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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by ForTheLoveOfTheGame, Feb 28, 2008.

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  1. dynomite

    dynomite Banned From TBR

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    Apr 23, 2008
    Gutless energy

    Johnny told me today that this board existed. After reading, replies I was of the understanding that some youth particpate in the replies. That is understandable after reading some of the remarks about "weak practices" and other ridiculous remarks. I never found the article that referred to the practice incident that involved his nephew. However, I find that some of you do not have a clue about loyalty or integrity. Posting remarks from JohnnyRay and Game08 and especially the one that was posted by FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME that states there is 'no heart or leadership' is totally contradicting of previous remarks. How gutless this board is and how gutless most individuals are in general. You have a great team and great leadership in the Coaches at Mooresville. I have read every article that I could read to figure out who each individual is. The left field dipping Grizzly is an easy one to figure out. Good luck Devils. I hope you prove all of the naysayers wrong. For the kids, do something productive instead of writing articles that only allow you the excuse of not starting.
  2. ForTheLoveOfTheGame

    ForTheLoveOfTheGame Full Access Member

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    Apr 19, 2006
    Maybe i did not make my self clear when stating"NO HEART-NO LEADERSHIP. I was not talking about the coaches. Sometimes the team acts like they have no heart or leadership from within the players.
  3. dynomite

    dynomite Banned From TBR

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    Apr 23, 2008

    I would have rather you seen criticize the adults in this matter instead of a team that is 15-4 and 15th in the Sweet 16. That only means to me that the "no leadership" statement is bogus because surely the kids could not be at this level if no leadership was not available. Great statement that is extremely contradicting. Do you even have a clue what you are saying. I could understand if they were 4-15.
  4. dynomite

    dynomite Banned From TBR

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    Apr 23, 2008

    With the understanding that the coaches are not that good (according to the postings), then the kids have done a great job and leading themselves to a 15-4 record. How can no heart or whatever be in a 15-4 team. Sounds like someone is talking just to hear themselves talk.
  5. ForTheLoveOfTheGame

    ForTheLoveOfTheGame Full Access Member

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    Apr 19, 2006
    The team is good without a doubt. I have always pulled for them in the past and in the future. All i am saying is one or more of the players need to step up and be a team leader. Peer pressure works!!! I have not seen that on the playing field.
  6. johnnyray

    johnnyray Junior Member

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    Apr 9, 2008
    Dear Dynomite

    Easy to spot me. For the most part, I'm the only Black at these games. I live down the street and walk to the home games. I don't know who Johnny is or who his nephew is. I'll be happy to talk to you at Friday night's game. I don't believe I've ever posted a negative comment about this team, the players or coaches. I also support the football and basketball programs.

    Go Blue Devils
  7. PutMeInCoach

    PutMeInCoach I Love This Game

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    Apr 4, 2007
    I have never hidden behind my label on this board. The coaches all know my handle. For you to just join this board in April 2008 and come on this board and accuse folks of not supporting the team or the coaching staff is in itself a joke. Yes kids are kids and write things but for you to call people gutless because they make remarks you don't agree with and then accuse them of not supporting the team, the coaches and the kids, I laugh at that. 99.9% of the things that are said on this board are positive and about the kids. I hope you are not one of the same ones that says the same things about the football program at Mooresville because I don't think I've ever heard anyone say anything positive about that. And before anyone jumps on that, I don't talk about it because I don't goto the games. I'm a baseball fan.

    But you mentioned the grizzly in left field so I take it you are directing something at me. Do you think I would donate the things to the program I do if I did not support them? And yes no one has ever asked me to, but I do it for the program, kids and coaches because the baseball program at Mooresville does not get crap for funding so don't question my commitment to the program.

    I believe and have said repeatedly this team is a special one as is the JV team. I hate to see them fail because I feel their pain as if it was mine. That is how much I love this game and the 2 teams in Mooresville.

    I think the coaching staff at Mooresville does an extremely excellent job. I have never heard anyone on this board or in a public format at the games criticize the coaches or players personally. I would be the first to defend them.

    Coaching decisions yes, coaching strategies yes, but find me a baseball field where that does not happen. If you are a coach you get 2nd guessed all the time. That happens plain and simple. So if that bothers you I'm sorry, but it happens and ain't going to change. But it is not a personal attack at a coach or player. I'm a coach I've heard the comments but do you think I care.

    Coach Burchette takes a bunch of crap from folks that he should not even pay attention to but is always approachable and care tremendously about the kids and the program. Remember he does not have to coach but he does because he loves the game and the kids. Coach Meadows does more for Mooresville Baseball than anyone in town with personal time and money. Coach Wright is one of the best coaches and motivators I have seen and I have repeatedly told him that. These coaches care about the kids and how they progress in the program. For you to read anything else is funny and for you to question me and my commitment to the program is laughable. A naysayer, I don't think so. I recall my early season predictions before you were a member of this board.

    1. Mooresville 2. East Rowan 3. NW Cabarrus 4. S. Rowan and so on....

    I'm going to take a dip! Go Devils!!!!
  8. PhillyDave

    PhillyDave Senior Member

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    Apr 28, 2004
    One thing about you that if anyone knows you, ......... you don't hide behind anyone (because you can't hide that body behind anything) and will and always speak your mind. You have always been truthful and support whatever program your are attached to. I know personally how passionate you are with the program at Moorseville and all the players and coaches, the area needs more people like you.:N1yeeaah:
  9. dynomite

    dynomite Banned From TBR

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    Apr 23, 2008

    I don't know what your fuss is about. Grizzly was referring to a dip not a person. So you must be a big guy. That is funny. However, your a sensitive person. Sounds like you must have to aliases on this board because no one mentioned your title in the letter. They referred to a Grizzly dipper. If you are Grizzly and a Grizzly dipper then you must be a fat dipper. However, I don't know who was talking to you anyway. I mentioned the people who I was speaking too. Thank you for the kindness you have posted about the kids because they are the most important. However, I did read that you had a great idea what was wrong with this 15-4 team but you did not disclose dirty linen on line but in general you must have an opinion that you would share longs as no one knew who you were. GO Blue Devils. By the way, I have a kid that has played football and I support the AD and Coach. Great guy.
  10. PutMeInCoach

    PutMeInCoach I Love This Game

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    Apr 4, 2007
    Glad you support Mooresville. I don't attend football games, I'm usually playing baseball somewhere. I specifically said, I know what the problem is but I ain't saying. Later I said it was the lack of adult beverages. It was an attempt at humor as are most posts on this board.

    I forgot to mention Coach Stevens helping coach Wright. He has been nothing but an asset to the JV program. Go Devils!
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