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2011 Prospects...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by easternNCbaseball, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. carolinathunder07

    carolinathunder07 Full Access Member

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    Sep 26, 2008
    I've seen these guys.

    I was at the game and Rookie threw very well. Our kids played against him a few years ago in AAU baseball while he was with the Iron Horses but I had never seen him pitch. Seemed like a good kid.

    I have not seen Travis Long throw since the AAU days. He was either with the Predators or Storm; can't remember which one. Our guys commented that at the time he hit his spots better than anyone they had ever faced.
  2. gapshott

    gapshott Junior Member

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    Nov 10, 2007
    Mikal Hill and AJ James. Two Mecca-7 silky smooth infielders who can swing the stick as well. Should both play up the middle and bat in top 3 at Mallard Creek for Hill and JM Robinson for James. One more thing, they're both Dirtbags.
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    True. Good players. I've seen one of those two play a lot. But one more thing, I've seen a bunch that can play with them. And they're not DB's.
  4. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Before anyone gets upset, here is the point I was trying to make. I've seen Hill play several times. I would agree that he is a talented player in that age group. My point is he was a good player last summer when he was with SC Panthers. Joining the DB's or anyone else didn't instantly make him a better player. My second point is that I have personally seen several players of similar abilities who are not with the DB's or not with a showcase group at all. No slam intended toward anyone or any group.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    You cited an example that brings home this point. Playing for a recognized showcase team affords a player more opportunities. Alex Hill is one of the better baseball players to come out of the Charlotte area. I believe Alex set the State HS record with a batting average over .600. The problem was not many colleges had seen him play. Alex is a terrific ballplayer with an outstanding future at UNCW, but he was not recruited very strongly (certainly not as heavily as he should.)

    Now, his younger brother Mikal has been exposed with SCP and with the Dirtbags. I'd be willing to bet he will receive much more contacts and offers from the colleges.

    Although there are some baseball academy's, like On Deck, that play a huge role in developing a player, I have rarely read on TBR anyone stating the player is developed by the showcase teams. I believe the majority of posts have stated that a player should already develop his skills if he is going to showcase them....and some of the teams in our state that are active playing showcase tournaments do an excellent job creating opportunties for their players to get exposure. If you are going to play showcase, that's the bottom line. If a player is not developed in his skills, then it would be better that he doesn't showcase himself.

    I don't know why anybody associated with baseball would have any problem with the premise of Showcase baseball or specifically the Dirtbags, SCP, Cubs....It is what it is. It provides a unique opportunity for players to be seen. That's not a bad thing.

    Does it mean you have to play Showcase baseball to move to the next level? Of course not. Nobody is suggesting that. Listen, if a player is fortunate enough to catch the eye of Freddy Suggs, then he could play in a backyard tournament. Freddy will make some calls and you can be sure you will be playing somewhere.

    But I do believe every player should try to get on the most talented team they can find against the best competition they can face. Whether that's AL, Travel Ball, Metro, Babe Ruth or Showcase is a decision that is unique for each family.

    But I can say this in all honesty. Just because a player is a stud HS player does not mean his skills will transfer to the college level. Pitchers are the best example. A pitcher in HS that has a decent CB can dominate in HS...and get lit up in college. A pitcher in HS can dominate with an upper 80's-low 90's FB. In college, if that's all he has and can not hit his spots, that fastball will become batting practice. The hardest adjustment any player will make is the adjustment that is demanded at the next level. In fact, at the college level, they should change the name of baseball to "adjustments". If you can't adjust from bat to bat, from pitch to pitch, from inning to inning: you won't have a chance to be successful at the next level.
  6. ask123

    ask123 Junior Member

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    May 19, 2008
    There are a few more down east guys in this class to mention. Williamston's Christian Leggett, 2b and Stephen Scott, c both actually were 2 of the 3 top in batting average last year as freshmen. Both have tons of potential. Another catcher in our conference is Perquimans' Dustin Spruill. Also Jake Duke from Washington, a 3B last year is a gamer. These are some of the top players in this area, not only in this class!
  7. pirates05

    pirates05 baseball-lifer

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    Feb 10, 2005
    Braves, thanks for the kind words about Alex. He loves everything about Wilmington and playing for the Seahawks. I have to disagree with one putt about one thing. Playing for the Dirtbags, SC Panthers, Cubs, or any of the many talented teams out here does make you a better player. It makes you better because you are playing against, practicing against, and seeing better players all the times. You are also seeing and watching how the highly recruited older guys carry themselves on the field and in the dugout. Talented ball players are everywhere, Rec, Showcase, Travel, AAU and its up to the parents to make the choice to what road to travel to get to where they want to go. Personally, i am tired and disappointed to continuously see on this web site people write negatively about Showcase teams, Travel teams or what ever you want to call them. All of them are for the kids, just remember all of them might not be for your kid. Also rember that the kids do read this website so comparing this kid against this kid and so forth does no one any good. If they are talented, their play on the field will speak for itself. Lastly, this site is here to promote the kids in a positve way and with all the different people with knowledge of the game, and contacts, every one should be able to benefit in some way.
  8. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    I always get a kick out of these threads

    Mikal Hill
    2011 class

    Make up: Off the charts

    Will be one of the most sought after players in the 2011 class. He will have alot of options to choose from.

    "Coach that Hill kid is a player. Man he is a stud!" Quote from an SEC Coach attending the WWBA at Fort Meyers , Florida.

    Yeah he can play a bit.
    And so can his brother Alex.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I could not have said it any better
  10. Bulldog Baseball

    Bulldog Baseball Junior Member

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    Oct 19, 2008
    Rookie Davis 2011

    I have watched Rookie play a few times and he has a lot of potential. The game I was at he was around 87-88 mph with his fastball and 68-70 mph with his deuce and change-up hovered around 68-70 mph like his curveball. Big frame and I would consider him a top prospect in North Carolina for the 2011 grads

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