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Queen of Diamonds Showcase South

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by sftballjunkie, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. sftbl4ever

    sftbl4ever Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 9, 2007
    Tiffin University (OH), Western Carolina, Lenior Rhyne. . .
  2. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    What I saw....
    Good representation.......
    sorry if I missed someone....
  3. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina
    SC-USC Upstate D1
    SC- Furman D1
    FL - Stetson D1
  4. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Double Take...

    .....'ol Double Dog! You say I'm bashing QDSS? What? Look pal, read a little closer and you'll see that I'm not bashing QDSS. Wow, I spoke the truth, as I know it, having paid my $ and my DD attending QDSS for the 1st 2 years. You have NO idea what I know or what me and Kirt have talked about. If you PM me, I'll fill you in.
    As for the girls, I maintain my opinion that QDSS is a quality, affordable, local opportunity that is definitely worth playing in.
    You DDD can beleive what you want, good or not so good, but, with respect, don't accuse me of condemning QDSS when in fact I never did.
  5. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Fish....in your post, you question the integrity of the QDSS and the people who run it. It was wrong for you to do that.....period.

    You call out the number of applications, poke fun at it, and question the integrity of the applicant selection process. You say that Kirt is misrepresenting the number of college coaches that come to his event. You refer to Kirt's staff, the people who run it, as "yes men." You point out the erosion of the quality of the QDSS from one year to the next. And, you infer that Kirt (a friend of yours) is only in it to make money off the girls and it is not a quality showcase event, because the girls only get one at-bat per game. These are all things that you said....go read your post again. I bet your "buddy" Kirt is questioning his choice in friends....I would be, if I were him.

    Personally, I think you are WRONG to do that. Unless, of course, you have a better showcase tournament that you are putting on in the near future. I can't wait to see how many applicants and coaches that you have attend your event.

    On this board, I watch people throw stones at just about every tournament...either the fields are bad, the quality of competition is bad, the officials are bad, or the scedule is bad. "They're only in it to make money" is my favorite one. If these sanctions, whoever they are, don't put the time/effort into putting on these tournaments, where exactly would the girls play?

    FISHMAN, you usually make good posts on here. For some reason, you went after Kirt and the QDSS a few days ago. Only you know why you did it. I would say to you that some tournaments are better than others, and that is part of the "risk" of choosing where to spend your money in softball. I will say, in my opinion, that NOBODY has ever intentionally put on a bad tournament. Some tourneys just don't "make" as well as others. You shouldn't bash the effort or the intention of the organizers. In that vain, you should apologize to Kirt for bad-mouthing his event.

    That is my opinion.
  6. softballman

    softballman Junior Member

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    Sep 18, 2006
    I would put money on it that the LMU School was Lincoln Memorial University out of Tenn. Div. 2 and in the SAC.
  7. Mama Duck

    Mama Duck Bless your heart.

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2005
    Down from High Point
    LM U or C

    possibly Lees-McRae also

    MO might also be Mount Olive College in NC
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Let me make this clear....

    .....I truly hate that my post came over as bashing QDSS or Kirt. I promise all of ya'll that it was NOT my intention.
    I'm not gonna take time rebutting your interpretation of my my post other than to say I must have made a mistake.
    I speak the truth as I know it. Been there done that.
    You say for me to re-read my post....I suggest you do the same.
    1. I never said I was Kirts friend, Isaid I spoke to him as a friend, ie not bitching and complaining for some kind of gain. I spoke to him for what might be a change that would better his tournament/showcase.
    As for 1 at bat, now you're wrong pal. Been there doned that too.
    As for bashing the intent of the tourn.....you're wrong again, I've always promoted QDSS.
    As for poking fun at the # of applicants???? Huh? How is it that by me posting for Kirt to prove 2000 or 200, interpreted as poking?
    Lastly, I never "went after Kirt", period!
    I have no reason to do so.
    I do care about all of the kids in our game, so I spoke out on QDSS with facts!!! Not heresay, not bashing, nothing but facts!
    While speaking of QDSS you'll see DDD when you reread my posts that I have always reccommended this event.
    I have no agenda, but it appears that you might. Call me. JDub
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    Hey Double Dog....

    ....I've reread your post. What FACTS do you have? NONE? Whats your agenda? Why is it that you feel it necessary to call me out? The best defense is a good offense. Defend QDSS with positive facts, not knocking me or anyone else whos opinion might not match yours. Now that I feel that you've backed me into a corner I'm leaning towards releasing WAY more info/emails, but refrain to do so out of the sheer understanding that our kids NEED folks like Kirt, and their time to help the kids promote themselves.
    check your pm.
  10. crowe10

    crowe10 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2008
    Concord, N.C.
    Does anyone want to compare QDSS to the "showcase" in Florence? No comparison can be made, and that's a "fact".

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