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another " interference " and what is the call

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CardCoach2, May 23, 2010.

  1. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    Speedy pinch runner (2.7 home to first) inserted at 2nd.
    Ball hit straight up the middle to center fielder who came up with it in middle of outfield.
    SS steps into runner advancing from 2nd with plans to go home. Hard contact the knocks the runner backwards.
    Ball then thrown from CF to C but runner is held up between third and home.
    Interference called and runner gets 3rd.
    In the opinion of umpire (who by the way blew 3 calls in a span of 6 outs) runner would not have made it home.
    What is the call?
    I say runner could have walked to 3rd and hard cointact by SS kept her from scoring. In umps mind, I was wrong. Opinions???
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    umpire was from big south conference and nothing more needs to be said.


    we just dont have enough quality umpires in softball. half of them just dont know the game and about 25% are out there to make a name for themselves at everyone's expense.

    it kills me that in hs ball, they take an exam to see what they know, but the results of the exam are just to see who can call in post season. failing the exam doesnt stop them from calling a hs game??? if my health was better, i'd umpire, but i still push for an umpire rating system from the teams that they call games for.

    as someone said here receintly: there's an extreme shortage of quality umps, but no shortage of idiots.

    today is my day to rant.....i get one every three or four months.
  3. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    If he called interference, then it tells you right away that he doesn't understand the rules. The call should have been obstruction. The judgment part you cant do much about.

    The act of a defensive team member that hinders or impedes a batter’s
    attempt to make contact with a pitched ball or that impedes the progress
    of a runner or batter-runner who is legally running bases, unless the fielder
    is in possession of the ball, is fielding a batted ball or is about to receive a
    thrown ball. The act may be intentional or unintentional and applies to live
    ball action only.
  4. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    If he is correct???

    That wasn't a rant. This is a rant. And it may get me in trouble. But somebody needs to call'em out.
    If this particular ump was right, we should all have our SS's take out a runner leaving second on a base hit. Now I know that's a little strong and I definitely wouldn't do it but what would be the difference, if 3rd is all she will get any way?
    I am very disappointed in the officiating this year. In fact I'm pretty POed. Some of my best friends are umpires. And I know its a thankless job. And I appreciate those who dedicate their time to getting as good as they can at their profession. There are a few of those.
    I normally don't say much of anything on the field but this year has been a little different.
    I travel all over the US and I see good and bad officiating everywhere. There are booking agents who have some pretty good officials. We played a lot in the Taylorsville area this year. The umpires Monte had at his different venues were pretty good. Someone said the use Fagler???
    The officiating in and around the ND/CD areas was good too. Twin City?? I think.
    But there is a certain booking agent in our area that use some guys who have no business on a softball field. They don't know the rules per say. They are too slow for the game.
    These kids work everyday trying to hone their skills only to have some old fart come to the park and make a mockery of the game. All for a dollar. It makes me mad.
    I put a lot into this sport. My kids put a lot into this sport. Am I wrong to expect the same from the officials we pay to do a job and do it right?
    My kids didn't play well enough to win Friday night. The interference call was the tying run though.
    Do you think it mattered who was officiating in the field? Reckon his opinion should determine the outcome of a game. If so then why play the game at all.
    Now I may get fired tomorrow but if someone doesn't do something.....
  5. ATrain

    ATrain Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2010
    Its a shame, Officiating that is

    I'm an umpire, NCAA and ASA but I cant call HS ball because I couldnt make the meeting, I took the test and scored a 97 without even having a rule book and most guys score NO more than an 80 and they r the ones that are getting the games. All I can say is wow I go to my local games and just about cry because everyone wants to know Why Im not calling and all I can tell them is because I didnt go to a class or meeting. I think all umpires should be seen at least once a year and lets stop worrying about who goes to a meeting or not! CHeck me out on the field Im there at least 10 months out of the year! Let my work speak for itself not some test thats open book anyway!
  6. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ....now I'm glad to see that you're human CardBuddy. As hard as you work at our game, and as informed as you are, and as talented as all of your teams have been year after year after year, they are not exempt from crappy calls and the quirks of the game. I know it sucks, but if there ever existed a coach capable of teaching kids that fairness in sports and life is never guaranteed, its you pal.

    Props to ya RM.

  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    my friend, i also agree that the umpiring this year has been horrible. since i am no longer associated with a hs team, i will tell you that the majority of umpires that serve the big south need to be replaced, retired or re-educated. most can't or wont move to make the calls correctly....i could go on forever, but my point is we have no power in this issue except to ask that one or two umpires not be on or fields during the season. and that request is often ignored. we need booking agents who care about the quality of the umpiring they are providing. eight years in hs and i havent witnessed one who cares yet. just my opinion....
  8. catchinheat_3

    catchinheat_3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2008
    Western NC
    The very same thing happened today at the Tenn-Louisville softball game..speedy runner for UT was run over by the ss headed home, and she would have made it with ease, but awarded 3rd only..it was not a well officiated game as well..so, it happens at that level as well
  9. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ...welcome to TBR ATrain! This forum rocks!

    (sorry cheezePal), i know you would have posted a welcome but your fishbuddy had this chance to post, hope its OK:hallo:
  10. thunderbird

    thunderbird Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 13, 2009

    back in february or march (cant remember, getting old) i raised the issue about the poor quality that the noble art of umpiring was receiving. (got eaten alive with the post but oh well!). i reiterate, most of the umps these days have never played the game of fastpitch at any level. most of the umps are also influenced by parents who have never played at any level. most are males whose experience comes from having played h.s. baseball or watched it on t.v. onward: this is a PITCHERS game. NOT a HITTERS game. Instead of just taking a written test, train them to understand what a dropball does; a riseball; curve and screwball and changeup. have seen games this year where plate ump and field ump are not on same page (the interference/obstruction issue) is a good example. Seen strike zones from the letters up! (yep, ump emphatically stated he played minor league BASEBALL! (not Fastpitch). Seen some good umps as well. 2 of the best are former mens fastpitch players and are located west of asheville. how do we restore the noble art of umpiring? with todays economy, most of these umps are good folks who are trying to survive like the rest of us. they must be taught that each school, parent, child, coach has invested not just money, but our lives to promote this great sport. maybe, devising a method to grade the booking agents is the answer?

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