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Taking Athletics Away from Schools????

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by pride08, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. kanwj

    kanwj Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2007
    This bill is totally wrong. Students who participate in sports make better grades, have less discipline issues, are not as likely to use drugs, etc. I am not crazy about some of the coaches out there in high school sports, but if you are on the field and and busy you don't have as much time to get in trouble. Some coaches have study hall before practices which helps with grades.
  2. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Good point

    Have the schools compared GPA of kids playing sports with kids that do not? My daughter played HS and college softball and felt sports assisted her in time management and prepared her for the business world as she had to learn to get along with a number of different personalities and to follow directions of various coaches during her four years.
    The learning process is a "learned discipline" and if parents are involved, stress academics, stay active in kids studies, ask questions, attend PTA meetings, open houses, talk to teachers, hold their kid and the teachers responsible, most issue disappear.
    My point a quality school has it all and is a result of administration, teachers, parents, and students being a "team" working to help all succeed. School spirit which is developed thru athletics can extent to all aspects of school life as well as band, drama, scholastic competition. The economy has us all looking for ways to save money and reduce fluff, I suspect this maybe away to save money with a "cause" that on the surface appears to be a great idea but has little basis in fact.
    If there is a need to save money, then just say we have a problem and we must cut some sports in HS until we can discover a way to control our financial debit.

    Disclaimer: "These statements are the thoughts of the writer and are not the opinion of this board and or its members and is based on individual experience not facts!" (how is that for saving butt) I reserve my rights to change my mind daily, much like our president. OOPS, did I say that!:22_yikes:
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  3. softball247

    softball247 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 15, 2008
    Raleigh, NC
    Academic Eligibility

    Could someone tell me what the academic eligibility requirements are for playing sports in North Carolina? I.E. - If you are below a certain grade in a certain class, does that make you ineligible to play a sport?
  4. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Here You Go !!

    A student must have passed a minimum load of
    work during the preceding semester to be eligible at any time during the present semester.
    The semester is normally considered half of the academic year. All students must also meet
    local promotion standards, set by the LEA and/or the local school.
    A minimum load is defined as five courses in the traditional school schedule and three
    courses for schools on the “block” format. If the school is on an A/B form of block scheduling,
    a student must pass six of eight courses during what would traditionally be defined as
    a semester.
    Office assistance, teacher assistance or laboratory assistance may not be used toward academic
    eligibility. Audited courses may not be used toward academic eligibility.
    No work previously passed by a student may be submitted as part of a minimum load.
    Summer school work used to make up part of the minimum load must be applied to the most
    recent semester. Credit for summer work is a determination of the local unit.
    A student, upon first entering grade nine, is academically eligible for competition on high
    school teams. This also applies to attendance.
    A student not academically eligible at the beginning of the semester is not eligible at any
    time during the semester. (Exception: a student who receives an incomplete which causes him
    or her to fail to meet minimum scholastic requirements is ineligible until the course is satisfactorily
    completed, and eligibility is restored immediately). A student academically eligible at
    the beginning of a semester remains academically eligible throughout the semester.
    Alternative or extended day school students who meet all other eligibility requirements may
    participate in athletics for the school to which they would normally be assigned, provided the
    alternative/extended day school has no athletic program. The alternative schools referenced
    here are those operated by the school system itself. The principal of the school at which the
    students play shall be responsible for certifying their eligibility and shall have on file all records,
    including current attendance data, necessary to verify eligibility. Each such student shall be
    identified on the eligibility list, which shall be accompanied by a letter from the principal stat

    ing that these designated students meet all eligibility requirements.
    The principal and coach shall have the same authority in player selection and application
    of team rules and regulations with alternative school students as with those enrolled in the
    regular school program.
    Pupils enrolled in “exceptional students” classes shall be eligible for participation in interscholastic
    athletics provided the program of instruction is in accordance with the recommendations
    of the State Department of Public Instruction, and provided that in the opinions of the principal
    and teacher, such pupil is making “satisfactory progress.” “Satisfactory progress” is defined
    that the pupil passes a minimum load on his level. All other regulations must be met.
    At the end of each semester, a superintendent or principal has eight school days to check
    grades of students, removing such player immediately upon knowledge of ineligibility and
    no later than the completion of the eight-day period and restore to eligibility any debarred
    player after he or she has qualified at the end of a semester. Any student who has his academic
    eligibility restored may participate the day following the completion of the semester of the
    The purpose of the eight-day period is to allow schools ample time to check grades. A player
    should be removed before the eight-day period is up if the school has knowledge and has verified
    the student is ineligible.​
  5. CougarCoach

    CougarCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 8, 2006

    Take away what 50% of the students have worked for and punish them for the other 50% being lazy, slothful and negligent.....Oh wait!...WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!
  6. F-PITCH

    F-PITCH Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2003

    ONE NAME OBAMA :10_6_4:

    Let's start a petition against it !!!!!
  7. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    To the Contrary....

    No, No, No.....my judgemental softball friends. I am not Democrat. Nor, am I extremely proud of the Republican party nowadays, either.

    I am tired of our schools producing kids that can't contribute to society in a positive way. I am tired of young adults who can't read, write, or hold down a job.....but have great jumpshots or can hit a softball a country-mile!

    Priorities are wrong in today's society......WAY wrong. Manny turned down $41M for two years? Screw him. Peppers isn't happy in Charlotte? Tough...stick it out and suffer through making $17M per year.

    The Bill referenced certainly isn't perfect and perhaps it isn't worded correctly. But what it does do is attempt to put priorities back in line for high school kids who are more worried about sports than their education.

    I'm tired of hearing stories about "has been" jocks who "used to be" important to their peers, but can't function in today's society because they have no marketable skills. Perhaps this Bill is not aimed at merely saving money, but is instead intended to be a wake-up call for a generation of kids need to move out of their parents house.....for a change.

    I guess I stand alone on this topic.....that's OK, too.
  8. KnightsKnights

    KnightsKnights Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2008
    Bill's in committee

    Maybe one alternative is to allow those individuals who DO meet the standard to play at other schools.
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ....Hey DDD, my buddy! You're not alone on this topic. The Fish is only saying that its unfair to punish all for actions of the others.

    BUT, my Mom used to say to us 3 boys, "who did it?!!, nevermind lying boys, all of you get a whipping, so I'll know I got the right one"!

  10. WLfan

    WLfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 19, 2007
    You seem to confuse opinionated with judgemental. I'm pretty sure the political comments were aimed at the ideological implications attatched to such a bill, and not at you personally. Being a democrat or republican is irrelevant, but backwards thinking is sometimes just obvious. Didn't sound like anybody was disagreeing with academics coming before sports, that's just a gimme to everyone up here that I know of. Can you name ONE softball player that can't read or write? Explain to me how keeping jocks with good grades from playing sports, will help kids who don't care to try, or just can't keep up? In MANY cases, high school sports proves to be a vehicle which will carry a student on to an institution of higher learning, that might not have had the same opportunity otherwise. A school with numbers that bad is usually an indication of administration and or teacher issues, not just dumb kids. Just one opinion, not judging anybody else if theirs differs from mine.

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