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Area I Playoffs

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by ClaytonPost71, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. critterhunter

    critterhunter Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2009
    Deep Run, NC

    Thank you for mentioning that the 5 runs score by Wilson in the 1st inning were UNEARNED! But please mention the errors Kaleb's teammates made. He pitched the game of his life. He wasn't the one that needed to settle down. He gave it his all, pitching 7.3 innings, 113 pitches, 31 balls, 82 strikes, NO walks and striking out 5. He only gave up 9 hits and NO EARNED runs. Even the Wilson paper bashes him, saying Wilson blistered him in the first. NO, the team errors blistered him in the first. How our team made it as far as we did, is beyond me, with combined team errors of 91 for the season. This is what ALL our pitchers had to face every time they were on the bump. AND, YES he is my son and YES I am upset at the comments made by other parents and the Wilson paper. Put yourself in my place, at that game, with your son on the mound, and read the comments being posted and in the paper. I don't think a single one of you would like it either!
  2. durhampost7

    durhampost7 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2008
    Durham, NC

    I need to apologize- I wasn't in a good mood and shouldn't have been on a mesage board at the time. I know you meant nothing by that and I acted like a jack-a**.
  3. HomeRunHomer

    HomeRunHomer Full Access Member

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    Sep 29, 2008
    Wessell threw a very good game on Friday, the errors in the first really put the screws to everything, Nygard threw well and kept the Kinston batters off-balance for most of the night, unfortunate about the errors early, they really set the tone. Unfortunately as well, there were lots of umpire opinion calls this week 2 in Wilson and 2 in Kinston, and none went to Kinston's favor, but thats baseball. Most of the kids here will continue to play ball somewhere.
    I think both of them were overworked for the week anyhows, I'm sure neither coach likes them throwing 250 pitches on a couple of days rest.:massage:
  4. cbsconsult

    cbsconsult Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2008
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    To CritterHunter

    Coach White and I (NCCU BASEBALL) were on hand for the game Friday night. He and I discussed the fact that if your son were able to make it through the first inning, he would be tough to handle. He made it through the 1st inning and he indeed was tough to handle. I saw your son make one bad pitch in the 1st inning...the first pitch of the game. Beyond that, the young man acquitted himself quite well. He located his pitches low in the zone (Ricky the umpire had a tight zone all night). I thought both pitchers had outstanding breaking balls ~ and from my seat just left of home plate ~ not enough strikes were called.

    So CRITTERHUNTER ~ do not despair. Your son can hold his head high. There were enough bad decisions made in that game that ultimately had more effect on the outcome than those unearned runs in the 1st inning.
  5. critterhunter

    critterhunter Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2009
    Deep Run, NC
    Thank You Thank You and AMEN

    I will make sure my young man reads these messages from some very knowlegable and fair folks. Good luck to Wilson. Rocky Mount is a tough team and a hiting team. But they can be beat. Nygard, be ready and pitch to them like you did to us. BUT please be safe and smart about your pitch counts. Senior Legion is great but it aint the pros. And even pro pitcher don't throw like ALL our boys have the past two weeks. And yes, I know pro teams have about 10 -20 pitchers. Good luck and again thanks for understanding. By the way, Kaleb's ERA is 3.06 for the whole season. So that should also explain the 4-3 record. Take away the errors our team made while he was on the mound and he should have a 6-1-1 record. Trust me, I went back and checked.
  6. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    Kinston Post 43

    This was a really good team. It was a tough series for Wilson to win.

    Kinston Hitting:
    Carter Capps 10-19 .526
    Trey Beaman 7-19 .368
    Lee Taylor 8-23 .348
    Josh Lovick 4-12 .333
    Tyler Potter 6-19 .316
    rest of team 13-88 .148 !!!!!

    Some notes:
    Kinston hit no home runs in this series! (Wilson had 2)
    Kinston committed 19 errors in this series!
    Kinston batted .267 in this series! (Wilson .286)
    Kinston left alot of runners stranded in scoring position!
    Kinston committed several base-running mistakes in this series!

    Wilson Post 13 did a good job of scoring runners on base!
    Wilson also did a good job of taking advantage of Kinston's errors!

    Justin Nygard, Bentley Massey, Carter Capps, & Caleb Wessell all had impressive mound performances in this series! Wilson's Richard Carr also was very impressive in the game 4 loss!

    Wilson hit the ball well thru-out their line-up: David Gibbons, Zack Lee, Tripp Sauls, Mitchell Wheeler, Zac Crumpler, Chris Lamm, Seth Wiggs, Michael McLawhorn, & Chris Johnson all had a good series!

    Add it all up & Wilson Post 13 moves on to the next round!
  7. critterhunter

    critterhunter Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2009
    Deep Run, NC
    Wow! You were generous

    How about just during the playoffs, Kinston committed 40 errors, 16 throwing and 24 fielding. Remember 11 of those were made in one game against Ahoskie. Our opponents, Ahoskie and Wilson, during 8 games, only committed 29. I have 23 errors committed against Wilson. Divide that by 4 bases and that is 5 runs given up because of Kinston errors. And as HomeRunHomer stated "there were lots of umpire opinion calls this week 2 in Wilson and 2 in Kinston, none went to Kinston's favor." All in all Kinston should be going to round three. But GOOD LUCK to Wilson!
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  8. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008

    Baseball is not just pitching & hitting! Fielding & throwing are major factors as well. The fact that Kinston made 19-23 errors in this series is the reason that Kinston should not be going to round three. That's not good baseball! I'm not going to even discuss umpire opinion calls. If if's & but's were candy & nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas.
  9. critterhunter

    critterhunter Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2009
    Deep Run, NC

    You are so right. And may the BEST team win the next round. May your team make no errors, may your pitchers be on, and your bats be ready! BUT remember this, GOD doesn't like boastfullness. I pray yours doesn't hurt your team!
  10. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    critterhunter, I don't feel like I'm boasting at all. I'm just trying to help you get over this series loss. You haven't given Wilson any credit for winning this series. You have complained about your team's errors & the umpiring. Sometimes when you lose, you should just get over it. Congratulate the winning team & move on. Life's too short to constantly worry about a baseball team's performance & umpiring. I'm grateful that Wilson has won 2 series so far over 2 very good squads,(New Bern & Kinston). If they lose to Rocky Mount it will be because Rocky Mount beat them & played better. If Wilson wins it will be because Wilson played better. Plain & simple! Baseball is a team sport: Pitching, catching, throwing, fielding, hitting, coaching, base-running, etc. all are factors in winning baseball games. Good luck to your son at N.C. Wesleyan. He is a good pitcher with a bright future ahead of him.

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