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4A CAP 7 Outlook

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by spartan2_18, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Cougar10

    Cougar10 Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2008
    Wake Forest
    Yes Wake Forest still has Freeman, Faircloth, Buckley, John Renn all Seniors who pitch.
  2. chinmusic22

    chinmusic22 The Sheriff

    Likes Received:
    Oct 23, 2007
    I hate to break up the sanderson praising but they aren't the only ones defending the title. Millbrook is also. Both finished the regular season 8-4 in the conference thus sharing the title of "Conference Champions". Sanderson got a #1 seed due to beating Millbrook twice last year.There is no "tie-breaker" for conference champs, they just split it up and both schools are given the title. Just wanted to clear that up a little. Yes, I believe sanderson will be good but not as good as everyone is expecting. Honestly, I believe this will be a down year for the entire cap-7 even though there is very good talent in the conference once again, it is spread very thinly. Harris at Millbrook will be the ace with the #2 most likely being Bryan Lincoln. I'm sure most of you forgot about him. He was clocked at 89 over summer by a college coach that I spoke with. After that, their pitching will come from juniors and sophomore Eric Honeycutt, who are all inexperienced. The bulk of the hitting will come from the Hanks twins along with Lincoln and Harris. I do expect Enloe to make a leap up in the standings from last year with Jurek, Bula, and Maurer coming back for what I believe is their 4th year on Varsity and what about the Christopoulos brothers? I don't recall their ages but they can hit too. I have a feeling this season is going to be a wacky one in the Cap-7. I'm not going to make any predictions because that gets people way too rowled up and is pointless unless you have a time machine and can actually tell us who wins the conference. So let's have a fun time at the ball parks and cheer on our teams and hope they do as well as possible!

    To answer the question on Millbrook's coach. It's Brad Schrock. Same coach from last year.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  3. Cougar10

    Cougar10 Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2008
    Wake Forest
    I agree I also won't make any predictions. It should be an interesting season. My son played fall ball with the Hanks boys and B Link. Brian can for sure throw hard and the Hanks brothers always play hard.

    Wake Forest is senior heavy ( Gleason, Buckley, Freeman, Faircloth and a bunch more) and 2 juniors in Blake Pettit and Brandon Mitchell who will contribute in a big way.
  4. strike three

    strike three Junior Member

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    Oct 23, 2007
    Yes, Sanderson and Millbrook "split" the conference title but to my knowledge, Millbrook never even scored a run on Sanderson....
  5. spartandude

    spartandude Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2009
    how does everyone look so far - Wake Forest sounds scary with all of those seniors - is Freeman healthy
  6. Thumper #17

    Thumper #17 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 19, 2009

    Sanderson won the CAP 5 (yes only 5) in 1992. Then advanced to the state finals losing to Kernesville Glenn. Sanderson beat Rose in the Semi's. I know I was there.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2009

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