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AC vs. ACR

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by jmundy03, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. RobAC65

    RobAC65 By Grace Through Faith!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2004
    what happened?

    I left the funeral home and was heading to my uncles house after the receiving and got to hear the end of 3rd and start of 4th quarter. AC was up 16-0. Reynolds blocked a punt and scored TD on 4th and goal but missed 2 pt conversion. AC got ball and had 1st down with under 9 minutes or so to go up 16-6 and then I find out that AC lost 25-16? What happened. I feel bad for all the players because they all had a great year and they put so much into it. I just feel awful all around. Mt Tabor won also so that means the winner of this game gets to play at home again next week.
  2. jmundy03

    jmundy03 Full Access Member

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    Nov 20, 2008
    acreynolds, thanks for your nice comment. we had the game won. yall did a great job of not giving up. give acr credit for playing a full 48 mins but ac just gave this game away. it was pathetic. they dominated for 3 quarters and tried to run out the clock. i would say some other things but i would get my account deleted. message me if you want to know why ac lost this game. nonetheless, ac had a great year. but they wasted a great opportunity tonight and couldve hosted a game next week. wow. depressing. thats all ive got to say.
  3. ACR5

    ACR5 Junior Member

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    May 1, 2007
    This was one of the best high school games I have ever seen played. The fourth quater was so wild and I have to admit that we got some lucky breaks. We had two tipped passes that were caught by our guys with one resulting in a key first down in the red zone. We had two huge plays one about a 60 yard pass to set up the second td and then a tailback pass to set up the third. AC controlled the whole game and it was sort of shame that their seniors had to go out like that. Again this was an amazing game with a very dramatic fourth quater. It was probably the best quater of football that ACR has played all year so keep your heads up AC, you played a great game.
  4. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

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    Aug 15, 2008
    Heartbreaking loss for AC..Controlled the whole game. Just still dont see how we lost...
    great year though, boys have nothing to be ashamed of and back up cody bowers played his heart out so i dont wanna hear nothing about that..
  5. Fred

    Fred .........

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    North KKKarolina
    I guess this answers the question of 'Will AC win a state title?'

  6. JET - I

    JET - I Force B W/U

    Likes Received:
    Oct 24, 2007
    Galaxy (Milky Wave)
    one word .......................coaching:jumprope:
  7. HereIAm

    HereIAm Junior Member

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    Nov 9, 2009
    Need Help with Expanation

    Can someone explain how AC loss game? 4th quater run down would be nice. Was it turnovers? Was it play calling?
  8. ot4435

    ot4435 Junior Member

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    Oct 4, 2008
    It was a blocked kick,a long pass,two forth and goal coversions and two fumbles. I was suprised to see Alex Central still throwing late. I don't believe it was bad play calling as much as inability to execute as ACR began scoring.
  9. jmundy03

    jmundy03 Full Access Member

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    Nov 20, 2008
    where was the two fumbles ? i only seen one. yea ac had some bad breaks. but clock management was clearly an issue. its easy to sit in the stands and second guess decisions after you know the outcome. but still, its like we couldnt make up our mind whether we were trying to sit on the ball and waste time or throw it to try to pick up first downs. if you're gonna throw it, my gosh throw it down the field. forget these little dinks and dunks that we ran 50 times in a row. gus smith needs to be on the field on the last drive when you need a fg. im sorry, but he's been our best receiver all year, along with chapman, and gus has been our big play guy. and he's on the sideline for some reason. jet-I im with you man. and yea acr threw that deep pass. can somebody tell me why we were still in our base defense ? why wouldn't we be tryin to keep everything in front of us. there was only 5 mins left to go in the game. all we have to do is make them use 3 or 4 mins to drive down the field to score. let them have the short stuff and then make the tackle. but we let them throw it deep and score quick. that cant happen against a good team like acr. once they scored the 2nd td it's like we just expected them to score the game winning one. and thats what they did. ac had it in the bag and blew it. thats what happens when you play a good team, and play not to lose, instead of playing to win. i've been saying it all year and thats exactly what happened.
  10. maverick

    maverick Junior Member

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    Oct 3, 2008
    If as a coach you know your starting QB has an ankle that is not right, and you along with everyone else that has seen this team play knows he throws the ball much better than your backup. Then why in the hell are you calling QB runs and putting him at risk?

    I was screaming all game to go the IFORM if we were going to run, as ACR was putting 8 in the box. We finally go to the I in the 4th pick up 3 first downs and take 5 minutes of the clock and then go away from it on the final 2 drives when we had the lead.

    We got the onsides kick at the start of the 3rd, were moving the ball very well on the ground and then throw a deep pass that gets picked. We lost because our offensive cordinator is enamoured with both the pass and spread offense. Its about showing people that there gonna make the spread work and there not gonna go away from it because they refuse to be proven wrong.

    The turning point of this game was the blocked punt in the 4th, why are you calling a rugby punt in that situation? ACR had the side we had rolled to all night stacked and blocked the kick.

    We called a time out with 8 seconds to go on the play clock, instead of letting the clock run down to 1. Then thenext 2 plays were passes, both incomplete that left about 1:30 more on the clock then could have been run off.

    On the AC fumble when the game was 16-12 he called a QB read play. Lets everyone think about that, in that type of situation why not take the risk out of it and decide who is getting the ball before the play. Better yet, if you were going to run the ball to finish out the game, WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU NOT BE IN A RUNNING FORMATION?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009

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