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If you could change anything in HS baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2003
    Now i would vote the opposite of that and let the high school coach coach all their players year round if they wanted to put in that much time. do away with the only 8 players rule for off season
  2. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2006
    Here's another side to that situation. My son plays his travel ball for an opposing HS Coach from our conference. On his summer team 5 out of 20 players are from the coach's HS (although I sometimes read on this board that the majority of the team is his players). I believe that this coach gives equal if not additional instruction to the kids that don't play on his HS team and I know my son is extremely thankful to this quality coach. I have heard him tell several players "I'm going to hate to face you this year, but we need to make a few adjustments." That is truly unselfish coaching. Many coaches have an opportunity to coach summer teams, I see no reason to take that opportunity away from the ones that want to, regardless of the circumstances.

    I guess every player is different when facing your own coach and it may be awkward to some. I know my son got to play against his HS coach in a Legion game last summer (our HS is split between two Legion Posts). My son says that was a special night and will remember it for a long time. I guess everyone has a different mindset, but it is what you make out of it. Shoot, my boy would take on me and his Mom if he thought he could beat us. But I still hit pretty good oppo and Mom's got good range and a cannon from SS.

    Hit with WOOD!
  3. RedSoxFan

    RedSoxFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2005
    Conference Games

    I would still like to see conference games played as a "3-game" series. Many times in high school ball, the ace pitcher faces each other in both conference games. This would ensure the #2 and #3 face each other as well. This will show which team has the pitching to beat the other teams hitters or vice versa.

    Most conferences have between 6 and 8 teams so this would account for 18 to 24 games per year. You could play a Tuesday game at one location and a Thursday/Friday series at another location and swap each year.

    One potential problem would be make up games and fitting in non-conference games to fill the schedule.

    Oh - another thing....potentially shorten the length of the game allowing the kids to get home quicker by HITTING WITH WOOD!!
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2009
  4. BigDipofCope

    BigDipofCope Full Access Member

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    Jan 26, 2006
    I like the idea of playing a 3 game series in conference. Heck do it like alot of colleges now, play a Friday evening game, then a doubleheader on Sat. afternoon. No loss of school time there. Have the following Tue. be the makeup/non-conf. day. The only problem is big conferences would have too many games. The game limit is something like 24 right now for the season. If you had 10 teams in your conference, you couldn't do that. For small conferences however, it would be ideal. This is a rule that would have to be made on a conference by conference basis.
  5. NCbsbller

    NCbsbller Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2008
    Just wondering

    Which rules are not being inforced? I thought the NCHSAA took care of handling all of that. I do agree about the academic standards. Maybe something above a 2.5. Doesn't Charlotte/Meck schools already have that in place?

    Personally, I would love to see the bat girls with the little shorts make a comeback. Also, Hotdogs 2 for a dollar.

    High School Baseball is the absolute best to watch!!Hands down!!! College ball has become so much of a business and pro ball is well pro ball.
    A high school coach that can mold the players he has been given by the school district into a great player is worth more than their weight in gold.
  6. Freddy Suggs

    Freddy Suggs Full Access Member

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    Nov 16, 2007
    This board don't like for us to call out people but I will tell you that it is not right that most high school coaches work their butts off and plays by the rules when some get called out every year for not and nothing is done about it. I know where an intersquad high school came is this saturday and has 20+ players at every fall practice. So, you tell me why every high school coach can't do that...
  7. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    I know this will be controversial, but I think the transferring of top kids to load up certain schools is getting out of hand. Competition for talent is the way it should be for travel teams and college coaches. But HS coaching should be about taking the kids in your school district and building a program out of them.
  8. itslife

    itslife Full Access Member

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    Nov 7, 2007
    It's more than just a game sometimes

    I am going to ague a little against the higher academic standards. Please look up and down every college and pro baseball, football, basketball, hockey team and you will find one or two very gifted athletes that probably could not balance all the numbers in their check book. You’re going to steal this opportunity from them by not giving them a chance to play? Go to some inner cities and sports are all that keep some kids out of trouble and gives them hope for a better future. Sports can build Character in kids that are not getting any examples anywhere else in their lives! They can keep kids in school that have no other reason to stay. Sports are the best thing some kids have and it is giving them what they need to make it in the world. Maybe not as a college or pro player but maybe just giving them the base of a strong confidant person that will start believing in themselves. I think sports should be the last thing you take away from a kid that is having trouble in school. We all need to succeed somewhere!

    Two examples – One kid I knew years ago was a strong, hard throwing lefty that if you saw him throw, knew he was the real deal! School was hard and was taken off the team because of grades. What happened next – He drops out and I am not going into any more details about him but to say even if he had not made it playing ball he would have benefited by staying in school! Absolutely loved the kid! Second guy I knew really struggled in school but stayed right ahead of being asked to leave the team. Great player and in a final summer decision a D1 school lost a player and decided to give him a shot. Now remember no other school was going to take him but he was given a change and it was time for everything to start clicking for him. He went to college and actually started getting it. Good grade and outstanding athlete! Got drafted and is still playing but also has a degree and can get a job if his playing days end!

    In my opinion - if you have a kid that is struggling in school you make him or her join a team!! It may be their best shot in life! No kid is worse off from meeting and spending time with the Freddy Suggs or Coach Mays of this world.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2009
  9. blueagle7

    blueagle7 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 2, 2009
    you gotta love h.s.baseball.it's pure it's fun,and no big leaguing.
  10. itslife

    itslife Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2007

    Ok sorry for the rant! Did not mean to spin a very enjoyable thread negative.

    I would love to see Wood Bats
    FLorida weather all the time!!!!!!
    Coaches making enough money to only worry about making the kids better!

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