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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by angelbaby, May 15, 2008.

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  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003

    If you believe this is even close to the actual number of illegal transfers in Charlotte athletics or other programs across the state...wow...you are naiive. This is such old news that it could have been discussed 30+ years ago. What do you mean I can't say if it were somebody else it would be different? It's happening now...in schools no one mentions. And do you know why? Because nobody cares about those schools or their programs. They don't have parents turning in teammate's parents. It's blatant, it's always been blatant and until they put some teeth in the accountability and repercussions, it will continue, too, as soon as the dust settles.
  2. mrl21

    mrl21 Member

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    May 14, 2008
    North Carolina

    I have nothing to gain, I don't live in Meck. County, and the high school my daughter attends, well, their season is over. I would like to put in about a nickels worth though. I have no idea of the whole story....but I assume that the player resides in Meck County. As well, I have no idea, but with a county the size of Meck., there are numerous high schools, therefore, they probably have "school districts" with-in the County.

    Now, in the county in which we live, we have two high schools, with a "school district boundary". My daughter went through elementary and middle school as well as her freshman year in one school district, then, due to job change, it became economically more feasible for her to attend the other County high school. After inquiries, we were informed that we had to appear before the County Board of Education, present our reasoning for wanting our daughter to attend the other school, and live with the Boards' decision. They did approve for our daughter to attend the other school, but we have to submit a letter to the Board every year requesting that she be allowed to continue to attend the school the following year.

    Therefore, the question of how long has the player been attending Butler, if there are "school districts", has the player been granted permission to attend an "out of district" school? Did I read that the player has been attending Butler for the past three years?......Come on.....Whomever started this situation must be very jealous. Why did they not say anything three years ago. Has it come to the point to "tarnish" someone else, no matter how long it takes?

    I do believe that we have gotten away from what is supposed to be the most important issue....."Love thy Neighbor". That is what has happened to our society, instead of helping one another, we would rather "hurt" our neighbor, which is why we continue to read about our neighbors children i the newspapers, in the "Obituaries" or in the "Arrested" / "Convicted" section. COME ON PARENTS, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY MORAL VALUES, GIVE YOUR CHILDREN SOME.

    Whatever comes out of this issue, I do hope that we as a society can change and embelish the "FREEDOM" we have been given.
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Really none of my business for the most part but I would suggest that they find out what impact the illegal player had on the won/lost outcome and determine the eligibility/ineligibility of the team in question. If the player has been there for 3 seasons I would certainly take that into consideration also.

    From everything I've read I would lean toward the team not being penalized by being declared ineligible. I would also make certain that the player in question be ineligible for all extracurricular activity if she is enrolled under false circumstances. I would also require detailed accountability for the next few years of all of the school's athletes and any others who are required to be in a specified district.

    To punish a team for something that had no affect on their winning or losing seems very unfair to me. If they haven't been beaten on the field and they haven't won unfairly their accomplishments should not be stolen from them. Anyone who wins at their expense in this manner can never honestly be proud of that win!!
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    my understanding is that this player had zero impact on any varsity game, basically riding the pine the whole way.
  5. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005

    Touche!! Best post on this subject so far!! It really is that simple!
    Great reply! :cheer:
  6. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005

    It is constantly said that there is no I in team, everyone has their role within the success or demise, of the team, Win as a team, lose as a team! Doesn't that in fact mean, that if that player is a part of the team, field or bench, then it should effect the team!
    I am not taking sides on this one, except to say, that rules are rules and it wouldn't be fair to punish a team in one sport and not punish a team in a different sport, for the exact same crime (per say)!
  7. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

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    Mar 5, 2005
    A very TRUE statement...

  8. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

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    Jan 30, 2003

    Bottom line the parents should be held responsible for this! The team should not. It's seems funny to me how this was brought up right in play-offs. OK how would you parent's feel if your kid was on a team that parent's did this and all the kids got punish for parents lying? That is selfish in my opinion.
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    You obviously are not from Charlotte. It's much more complex than simply moving. There is no guarantee that one's home school today will be the same tomorrow. A magnet school today may change the following year.

    Those who live in a small community do not face the same challenges as a metropilitan area; where your neighborhood gets torn apart with politics; where they can point anywhere south of Charlotte and say, "here, build another one"...and neighborhoods are told this is your new school, but across the street, you are going somewhere else.

    I'm not defending the cheating parent that lies about their address. But for those of you who cavalierly state, "Just move"...easy for some of you to say. You don't live here. You are not the one that is forced to move from a $150,000 home to a $250,000 home to keep your child in the same school with the same teachers, with the same friends and yes, the same coach.

    For some of you, financially, it's not a problem. But for many, it's a life altering experience that in most cases, families are forced to decide.

    Just as many of you do by sacrificing your resources to travel across the states in order for your DD to have the best opportunities and experiences in travel ball, those same families are forced to stretch or exceed their financial limits by moving in order for their child to continue to return to their same school.

    Those of you that scream outrage when these things happen (and in most cases no one has the facts) and piously pass judgement on the kids and their families (like happened to the family of the kid at SM); How come you don't share that same outrage toward the unscrupulous parent that waits to see how the season develops before they decide to "turn in" the kid for alleged illegal transfer...or waits to see how their kid's playing time develops before going to the Principal with an "alleged" transgression by the coach.

    The one's that circumnavigate the system with illegal transfers are wrong, but at least I can understand their reasons. The one's that turn them in because their motivation was always self serving and have no concern of the increased repercussions by delaying their 'information", make me sick. They only hope it creates an opportunity for their child....It's an indictment how low some parents will go.
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
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