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Sliding--to be or not to be

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by softballphreak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    I've read enough on here to form my opinion. What prompted me to ask the head-first slide question was an article I had read that said it was more efficient and less dangerous than the feet-first slide.

    I now believe the head-first slide doesn't offer any advantage and is definitely not worth risking a lifetime in a wheelchair. I would feel bad enough for a kid to tear an acl but to be paralyzed is something I could never forgive myself for.

    Thanks everyone for the input. Now, my other question about whether everyone should be taught and required to slide. Some, not all, larger girls have a rough time with sliding. I think this may be due to the fact that they can't get up enough speed to overcome the weight issue. In other words, it's more like a crash and burn rather than a slide. Therefore, I believe this is an example of why there should be some exceptions. Of course, the larger girls have a tendency to hit it far enough not to have to slide.

    What's the opinions on the slide exceptions?
  2. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    I think Your Assumption Is Correct !!!

    I believe you answered your own question with heavier kids there is not enough momentum forward to gain distance once on the ground that's why their length of slide is less. Faster / slimmer kids get the correct speed for the distance to start a slide, and finish the pop up at the end... Guru

  3. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    sometimes though, a big kid sliding into a base, no matter the aesthetics of the slide, can be effective... nobody wants to be mashed by a freakin' train!

    My DD, when she played baseball (6 through 10 yrs old) was always one of the bigger kids, and one of the fastest. She "bloodied" a few catchers and hit one 3rd baseman so hard he ended up in the dugout. Even today, now that they are all in high school, there are a few boys that still give her a pretty wide berth!
  4. coach cragan

    coach cragan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2007
    Concord, NC
    Just teach

    While I will not get into the argument about which is more dangerous, because they both are if not done properly. I will tell you that we teach our girls both ways because they need to KNOW HOW!

    For those that have seen us play know we are pretty aggressive base runners and it is usually evidenced by the dirt stained uniforms by the end of the day. Unfortunatel it sometimes is evidenced by the number of strawberries also. See the picture and you'll see an example from last summer. We have since went permanently to pants!!

    We practice sliding at every outdoor practice. I teach it starting in the grass. Without cardboard and sliding mats. I start small and we work our way along until they all feel natural doing it. Everyone of our girls are comfortable with sliding and they rarely hesitate.

    Attached Files:

  5. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    I remember Carley Hughes, now a senior at UNC-W, when she went to her 8th grade Social. She was the only girl in a long dress... because she had scabs on both her knees!
  6. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    Judging from the injuries in the picture I'm thinking maybe a re-evaluation of how to slide is in order. Looks like too much knee involved. I think they need to slide more on the butt and back than on the knees.
  7. pepper17

    pepper17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2008
    Union Co, NC or ballfield close by
    Try leg pads too!

    Just an observation, but I did not see any of the girls in the picture wearing leg pads. That will also help save some "skin".

    Are they sliding head first?

    I agree with previous post, slide with more "butt" and less leg. Don't forget
    the sliding shorts!

    JMHO:coffee::pepper:Time for coffee!
  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    True Story

    In college, my team was at home versus UNC. I was a freshman. When I got to my locker before the game, I saw a size 36 pants hanging as part of my uniform. (for ease of understanding sizes, a 36 would be for a man with a 36 waist) anyway, 'ol fishman was topping out at a 30-32.
    No BS folks, I wore those Jethro Bodine pants with a cord around the waist to keep them up.
    During the game, I was called on to pinch run for the safe batter at 1st.
    I got my lead, and BAM!, here comes the pickoff from the pitcher. I went back to 1st, feet first, OUT!...........oh, the tag got me alright! Right in the zipper!

    Racked in front of 1500 fans!

    I'd rather get hit in the choppers.:34:
  9. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    W/O getting to graphic these are GIRLS !!!
  10. baller

    baller Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
    Kids should learn to slide every which way..... different situations reqire different types of slides,.... hook slides, feet first head first, you name it, there is a situation. It is best for a player to be able to slide all types of ways.

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