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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fastpitchmom07, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. fastpitchmom07

    fastpitchmom07 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2007
    My DD has decided not to pursue a college softball career. I would say that I may be just a little dissappointed,because she has so much potential, but I understand her need to just get on with her life outside of softball. Who knows maybe some day down the line she will decide to coach, since she is going into elementary education. I just wanted to thank all the coaches that have helped her out since she began her softball career at the age of 4. Thanks go out to Doug Simmons, Blaine Bullington,Mark Smith,Thomas Vick, Angela Trexel,Ric McDowell,John Corn,and last but not least Ric McHone and the whole Cardinals Coaching staff--Thanks for all U have done to make my DD into the wonderful ,caring and responsible young lady she has become..Keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!

    I feel bad that I left out the most important coach in her life and that is her Dad-He has coached her in every sport she has played at one time or the other.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  2. pepper17

    pepper17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2008
    Union Co, NC or ballfield close by
    She's mature and knows what she wants, good for her!

    Congrats to your daughter for being a mature individual and deciding what is most important to her.

    I understand what you're feeling. My DD made the same decision. She's going to be a dr and decided she was ready to get on with that and focus on that. She wants to finish undergrad early if possible and looks like she will achieve that.

    I think it's more disappointing for us because we love to watch them play the sport they're so good at playing. But other things will come and we'll always be proud of all their accomplishments.

    I do think softball has a lot to do with molding their character and teaching them responsibility, teamwork and caring about others.
    Wouldn't trade one minute of the past 13 years!
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i feel your pain, as do many here on the board, but you have to remember, this is her life and her decisions to make for her future. when my dd told me of her decision to not go to the next level, i was beside myself with flustration. but four years later, i've come to realize that, as said above, softball played an important part in her life, it molded her into who she is today, one hell of a fine young lady who is driven to succeed and focused on her goal of graduating at the top of her class. the friends she has made in her sofball career are still an important part of her life, as she often goes to watch the ones who play college ball to cheer them on. they still hang out in the summer and talk on a weekly/daily basis.

    my dd never quite left softball, coaching at the hs level and donating her time to teach pitching/hitting at the middle school/hs level. in conversations with her, i've found that she does this to give back something for the many people who have taught her the lessons of life learned during her softball career.

    so dont get upset or let down, i've met your daughter and i believe she made this decision with a lot of thought and just shifted her focus on the bigger prize - education and future employment. and i personally bet she will never quite leave softball, it was a very important part of her life and as my dd puts it: "you cant entirely leave what you've come to love". i guess this explains why i'm still coaching at the age of 54 with no dd in the mix. hey, the next generation of coaches are currently playing ball right now, it WILL be in her future.
  4. fastpitchmom07

    fastpitchmom07 Full Access Member

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    Feb 26, 2007
    Thanks pepper17 and Cheeze105

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I look forward to the coming years when Sam will grow into a young adult and forge her own path in life. I can't be more proud and am glad that her Dad and I have let her make her own decisions concerning sports and school--although sometimes hard--It has been wonderful to watch her mature and grow up. I will miss going to the ballfield--but then again I could always adopt a team and go can't I?!?!!
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    you bet, start in middle school, they always need help
  6. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Mine went the same path and I was sad. But, my DD has had so much fun in college playing club sports. She gets to have fun, play hard and get her work done. She has also learned alot about organization as she is now the president of one of the club teams. I have even traveled to watch her play and it filled that void. Good luck to you and especially your DD in college.
  7. pepper17

    pepper17 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2008
    Union Co, NC or ballfield close by
    More good times are on the way!

    My dd was home this weekend and shared some of her college experiences with us. She's going to be playing intramural softball in the spring but now has joined the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu team! She's never done anything like it before but is enjoying it immensely. Her muscles are strong, honed by years of playing softball. It's a good sport to go along with softball. Teaches respect for others, self discipline and ways to protect yourself.

    Softball will always be a part of her life. She made many good friends, teammates and coaches alike. I'm sure that happens in many sports but softball families just seem to stay close.

    Just good people!

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