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Batting Position for Best Hitter on the Team

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by JavelinCatcher, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Okay coaches, where do you put your best hitter in the batting lineup?

    I know there are many variables that play into this so I will provide three scenarios. Let us know where you bat her and your reasoning behind it.

    I know there is no right or wrong answer. Just trying to understand where folks bat her and why.

    1) She is basically the only hitter you have on the team

    2) You have a good slapper with speed on the team

    3) You have 1 or 2 other girls on the team who have a good on base percentage.
  2. meckfan

    meckfan Junior Member

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    Jan 19, 2004
    In scenario 1 she leads off if she has the speed to make things happen on the bases because she gets more abs that way; in scenario 2 she's third behind the slapper and a bunter or second behind the slapper if no good bunter is available. in scenario 3 if shes fast shes leading off with the good % on base behind her. If shes slow she bats third behind the good on base %.
  3. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    JC: First gratz on even understanding OBP... It never ceased to amaze me how many didnt know what it was, how to compute it and the value of it.

    This is is quite easy for me... if she is the "only hitter" on the team what comes after her has no relevance because theres isnt anyone to knock her in.

    You bat the slapper 1.. the weaker of the two OBP hitters 2 (especially if she can sac bunt a bunt).. the other OBP player #3 and the "Hitter" in the cleanup spot.

    You have to get to first base in order to score and once there you must have someone to drive them in.
  4. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    If had a kid who could hit .500 and no one else on the team could bat .250, then my best hitter would be my 1st batter and get the most opportunities possible.

    In TB, especially 18u, most teams if not all, have kids 1-9 that can hit.
    In this case, if my best hitter was also a power hitter, then I'd bat her 3rd. No way would I take a chance of not getting her to the plate in the 1st inning.

  5. JefferMC

    JefferMC Full Access Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
    Upstate, SC
    My question as I read the first post was "How do you define best hitter?"

    Best average? Highest slugging percentage? Best OBP? Most Home Runs?
  6. NathanCullars

    NathanCullars Full Access Member

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    Jul 10, 2007
    Newton, NC
    I like the fishman in this one, put them 3rd and see what can happen. Too many variables to truly make a good call. Have fun with the lineup from time to time to challenge the slapper/ bunter to get on base more. I have seen a player work harder on bunting/slapping simply because she was moved to #2 and not #1. Girls are competitive, they will show you who goes where. Also, you might have a batter that battles hard and runs up the count and could draw a lot of walks or even gets a hit. The walks will not help the avg. but helps with getting a runner on base. Stats can be misleading as they do not tell the story of the situation. I've seen a power hitter lay down a sac bunt for the overall good of the team.
  7. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    1st batter - speed, good eye, high OBP, has no fear to work the count... did I mention speed?
    2nd batter - bat control, mentality to give herself up for the team when asked to, hits to all fields, also needs to have some speed
    3rd batter - aggresive with control, can drive balls hard into the grass. Homerun power would be a plus but would be more than happy with her "changing places" with my lead off (who should at least be on second if my no. 2 did her job)
    4th batter - MASHER! This chick is the one that will put crooked numbers on the board!

    If my second best lead off batter isn't also my best no. 2. I'm going to put her in the nine hole. This can extend an inning or start a rally. Also can help her develop due to feeling less pressure at the plate.
    My 5th best all around hitter would bat 7th. She could have some chances to drive in runs but she would primarily be there to extend innings which will get my 1 through 4 batters to the plate more often
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  8. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    ....you should be so lucky to have such topnotch hitters to manipulate in your line up.
    What JavCat is asking is if you DON'T have that luxury, how do stack your order.

  9. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Sorry, I was just having fun with it.... jeez!

    Best hitter if she has speed would bat first.
    Best hitter if she has some pop would bat third.

    Historically, in the MLB (sorry fish) the top hitters, considering batting average, rbi's, and homeruns have predominantly batted third. From Babe Ruth to Albert Pujols the majority of the best hitters have been in the three hole.
  10. 4thefunofit

    4thefunofit Junior Member

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    Mar 16, 2009
    If you are the coach at our school.... sorry...

    this is how our coaches do it:
    1st- righty, good speed, but is so far 3-15 and doesn't bunt at all, 4 k's
    2nd- lefty, our best hitter (not powerful, just can hit or slap and runs bases very well...) she is 8-14 this season and NO k's
    3rd- righty, our coaches favorite player, is 2-15 so far with 3 k's, very young
    4th- righty, our power hitter, is 4-12 so far, but only 1 k and has our most RBI's (thanks to #2 hitter)... is having to lead off in several innings...
    5th- lefty, another power hitter, who is 4-13 and NO k's, but is a SLOW baserunner and hates to slide (which has hurt us twice this young season)
    6th- righty, our fastest baserunner, is 4-12 but has 6 k's
    7th-9th our players that need LOTS of help... they are a combined 3-25 with a total of 14 k's....
    I don't agree with this lineup at all... but I ain't the coach... so I just grin and bear it...
    BTW, our record is 1-3... the first time we have had a losing record since my dd started at the school, 3 years ago...

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