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USA Today's Sports Section

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by 6'sdad, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. softballdad94

    softballdad94 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2009
    Well said
  2. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    everything in our society is reactive rather than proactive.

    We have a local rule up here requiring facemasks in 12U Cal Ripken baseball. This is not an organizational rule. It was implemented after a kid was hit in the face by a pitch and required substantial reconstructive surgery.

    Everyone of us have observed scary situations in games our girls have played in.

    I hope its never mandated because that means no girl has ever been hurt. But I find the "freedom" argument a bit of a non sequitur.
  3. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    In the interest of preemptive injury prevention and "feel good" policies... where does it end?

    Should all bikes for children under 18 have training wheels - after all there are still over 500,000 emergency room visits a year for bicycle injuries even with mandatory helmet rules.
  4. StormMom

    StormMom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 21, 2009
    Olin, NC
    I never said that wearing the mask should be mandatory. I'm still not sure how I feel about that BUT I was responding to the posts that were saying that their DDs refused to wear the mask. As I said, my DD is 12 and she WILL wear her mask, whether she wants to or not. And she WILL wear her mask when she's 13,14,15, etc, if I think it's necessary. Playing softball is not an entitlement, it is a privilege. One that can be taken away if Mama's not happy.:tongue3:
  5. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    the converse of that argument is of course that there are countless "safe" trips every day in automobiles... ergo there should be no need for any sort of speed limit.
  6. viking1

    viking1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 15, 2009
    Everyone here has the concerns for safety of the girls. My DD doesn't pitch in TB, but is learning from Dani Spaulding. If she does pitch in TB, then we will make a decesion. I am sure if I witnessed a player getting hit in the face, I may change my stance on implementing masks. There is so many safety issues in sports nowadays, that some sports are losing there appeal. Of course someone here will take that last sentence out of context and think I want blood on the softball field. Why wear metal spikes at all, they can injure you? Why run? You can tear an ACL. You ever see 2 outfielders running full speed after the same fly ball and colliding with there heads, it happens. It happenned with my DD. I didn't demand her to wear a helmet while playing the outfield or try getting a law in which all outfielders should wear helmets. Sure one should have called for the ball and of course this would not have happened. Most people will find an excuse in what I wrote to make there push for why they feel pitchers should wear masks.
  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    My concerns for hs are a little different than tb as in the fact most hs teams only have one true pitcher and limited skilled players at the corners. when you only have 12-14 girls come out for a team, you try and protect what you have. a couple of years ago, we had a facial injury that pretty much destroyed our season in hs. after seeing this, i didnt have to force them to wear the masks, they did it on their own and its carried on to where we now required it as well as mouth pieces for those who choose not to (outfielders and catcher excluded of course) and given a choice, my girls would rather wear the mask than the mouth piece as it impedes the constant banter that seems to flow from their mouths.....my girls just dont like to keep quite ya know they talk more crap than the boys do.

  8. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    Not really... there is clear and copious amounts of data that validate that reduced speed reduces fatalities and serious injuries and driving fast puts others at risk not just yourself.

    I am not against the use of the game face and likely it will become standard fair on the ballfield due to good marketing and the "cringe" effect when you visualize the ball hitting little missy's face. However, the game face only protects the front of the face in the jaw and cheekbone area. Impacts in those area are rarely fatal, but certainly worthy of protection. It does not protect the throat, side or back of the head - all of which if hit can be fatal. I think there is a misconception on how much protection the face mask offers.
  9. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    if this were true a catcher wouldnt need any type of mask...

    as far as the cars go.. no will dispute the facts that increased speed leads to more accidents but you stated that mandatory bike helmet usage "still" resulted in over half a million visits to the hospital. Its the logic thats flawed not the facts because if increased speed leads to more auto injuries EVEN with seat belt usage then then why mandate air bags? Its clear air bags further reduce auto injuries and fatalities.

    The same would be true of face mask usage... it would reduce injuries and the potential of fatalities. But as I said it will take to first tragedy before it happens.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  10. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003

    Freedom of choice is the American way with exceptions listed by the Constitution and the various state and federal laws and regulations. Parents can make their children wear the mask if they feel it is best for them, does that not make it simple? However as a lawyer, you know there will be a huge suit someday if ASA, NSA, and the other leagues do not force masks and someone is injured! You are looking ahead to try and help the leagues.:N1oldschool:

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