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Baseball Field maintenance Questions

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by CoachCrock, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. CoachCrock

    CoachCrock Go hard or go home

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2008
    Couple of questions for the resident field experts out there.

    1. When is too late to put Rye grass down?
    2. What is the best type fertilizer to put on field?
    3. What is better annual or perennial?
    4. Can I fertilize and plant seed at the same time?

    We practice football on the baseball field at my Middle School, would it be okay to put all of this down and still practice on it?

    Thanks guy
  2. 4-6-3-DP

    4-6-3-DP Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2007
    Its not too late. I would recommend calling James Phillips at Regal Chemical to purchase your seed and fertilizer. He will take good care of you. PM me and I will get you his number.
  3. Baseball & Hotdogs

    Baseball & Hotdogs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2009
    1. We put rye down late October last year and it was damaged by frost before getting established. This year we planted Sept. 20 and the grass looks GREAT. That said, I think we were lucky it didn't get too hot this year and we've had a lot of rain with cooler temps. Next year I'll do it around Oct. 1.

    2. I'm assuming your talking about fertilizer for the rye? It's pretty common run of the mill stuff you'll find at landscape, garden or home centers. Bermuda or warm weather grass needs high nitrogen administered during the season NOT NOW.

    3. If you have underlying bermuda or other warm weather grass as a surface in warm weather you'll want to use annual rye. It will begin to die off as heat of late spring kicks in - about the same time the underlying bermuda would kick in.

    4. You can fertilize and seed at the same time but you'll need to use 'starter' fertilizer.

    I think you'd be best to stay off the field for about a week to 10 days once the seed germinates. We've done that and the baseball team does 8-man workouts on it. I DO NOT think the new grass would hold up to the rigors of football though someone with more knowledge than I may disagree.
  4. baseball411

    baseball411 Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2008
    Seed and feed info...

    1. When is too late to put Rye grass down?
    Anytime from late September through mid-October. You want it down at least 1 week before the first frost.

    2. What is the best type fertilizer to put on field?
    Start with 18-24-12. Use a high last number (for root growth) in the winter.

    3. What is better annual or perennial?
    Perennial is tougher and "better" for playing on through the spring. Annual dies out faster (and without having to spray it out). If you want the field looking it's best through mid-May use periennial. If you are more worried about it in the summer use annual.

    4. Can I fertilize and plant seed at the same time?
    Yes. Put seed down and 18-24-12 on the same day. If you have water, soak the field! If not, plant seed before a big rainfall is predicted (as long as you do not have wash out problems).

    The more you can stay off of it for the first week the better. If FB practice must go on, I'd save a bag or 2 for reapplication once the first planting comes up. I recommend this anyway in case you miss a spot, it washes out, etc.
  5. LeftySlider

    LeftySlider Full Access Member

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    Aug 9, 2007
    Concord, NC
    I second James Phillips, I have seen him work some miracles on fields that were less than desireable without irrigation. The fields had bermuda in the summer and full here in the fall. They are putting out the rye this week. Does a great job with customer service and going extra mile.
  6. josheeka

    josheeka Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 12, 2013

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