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Chris Deal returns to Taylorsville

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by grayb70, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. cougar man

    cougar man Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2005
    Its all good 52.Last Friday did leave a mark.This friday will change things. I hope!!
  2. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2008
    Yes sir.. Hope every 1 is woke up now an realizes we have to play every week..including this week..excited to see how we respond!!
  3. WilkesCentral

    WilkesCentral Member

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    Nov 17, 2008

    You have got to be kidding. Wilkes Central has been a better program than AC since 2006. In 2006 Wilkes Central won conference and lost barley in the 2nd round to Owen.

    2007-Wilkes Central loses to Alexander Central in OT, goes on to win conference again, and lose in the 3rd round by THREE points to Lincolnton who went on to win State.

    2008-Y'all beat us, but WC had a pretty good season, lost in the 2nd round to a pretty good Mt Heritage team.

    2009-started 18 underclassmen and finished the season 6-6.

    2010. Lost a game we should of won to West Iredell, and put up a hell of a fight against Hibriten losing 28-0...we were in their redzone twice in the 1st half. Sice losing to them we have won 5 straight, and averaged 50.4 points per game. We will make a run at the conference championship yet again when we play Starmount at home on the final game of the season. It will be Starmount(10-0) @ Wilkes Central(8-2). We will probably make a deep playoff run again.

    Please don't hate on us. You were the big 4A school playing this little 2A school. WC would beat AC this year...that is a fact.
  4. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    Crack kills
  5. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2008
    Dude seriously. In 2006 we lost 25 or so seniors i beleive. 2007 was my senior year and i think we had a solid 8 seniors on the team and like 3 returnign starters. Not to mention we played one our worst ball games of the year and We still beat yall and the next year in 2008 we came to wilkes central an won easily. Both those years AC won 4 games. I think in 2006 win AC was predicted to win state with Kyle Linney and Josh reese and all those guys who coudla played college ball yal wouldnt play us? Tell your staff to step up an schedule us in the years we dont lose 20 starters. just sayting
    As for yal beating AC this year. We'd crush yall...You would stand no chance at all...trust me.. Yes were a "big 4A" school and im not saying its an accomplisment to beat yal. i was just stating how i feel. I know when i was a senior i was not goin allow my team to lose to wilkes. sorry bud. just how it is.. didnt mean to offend you.
  6. WilkesCentral

    WilkesCentral Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2008
    Haha, we would straight up murk your slow team...Y'all are probably the slowest team in your conference-how sad.
  7. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    I would be willing to bet that is quite untrue. Overall Alexander Central has more players running sub 5.0 40 yd times that most teams they play. It is not true that the Cougars are slow. They don't have any 4.4 players but they have more in the sub 5.0 category than most teams. I wonder what your next feeble point might be.
  8. #52stillcouldbringit

    #52stillcouldbringit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2008
    Dude serioulsy i mean i understand you must be an alumni or have a kid playing or something to think that. When actually is the last time Wilkes beat AC? Wise is correct we would out run yall off the field and im betting Gus SMith and Dustin ANderson could keep up with your fastest players. Not to menntion you have NO 1 on your offensive line that could even think about blocking Steven Burns. NO WAY yall stop QB Kyle Kinnard even with a shaky offensive line. Im sorry dude its just the way it was when i was a senior. Any cougar player will tell you losing to Wilkes is an embarrasement. I dont care if you are 1A or 7AA that has nothing to do with what your talking about the fact is WE beat yall in 07 an 08 the two worst years AC has had this decade. Its fact, its not opinion. I honestly beleive we would shut yall out. Your 0 couldnt step on the field with our D. THere is no way!.
  9. WilkesCentral

    WilkesCentral Member

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    Nov 17, 2008
    Umm, fact is-Wilkes Central is a better football program in 2A than Alexander Central is in 4A. Cool you beat us...but losing to us is not an embarassment. We would beat yall this year-that is a fact.

    LOL, nobody on your team could keep up with Trae Akexander. Hell Hibriten had trouble keeping up with him earlier this year. Umm sophomore Kasian Tillman is somebody on oir o-line that could block him, he will be playing for an ACC team before to long. I know nobody on your team could block Marquise Garrett(5 sacks). ESP. if your a passing team.

    I'm not going to argue, give us some respect. We do a lot better, and are a respected program in our respected division. Alexander Central is an after thought in 4A.

    Lol, that's funny you think y'all have faster players than us, that made my day.

    Shut us out? Dude we were in Hibritens redzone twice in the 1st quarter, and only lost 28-0. Our offense is averaging over 40 points per game, and has averaged 50.4 the past 5 games. We are 5-2. Actually I'm not going to say we would beat y'all, but you shure as hell wouldn't blow us out. Do you even know anything about high school football outside of Alec]xander County?
  10. WilkesCentral

    WilkesCentral Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2008

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