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Middle School Sports Eliminated in Charlotte

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Tatertot, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Tatertot

    Tatertot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2009
  2. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2003
    They need to hurry up and run Gorman off. He has run their school system in the ground
  3. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    well well

    An interesting thread. Just my 2 cents worth...... No disrespect to the parents and kids. Here is my take. Meck county has spent and spent on everything. Now when times get a little tough. Here come the cut backs and parents of everyone all over Meck county are asking questions on WHY, WHY. How many times have you seen a school bond for this or that. Borrow here borrow there, spend here and there. Just like a lot of other gov programs, once it starts it hard to stop them, nobody want their program cut, because its gov funded by your tax dollars. So when your tax money runs out its either cut it or raise taxes more. This just did not happen last year, it started 15-20yrs ago when things were a lot better than today and instead of saving for the tough times, it was spend and spend. It's like a zit that starts and then comes to a head and has to be busted and it goes everywhere. I don't want to turn this into some political thing. but it is what is it is. I don't know of any business man who would run a business this way. Spend and borrow with out a guarantee of income coming back in to replace the output.

    I, along with many others hate to see something like this happen to the kids. Unless parents, business community leaders come together a make donations those middle schools kids will loose. Didn't Micheal J make a donations last year. What would middle schools need 10 million. I'm sure that there are 20 or 25 individuals or business that could make some donations and raise the money.

    Its likely happening to a lot of other schools in other counties also. If middle school SB is cut in Meck County that just means that the TB teams will have the kids a little longer.
  4. kanwj

    kanwj Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2007
    With the poor economics in our schools and much of the country this is potentially going to happen other places. I worked in a liason postion for six years in CMS. Yes Mecklenburg and Gorman are prime examples of what is wrong, but trust me the hammer is coming down other places. They develop way to many cheifs and when it is time to cut, they protect them.

    Look at violence in our country. The ten most violent places here are all run by liberals.
  5. CatchersDad

    CatchersDad Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 24, 2006
    Hickory, NC

    School sports programs are one of the best deterrents to all the things we don't want our children to be doing. Additionally, these programs help to develop the skills necessary to play at the High School Level and beyond. My self and many others like me have dedicated our lives to help these children pursue a potential student/athlete career in high school and beyond, with out ever asking for a dime. We've bought equipment, maintained fields and even built dugouts and the like without any cost to tax payers. Sports are the best deterrent and the cost is minimal compared to the money spent on other awareness and prevention programs. It seams that those of you in charge might want to figure out some way to fund these programs or the price we will all pay will far exceed the cost.
  6. GoBucks70

    GoBucks70 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 1, 2007
    Something for nothing

    CMS dropping middle school sports may seem horrible, but come on out to Union County where the only middle school sports operated by the school are basketball and basketball cheerleading. All other sports at the middle school level are offered through the Athletic Booster Clubs. In essence, making Union County sports a pay to play system. No need for businesses to kick in, charge mom and dad like we do in UC.

    And before you say kids will be turned away who can't pay....all schools in UC offer "scholarships" for those who can't afford the sports fees set up by the booster clubs.

    It may be a change for CMS, but it's nothing new for many other in the area!
  7. UnbiasSoftballFan

    UnbiasSoftballFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2009
    How Dare the School Board

    Why don't the people demand a better solution...lay off the many assistant superintendents and cut the central office staff..that will save millions..it's insanity what is going on in our local governments......no they have to cut sports out of the middle schools...it's a no brainer way to keep our children out of trouble...keeping them in shape too...but no, they have to pick on the children...so the central office personnel can drive their Range Rovers and live in half million dollar homes.... what a bunch of dummies....especially the citizens that let this happen..
  8. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County

    GoBucks70 mentions a booster club..... Of ALL the middle schools in MECK Co how many have a sports booster club like the high schools would have? Tell the girls to go sell doughnuts in front of Wal-mart or Food Lion if they want to play ball bad enough.
  9. kanwj

    kanwj Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2007
    CMs is typical of large cities across the country. I heard yesterday that Nassau County New York is broke. Their tax base is incredible. Their police are one of the two highest paid in the USA. We as a people in this country have got to start saying no. Unfortuantely the kids are the ones being told no. Those who have quarter of a million dollar salaries at taxpayer salaries aren't taken cuts.
  10. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    The sports were probably interfering with gang recruiting anyway. You can't afford everything.

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