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All State

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Ms. Diggety Dog, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. topdog5532

    topdog5532 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2006
    Well stated throwing heat

    It's just sad for the kids that truly did deserve the HIGHEST softball award in the STATE...................I could give you several for instances on the selection but it dosen't matter anymore this year, just try to get your dd coach on there next year, you will have a shot at ALL STATE.............

    IT IS AN ELECTION YEAR you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:feedback:
  2. kmale

    kmale Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2008
    "Straight from the website"
    The Association recognizes outstanding achievement among the athletes of our sport. Each year, member and non-member coaches are given the opportunity to nominate players for All-District and All-State awards.
    These awards originate locally as selection committees across the state use their knowledge of area players to make selections based on information submitted by the coaches of their districts. Coach participation is vital to this process. The selection committees consist of Association members from all four classifications who demonstrate superior knowledge of the game and its participants.

    I like that quote " Superior Knowledge":Reagan-hittin-head-
  3. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005

    Obviously the process is subjective and not objective. I have two daughters both of whom were all district; one was selected as all state and the other who had a higher batting avg was not recognized as either all state or all state honerable mention. What you cannot quantify are the intangibles, the skills, and defense (to any degree). IMO the committee made the correct descion as far as my two daughters are concerened.

    Let me close by saying two things: 1) your coach and more likely your AD MUST get involved. They wouldnt fail to forward nominations for football then why are they allowed to get away with it in FP? Complain to your Principal, your Super, your school board and if thats not enough write a letter to the editor of your local paper. 2) The process is much more political for all conference... trust me on this.

    Thanks again to Pop for all he does... if I ever get to Rome I will speak to the Vatican about your cannonization!
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    well put bothsportsdad, well put and on the money.
  5. ptichingcoach

    ptichingcoach Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2007
    Hopefully a helpful suggestion

    It would seem only natural that when a player is nominated for all conference, all district, or all state, the coach doing the nomination would submit a player profile to include all statistical information, teams the players have faced, achievements on the field, progress through the season and playoffs, and even the players success in the class room (since they are student athletes). Just submitting a player without appropriate documentation or miscalculated documentation only opens the door for second guessing the association’s decisions.

    If this is already part of the selection process, then blame the coach for not submitting a particular player.

    Just my opinion. Not asking you to agree just looking for ways to legitimizing the process.
  6. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Selection Process questions!

    The NCSCA (North Carolina Softball Coaches Association) took up the task of selecting the All-State teams when no one else would have anything to do with it. Also, by adding the All-District teams, more deserving athletes could be recognized for their accomplishments on the softball field. There were 463 young ladies awarded All-District from the 8 Regions and four classifications from each. That number was basically cut in half for All-State. The selection committees did not look at numbers, they chose the team and then counted to see how many were on the team and honorable mention after the fact. The State is not a perfect sphere. There are more 4A teams in some Regions, more 2A schools in that Region and more 1A schools in other Regions. That is why the numbers look the way they do. No one who did not make All-District made All-State. That is an absolutely false statement. There were some young ladies who made All-District who did not make All-Conference The reasoning behind this is because of the so many ways that Conferences choose their All-Conference teams. There are some young ladies on the All-District teams that did not make All-Conference, committee members believed they were deserving and put them on the All-District teams. Our Association is in the business of recognizing these outstanding young athletes and we do not and will not apologize for the selections. There is a process to be followed each year and more and more coaches are becoming aware of what it takes to get their athletes these post-season honors. Each and every one of the All-District players will recieve a certificate from our Association stating they were slected by our Association and the same will hold true for the All-State selections. Maybe, just maybe in the next few years the process will be understood to the point that we as an Association, will not need to explain every detail every year. We do know why other organizations choose not to do these types of teams each year, but that will not deter us from recognizing these athletes. Softball is on the rise and on the move in our State, and our Association will work to see that the players are given the opportunity each year to be recognized for their accomplishments. Call it politics or whatever you think needs to be said in these situations. What I call it is coaches taking the time to do the paperwork necessary to help their players have a chance at being selected to these teams. If you want to bash our Association for selecting teams, that is your right. If you want to bash us because so and so is not on the teams, you are probably barking up the wrong tree in most situations. If you want to know if your dd was nominated, try asking her coach. One last thing, as stated time and time before, the coach does not have to belong to our Association to nominate players. All they have to do is fill out the paperwork and the process begins. That does not mean they will be selected, but it does put them in pool of players that can be selected. Thank you for your time and comments.

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
  7. frenchie

    frenchie Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2004
    Thank you POPS

    Thank you for the time you put into softball for the girls.:clapclap:
  8. ptichingcoach

    ptichingcoach Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2007
    Excellent Explanation

    Pops...thanks for taking your time to explain the process. It was right on the mark. Thanks for all you do.
  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i shared this with Pop, and i think it needs to be shared with all of you. i have asked our head AD to create a position that is responsible for the paperwork involved with all district, all state, state teams, etc. it seems that every conference has a coach who just doesnt feel its worth their time to nominate their kids. this position would aleviate that, as i will see the girls throughout the season in hs and even if the coach doesnt nominate a particular deserving player, i will be able to do this without the coaches help. everything centers around paperwork and nominations. the girls are doing their jobs, the coaches need to start doing theirs also.

    just an idea to cure things in our conference.
  10. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005

    So there should be only 30 all state players? Think about the logic of that statement. This is not Rhode Island!

    According to NCHSAA, in 2007 there were 7996 softball players, 362 high schools, 51 conferences (probably more players this year). The coaches association selected 274 from all those players. Thats only about 3% of the players. It seems to me that 3 out of every 100 players will always be good enough to be legitimate all state players.

    I think the coaches association's numbers make a lot of sense. There is probably even room for more... if only certain coaches would do their job and nominate!

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