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Queen of Diamonds Showcase South

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by sftballjunkie, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. BlueHen13

    BlueHen13 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2007
    14QDT was a fun time. We got to play the Lady Blues for 1st time even though we are from NC also. They are a class program. Our catcher (my DD) strained MCL during a play at the plate (bad throw, 2 kids trying their best to get to the plate first, collesions happen). About a week and she will be back behind the plate. The Lady Blues showed a lot of class and many came to inquire about her during and after the game. It is a great pleasure to play people with obvious talent, deidcation and class. Hats off to the Lady Blues program
  2. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    A few comments

    1. Need to have a minimum of 60 minutes per game! 50 minutes often did not allow players to bat more than once.

    2. Would like to see more DI schools. Lots of DII and DIII. They have been more colleges there in the past than this year.

    3. Game MVP should be decided on the field (perhaps by the opposing coaches). Picks seemed random and in one game we had two girls picked off of the opposing team???? The score was 7-6! Our girls deserved better.

    4. Need to have better screening of players; in general the talent was very good but there were some who were obviously not at the proper level of play to be in showcase. This was supposed to be the best of the best.........

    I do like the format and its a neat experience for the girls; with a few tweaks it could be an incredible experience. It is obviously a very lucrative endeavor for Mr. Whiteside its seems as though anyone who signs up and pays your :REGamblMoney01HL2: gets in........

    Just my .02
  3. Neutralblue

    Neutralblue Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jul 7, 2008
    You are absolutely right. Pay your money...you are in. Call it a "showcase" and make the girls think they have been "selected" and make more money. It is a business that preys on parents who think their DD is the best.
  4. eyesup

    eyesup Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
    serves the purpose

    Here is my humble perspective:

    1) Many of us know several quality players who did not get in (not everyone is going to be happy with the pool of players and someone will always have an opinon in a tournament like this)

    2) We had eight players compete - Charlotte Cobras. Two were two time MVP's (Mak Mcateer & Brittany Jones). Six of our eight were original Cobras in the initial signing up period for the tournament, two were with other clubs, one of which does not exsist any longer.

    3) Of our eight players, every single one of them is talented enough and quality enough (on the field and in the classroom) to be awarded to compete in the tournament as the recruiting efforts by various colleges of all these players is evidence enough.

    4) The most important point of all: The tournament for our players served its purpose; Our players got new exposure and confirming exposure (gave colleges already interested a second or third look at them in a different environment). Many of them had schools talking with them when it was over and have already been emailing with me and vice versa.

    Overall - wonderful experience for our program!!!
  5. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2007
    A Great Showcase!!

    It is sad to see people bad mouth this event, when it truly is a great experience for the players involved. I don't think there is a player chosen who didn't think this event was worth it, in one way or another.

    The QDSS is a great opportunity for the girls who were chosen for this event. With over 200 college coaches in attendance, who wouldn't want to send their daughter there. The people who run the event are a class act group and would love to shake the hand of each player if they had a chance.

    There were D1, D2, D3, JUCO, NAIA and Ivy leagues all represented. During our 2nd game, college coaches were lined up behind the backstop from duguot to dugout. I call that great exposure.

    I have participated in this event as a coach for the past three years, and it is a great experience. For 11 girls to jump on a field with no practice together and play 4 great ball games, that shows the quality of the players there. With over 2000 athletes applying and only 264 being chosen, someone has to be left out. NC was the most represented state in the showcase(and probably the most prepared for the heat, along with our other southern state players).
  6. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    Read my posts!

    Not bashing the event. ("I do like the format and its a neat experience for the girls; with a few tweaks it could be an incredible experience")

    Just a few comments about our experience. I agree with you that it was a great event but could be fine tuned to be the one of the best! I thought thats what this board was for?????
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    Wow..this event has that kind of attendance from college coaches? I need to attend next year. I didn't know there was an event around our area that attracted that many coaches. That is outstanding!!!!

    Which brings me to this question: How do they determine who they are going to invite? 2000 to 264 are a lot of kids to narrow the selection. I'm glad I don't have to make the determination.

    Again....that's outstanding for someone to provide this opportunity.

    As an outsider looking in to the Softball showcase circuit and how it works, I'm mildly surprised about the complaints of money vs the benefits. After reading how families in TB travel all over the US competing in tournaments, something like this, close to home, should appear as a drop in the bucket financially.
  8. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2007
    Worth every penny in my opinion

    The event takes place every year during Labor Day weekend. It has been held at the Winthrop Complex in Rock Hill, SC for the last 3 years.

    I am not privy to the selection process, but I wouldn't want their job. I can tell you that they try to take the most talented who are the most marketable to college coaches...good stats, good talent, GOOD GRADES. From 2000, I am sure there are many. They had athletes from around 32 states represented at the showcase, even some from Canada. If you are interested in learning more or want to contact those who make the big decisions, the website is www.theqsport.com
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks Heat. I'm with you, I wouldn't want to make the decisions.
  10. ChiliDAWG

    ChiliDAWG Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 6, 2008
    Mint Hill, NC
    Good Points

    Well said RobMil! Overall a good showcase however, it is what it is! IMO money well spent - have spent much more for much, much, less!
    Hey, I understand that you received a "hateful" PM?! From a new user?! Wonder who it might be? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM, Better watch your back!! :whoopass::laugh1::laugh1::sifone::25: Don't take it to heart - you have many friends!!!

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