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NPC Scores

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by ForTheLoveOfTheGame, Feb 28, 2008.

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  1. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    How's it going Wossa? Good to hear from you...

    Btw in NPC action tonight:

    Northwest Cabarrus-11 over Mooresville-1 (5 innings)

    WP- Overcash
    LP- Meadows

    Thought I'd go see a great pitching dual, but NW just hit the ball tonight, had 3 HR's.
  2. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

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    Dec 23, 2006
    While I didn't expect such a crushing defeat, I certainly wasn't expecting a win for the Devils. Overcash is a good pitcher, and they struggle against good pitching. The Devils have relied on good pitching all year and this week it began to show signs of fatigue. Neither Beaver or Aubrey looked good in their performance this week. I believe that the Devils should consider looking deeper in their bullpen next week. I would consider giving Brett Compton, who was the only pitcher that looked decent against East Rowan, and Aaron Meadows some innings. Mooresville better get it together or this ship is going to sink.
  3. johnnyray

    johnnyray Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2008
    The seniors need to step up. I see Jordan Settle on the team. Is he ready to play? MHS needs infield help. I remember at least 3 errors. McElhany needs to out there too. These are seniors.
  4. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

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    Dec 23, 2006
    From what I hear, Settle is cleared to run and such, but he was recommended not to make any cuts, which rules out running the bases, although he would certainly be an upgrade at third, defensively. There is one complete package player at Mooresville, Nate Abraham. Markofski is a good hitter, but struggles defensively, same with Jon who struggles at third but isn't bad in the outfield. West and Aaron struggle to do both at the same time, but if they don't hit they usually play good defense and vice versa. Beaver and Aubrey are great pitchers and hit the ball well, lately they have been part of a three man rotation at first, but both are a big step down defensively from Mcelhany. Aubrey is also not as good in the outfield as Compton or Cathcart either. I think the coach is having trouble finding a lineup that does both well enough to win in a game where the pitching struggles. I think one of the things that is absolutely killing this team is, in the decent amount of games I have been to, I can not remember any two games this entire season where the batting order was exact same as a previous games.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2008
  5. legionguy17

    legionguy17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2007
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  6. PutMeInCoach

    PutMeInCoach I Love This Game

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    Apr 4, 2007
    I talked to Settles dad last night. I would not look for him to play. Not worth the risk.
  7. DCL26

    DCL26 Full Access Member

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    Nov 7, 2004
    What good

    I have read the post and just can't but think what good does it do to put this in a public format. Absolutely none. We follow a simple process where my son goes to school. The player talks to the Coach, the Coach makes the decisions, if the player or players do not like the decision go back to the coach. Most coaches are approachable, high school is a time for kids to start maturing into the adults they will be. Parents Should have to let them grow in this manner.
    As a parent if you have concerns with the coach, then ask to address them one on one with the Coach, after your kid has come up the testicle fortitude to stand up for his self and exhausted all options.
    This is not travel ball. This is where it is a privilege to represent your school, and community. The head coach makes decisions that he feels is in the best interest of his team, whether you like those decisions or not. I watched Mooresville play this year and they are very talented. Can they compete in their conference, yes they can. I have watched East Rowan play also. The biggest difference between the two is that East has bought into what Coach Hightower is teaching, about life and baseball. Maybe there should be a course for parents. Food for thought.
  8. Ole Man Kelsey

    Ole Man Kelsey I'm your huckleberry....

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    Nov 5, 2004
    Coach Burchett does do a great job with the kids and program....do you know what it is like to coach and teach today's child? Coaches and teachers are always under constant pressure and they do not always have the backing they should.The MHS Varsity team has won how many games this year??? They won the conference last year.I know for a fact he emphasizes character with his team,but sometimes a coach can only do so much and ultimately that responsibility falls back on the parents as it should....just because we emulate the "Sports Reporters" on this board it doesn't mean we know everything that goes on behind the scenes....I just wonder if these recent comments would even be here had MSH defeated ER and NWC....support your team folks....be part of the solution,not the problem!
  9. legionguy17

    legionguy17 Full Access Member

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    Jul 3, 2007
    Just got a call saying East Rowan 7, South Rowan 3. No details available.

    Seems that the only obstacle between ER and an undefeated regular season could be NW Cabarrus.
  10. Village Idiot

    Village Idiot cloud of dust

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Soggy Bottom
    good call

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