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Drop Dead games

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Stingray12, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Stingray12

    Stingray12 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2009
    Drop-Dead games. Do you love them or hate them?

    I say hate. The TD at a tournament we were in this last weekend was defending the drop-dead games because he "the college coaches wanted to keep the games on schedule". What????

    Drop dead games do require that a team come storming "out of the gate". But when the time limit approaches, you see a whole lot of bush-league ploys which has the college coaches rolling their eyes.

    If you want to keep on schedule, just make the games 5 innings or lengthen the times between games.
  2. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2006
    I used th hate them myself, but after seeing fields get pushed back sometimes by 2 hours or more I started liking drop dead a little better. If they are going to use drop dead it should be a minimum of 1.5 hours and put a few rules in to help stop coaches from milking the clock.
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    This is the subject that needs the most attention of any other problem in softball at the moment!

    We need to address the issue of tournaments (I use that word loosely) that are so overbooked that there is not enough time to allow for the games to be played with meaningful outcomes.

    The first issue is the overbooking. I know it's hard to turn down $400 or $500 entry fees but we are degrading the spirit of competing to win when there are too many teams.

    The second issue that needs to be addressed is that college coaches really don't care who wins or loses for the most part. They will see what they came to see regardless of the format. The players' first priority (or should be) is to compete at their best to be the best team at the end of competition. AND to be RECOGNIZED for their effort.

    Some things that need to be fixed:

    Time limits without a clock. I think a 5 inning format is a possible alternative. Again, this is about the players--not the college coaches.

    Drop-dead time limits must be stopped! A player who steps up to bat should, under all circumstances, be allowed to finish her bat.

    Drop-dead games that end in a tie must be stopped. You don't have tie games in softball!

    Tournament directors are making loads of money. Some of that money should go back to the teams. Maybe in the form of scholarships. Or in whatever form is within the regulations of the colleges.

    Softball has become too commercial. A lot of this is done under the guise it's for the benefit of the college coaches. There is a lot that can be done to make it better for the college coaches and I agree it should be done. But I don't believe college coaches want to see the games degraded for their convenience. Not one college coach would stand peacefully by if some organization were to limit the time length of their games or tell their batter she couldn't finish her at bat.

    This is NOT all about the girls playing college ball. It IS all about girls playing now. That's the attitude that needs to be revived.

    Why sacrifice 4 years now when you can have both without sacrificing either?
  4. Realists20

    Realists20 Junior Member

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    Jul 10, 2009

    I dislike drop dead games...now if you finish the inning that is some what better but i agree if you have time limits make it 1.5 hours. that tends to get in a full 7 or atleast a full 6 innings. I think the drop dead games takes away from the effort a little bit because girls see "oh we only have 5 min left instead of 2 innings" whether your up or down it seems to do this. I also think all showcase tournys should still be in bracket form after pool play. this way college coaches see the better teams longer and see players in more pressure and competitive situations. just IMHO
  5. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Rules are rules....

    I think WHATEVER the Tournament Director deems the rules to be up front, that is the way the tournament should be played. If you don't like the tournament rules, then don't play in the tournament.

    For those of you who are quick to criticize tournament rules, time limits, field conditions, over-booking of tournaments, umpires, quality of teams in the field, money dispersement, etc...... maybe you ought to try to put on a tournament or two YOURSELVES!

    Try to walk a mile in the Tournament Director's shoes before you complain. Do they make money in the process? Yes. However, I don't think I've seen any TD driving around in a ferrari or just coming in from their vacation home in the tropics! Most make just enough money to stay afloat and are looking to be able to put on their next tournament. A thank-less job, if you ask me.

    I've never done it. Don't plan on EVER doing it. But am plenty THANKFUL that some folks make the effort to give our kids an environment to play.
  6. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    Drop dead should not even ge an option. However long the tournament directors decide to make the games is up to them but softball and baseball should never play a game where one team gets more at bats than the other. As far as the college coaches go they shouldn't even be considered. Cater to the girls and the teams who payed to play and let the college coaches make the effort to see what they need to. That's what they are paid for. Most of the girls out there playing are playing to have fun and win games. maybe not all but most are. And for my part the ones who aren't putting winning first I don't want on my team anyway. Let the girls play and have fun. play tournaments to win, the college coaches will still get to see all they need to anyway if not their not very good coaches
  7. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005
    College Coaches have been asked.

    Contrary to popular belief, we do ask college coaches for their opinions when it comes to showcases. Most I have spoken to, like the drop dead format to be able to schedule their daily activities and make stops to watch multiple players during tournaments. We did our Fireworks tournament with a drop dead time limit and added a single elimination tournament at the end. The games were on time until the SE started.The majority of teams that participated liked the format. The college coaches in attendance seemed to like it also, so I view it as a success. We will continue that format in the future.
  8. Realists20

    Realists20 Junior Member

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    Jul 10, 2009
    WHOA Dog i think your taking this to harshly..i agree the rules that they decide are the rules but offering opinions on how to improve the quality of the tourny is not criticizing it. i know some TD who asked for opinions on how to improve the tourny they put on to make it more enjoyable and smooth for everyone. this is a board of suggestions and opinions right? we are not saying we could do better we are just trying to help out the game we love.
  9. flipflop

    flipflop Junior Member

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    Jun 16, 2009
    love/hate dropdead games

    Not crazy about drop dead but understand they are needed at times to keep on a schedule. (Didn't like it a couple of weeks ago with the bases loaded & a powerhitter up to bat for our team) But we knew it was drop dead before we started playing so those are the breaks. Really like the time limit and then finish the inning. JMO. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. It's all about the girls.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  10. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    This shows Just what i was talking about. Worrying about what the college coaches want. how much are they paying to get in the tournament. Most of the teams are paying hundreds of dollars so they should be the only consideration not what the coaches want.
    There is way to much emphasis put on the holy college scholarship. Just play ball and let the girls have fun competeing instaed of having them play so they can individually be seen.

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