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I am so Impressed with this forum so I am going to share a secret...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by frankfulton, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia
    I am so impressed with this forum that I am going to share a secret today with those who are really interested in developing for the better. In athletics there are two components to performance that underline champions, Power and Speed. Some say you are blessed with it. Some say you must work longer than the others to get it. TODAY, a genius in Greensboro, NC, Jonathan Sherbourne, has broken the code to developing power and speed FOR EVERYONE!!!!

    This is the quick of the story. My son is 6'4, 240 and plays for the Marlins Minor League Organization. He returned for the winter last year and needed a place to workout. He visited this location in Greensboro and met Mr. Sherbourne. Jonathan asked my Jon to try his program for a few weeks and see what happens.

    After 72-75 days of working with this reciept of training my Jon went from 275 to 400 in the bench, 400 to 620 in the deadlift, 4.9 to 4.49 in the forty, 26 to 33 inches in the vertical jump, went from 22% body fat to 12% body fat and lost 6 inches in the waiste!!!! A program that take 45 minutes a day with no fatigue, soreness, or extra enhancements!!!! I couldn't believe it so I started researching the program and decided to do it for myself.

    I am 51 and after 4-5 months I too saw things happen to me that were unbelieveable. I went from 135 to 275 in the bench, 155 to 345 in the deadlift, and I am running almost stide for stride with the youngster, bouncing around in my daily work, and never tired, sore, etc.

    Naturally, I have poured my energies into developing the networking of this program so that others could benefit. We are collecting data on the athletes that are participating and we are finding that on average we are knocking .4 seconds off sprint times, adding 65% total body power, and increasing vertical jumps by 3.5 inches.

    So back to my boy and his 2007 season. Jon goes back to spring training and at the end of the spring they call him into the office and decide to move him from 3B to Pitcher. He makes the move starting off throwing 88 mph on his fastball. By the end of the season he is hitting 94!!!!

    Something is going on with this program and the dynamics are so simple and yet so amazing. I want this forum to be the first to have the info and we will provide you a link shortly on how to read up on the secrets of the protocol.

    It is so simple and yet so dynamic. We are seeing athletes turn 7.8 60 yard dash times into 6.8, 7.2 to 6.5, and we are seeing confidence and good power pitching turning out by the guys who are following the system.

    Finally, I share one more interesting item. This program is adaptable to every workout, sport, and practice regiment!!! Girls, Guys, young and old. It is great for everyone.

    I will be looking forward to answering every question, critical response, and positive search. I know this sounds like another quick-fix, medicine-man scam but I put my family honor on the line with this one.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No question....I need to get involved in a program like this. Well, let me be more accurate; my wife suggests I get involved in a program like this.

    Please, I am not being disrespectful and I trust a man that says he puts "his family's honor" before a statement, but I hope this generates some quality questions.
  3. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia
    Reply to the Braves

    No disrespect taken. I mentioned my family because every coach knows that when he takes on a new mission, a new school, a new program, he must put everything he has into the program. He must believe in his mission and he must have conviction to stand tall against all the arrows shot. I have said this before and will share once again. Mr. Woody Hayes, of Ohio State Fame, was quoted, " If you do not like what happened, come back with bigger horses"

    And this statement is so true. If you do not like what happened to you in work or coaching or playing then you need to regroup, retool, and come back stronger, meaner, faster, and more determined than ever. This applies to us all in everything we do.

    I have been in many battles and understand this concept firsthand. Now it is time to get back into the game and take no prisoners. Be it coaching, or getting in shape, or improving communications.....whatever. I know that this program has been a part of my move back into the game. And I thank God everyday for the opportunity to get back at it.

    Give me a few more days and I will be able to send you the website that will give you some motivation. My fourth son said it best one day and I love using this little quote of his. "Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do."

    Holla back anytime and thanks for reading this morning.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Thanks for providing the information. I'm looking forward to the link
  5. jd05

    jd05 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2007
    in space and time
    I'm in..

    Could you PM me .. I have 3 Children .. 1 college soccer Player. 1 HS Baseball Player and 1 Daughter that plays Travel Vball. All in cluding myself would be interested in the program... let me know..
  6. ebdean

    ebdean Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2004
    Question for Frank

    Welcome to TBR. We have spoken a couple of times regarding PG Showcases and it has always been a pleasure talking to you. Could you discuss the philosophy behind Jonathon's workouts for power and speed and also an overview of the workout?

  7. frankfulton

    frankfulton Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2008
    Danville, Virginia
    Quick Over View Reply

    Thanks for note today. The program takes all that we ever thought was right about working harder and longer and dispells the notion of the more you do the stronger you become.

    Everyone tries to do what the pros do or the colleges do with respect to training. But there is a big riff between baseball development and football development. There is a lack of understanding on muscle development and strength development. Baseball copies football workouts because pro baseball decided to use football weight trainers to improve their boys. But there are problems with this model and baseball kids are suffering as a result.

    The proper formula for baseball development is actually a true throwback to the old rock hard country strong development of years gone by. Do you not remember how the best players use to come out of the fields and countryside? It is because they knew how to be effiecent with there bodies to get the work done. Today people think they are strong because they are big and look the part. WRONG. Tons of reps only swells the body and tires the body. This program produces better strength gains in a fraction of the time without muscle fatigue or lenghty periods of rest.

    Knowing how to train efficiently is knowing how to work smart. This is what Jon's program has done. It teaches the warriors who use it how to work effectively, efficently, and daily.

    In a few days we will have the website ready for public viewing and we will be setting up seminars to demonstrate the protocol. To provide a series of step or write an outline would only cheapen the process. We have it ready to go but it must be provided in the context of a class or a seminar because each point of the program must be understood before anyone can participate. It takes a few days to teach the processes that will take place within the body, the mental approach to the workouts, and establish a baseline for dedicated participants to follow.

    So hang tight for a few more days until we finish the guts of the protocol program. In the meantime, let me know if there would be an interest in having a class or seminar in your community. We definately welcome interested athletes to come visit us in Danville or Greensboro and eventually we hope to certify others so they can teach the program properly.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  8. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2008
    OK, the hook has my attention

    Is the program similar to Velocity or is it a different regimen altogether?

    Anxious to hear more.
  9. Capsbaseballlhp

    Capsbaseballlhp Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2007
    Please inform me

    Can you please inform me by PM about this program
  10. LClefty04

    LClefty04 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2004
    Sounds sketchy. I went through four years of college baseball and every workout I had I was fatigued or sore afterwards. Also use to train at Carolina Sports Performance(now Epicenter) and they made me a lot stronger and quicker but I worked hard for it, which caused some soreness and fatigue.

    If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is and I imagine this kind of training isn't cheap.

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