with one two hour conversation with my dd....gifted man you are, gifted.

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