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Baseball Success, Thank You Joe Sutton

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by TDawg, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. TDawg

    TDawg Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2010
    My son has been working out with Joe Sutton a former minor league player, current coach and private instructor for the past 3 years. Joe has helped to improve my son's game tremendously. My Son has lead his high school and legion teams in hitting the past 2 years, been named all conference, selected as a Under Armour Pre-Season High School All American twice, been selected for the NC State Games, American Legion All Star team and signed early to a D1 baseball program.
    Joe's attitude on the game of baseball is what every baseball coaches should be. First he respects the game and teaches his players to respect the game and to play the game the right way. He also instills the concept of the right way to be a young man. Dads teach their sons right and wrong etc. but it doesn't hurt to have a coach your son respects reinforce this. That is what Joe does. He teaches them how to be successful on and off the field. It doesn't hurt that he knows the game of baseball inside out and is the best hitting coach I've seen.
    I would recommend Joe to any Dad who wants to see his son be successful. Give him a call his number is 828-302-4005 or contact him by Email [email protected].
    My son has been successful because of his dedication and hard work; values I hope I had a part in developing but also because Joe has reinforced these values along with a knowledge of baseball and how it should be played.
    Thank you Joe for all that you have done for my son and the other players you have worked with. :4:
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I like this post a lot. It means more when someone outside of the business recommends a particular person or service. I don't know Joe Sutton, but based on this recommendation, I hope I do in the future.
  3. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2005
    Joe Sutton coaches my son's showcase team. I could give you a litany of positive things in this post about him but I am going to give him the highest praise that I know possible: he cares about his boys.

    I know most would say the same about their coaches but let me give you a couple of examples: at one point this summer we played up with the 2012's in Durham. I am sitting in the old Bull's stadium and my cell phone rings. Joe wants to know how Sam is doing this weekend... and he is interested in detail. It wasnt just a feel good phone call.

    This fall I told Joe we might try to go to some prospect camps and he just volunteered.. "you let me know I want to be there for Sam if he goes".

    We wouldnt be playing where we are if the coaching wasnt good etc etc but I can tell you from experience you really have to search to find coaches that consider their players their "boys".

    We got lucky that in our first venture into showcase that we found a baseball home
  4. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    Every successful player can look back and point to a handful of coaches/instructors who really made a positive difference in their development. It's great to see a fine one singled out in this way.
  5. 29er

    29er Member

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    Nov 2, 2006
    Joe Sutton

    I got the opportunity to coach with Joe this fall and really enjoyed it. I first met Joe in the cages at Western Carolina. He was throwing BP to one of our teams that he wasn't even coaching. We immediately hit it off. What I like most about Joe is his work ethic! He cares about his players and works hard for them. He believes in playing hard and playing the game the right way.

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