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Veritas - Kernersville

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by RedWolves3, Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Although many people have raised some excellent points on the first thread devoted to Veritas, I don't believe anybody wants to see any kid get hurt. I still don't know if it's been confirmed about the status of Veritas and its future (at least not on TBR), but whatever happens, I believe most of us want to see all of the players reach their dreams.

    Quite frankly, based on what has been reported here, it sounds like a mess (grades) and the potential difficulty in transferring to other schools. But if they can work it out, tryouts have not started, so I can't imagine how that would infringe on any other player trying out for the team. And outside of petty jealousies, I don't know why anybody would begrudge a kid trying to better himself spiritually.

    For those that are talented enough to play beyond HS, this will not affect them. They still have opportunties to do so outside of playing HS baseball.

    FOUL BALL Junior Member

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    Oct 22, 2008
    I can't totally speak for PD but it's not Veritas that bothers him. He and I have spoken about it. It's the whole thing of sports over education. Less focus on HS baseball and more on other baseball activities.

    Veritas is/was not putting sports over education. Thats why people not involved should not speak on it when they arent well versed on the school and its classes. All of the core classes offered are HONORS classes, the electives are Bible and Leadership, that amounts to 5 hours a day. Then 3-4 hours a day on their perspective sport. Veritas never ever indicated to any athlete/family involved that sports came before education. The sports over education is a gross misconception manifested on blogs such as this one. I understand now that 10 of the 12 teachers have left. This is a serious impact on the boys who needs everyones support. Also 4 of the 5 seniors have left and the one remaining, his father is an employee of the school. So thanks for all your support, positive comments and prayers.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    I am aware of that. That is why I was considering the school for my son. I am personally well aware of the school's goals.

    I heard teachers were not being paid. I am very sorry to hear that some have left. And since this has come up I have prayed every day for those boys.
  4. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    Maybe he's not talking about the school putting athletics before academics. Maybe he's talking about the parents doing it.

    FOUL BALL Junior Member

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    Oct 22, 2008
    If you read my comment it was never even a thought of the parents. And even if it was, the school didn't allow it. Academics is first and foremost with a strong emphasis on athletics. PERIOD. Why don't you and everyone else here join us tonight at 7 o'clock at Central Baptist Church in Oak Ridge to learn more and then you can all be aware of what is happening.
  6. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    FB, I think we all got that message and everyone is in agreement with you. Good luck.
  7. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    Foul Ball, I know nothing about Veritas Sports Academy. I do not live in the area. Here is what I do know. We now have kids changing schools all over the place because they and their parents are looking for for a leg up in the ratrace that is college and pro sports. If that's not putting athletics ahead of academics, I don't know what is. If it was Veritas Academic Academy and offered no sports programs, how many of those kids would be attending now?
  8. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    Some things to think about...

    It is a right to go to a public school. Public schools are provided by state and local governments for our kids.

    Any kid that wants to transfer can as long as he meets local requirements. As far as the credit issue goes, schools have different formulas to help get kids ont eh right track with the needed credits to graduate. For example, if a kid transfers to our school from a school not on the 4x4 block, there is a formula (don't remember it though). Schools all over the state do this, so i dont see where a kid that attended Veritas would be penalized.
  9. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    Dear Lord, Give me the strength not to post on this thread. Thank you baby Jesus. Signed, Diesel
  10. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

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    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    FB where do you get that in your words I'm a hater. I posed my comments more so about the kids possiablly losing credits and being able to play. And that as it has been said many times on transfering threads in justifying transfers "It is the parents decision". I will only apoligize for one thing. In my 1st post I said that the kids will have to pay the price of there parent decision. As we all know maybe we make choices for our kids that may hurt them not meaning to. FB please go back and read what I said and if needed to. Also, go back and refer to the comments that I commented on.
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