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Lou Trosch to Quakers !

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by SCPBUC, Apr 4, 2011.


    SCPBUC Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2006
    2011 LOU TROSCH - East Mecklenburg/South Charlotte Panthers has committed to attend school and play baseball at GUILFORD COLLEGE next year. Sweet Lou will join the Quakers following his senior season with the East Meck Eagles where he will finish as one of the all time pitchers of the storied Eagles program. Lou has been a conference game starter on the mound since his All Conference freshman year and has notched wins over more than one conference leading program. There are a number of SW4A Conference coaches ready to congratulate and see Lou move to the next level.

    Congratulations to Lou and his parents Big Lou and Cathie
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  2. war eagle

    war eagle Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2008
    Sweet Lou

    I definitely want to throw out my congratulations to Lou for accepting the scholarship offer to play at Guilford. Lou has been a pleasure to watch as he has developed as a player, pitcher and as a person. I have been watching Lou play ball since he was 8 years old at Sardis.

    He and his teammates at Sardis helped bring prominence to that league in his tenure there. Lou has always been a loyal team member and has set his goal early in his life to earn a scholarship to play "at the next level". His hard work and determination helped him achieve this goal and I look forward to following his career with the Quakers. Lou is a great guy and a very serious student as well.

    At East, Lou joined some of those same Sardis teammates, along with a collection of other talented players (both older and younger), to help bring East Meck's program back to prominence the past few seasons. East was mired in mediocrity just a few seasons ago, barely able to win a meaningful game. Now, their play on the field looks as good as the field itself!

    Congrats to Lou Trosch on this great accomplishment!!
  3. hititfar

    hititfar Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2009

    Congrats Lou, the Quakers are getting a great kid, super parents and very good pitcher. Good luck to you and look forward to following your success.
  4. pick42

    pick42 Full Access Member

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    Oct 7, 2009
    EMH go eagles

    As an East Meck (77) and Sardis baseball alum this news just made my day!

    Removed now to Union County - I still cheer for the EAGLES.

    With this news - Coach Jones is smiling today!

    Lou - good luck at Guilford - man i love their ballpark.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I remember the first time I saw Lou pitch. He was a freshman facing a strong Providence team. I thought the kid was in way over his head and was going to be in for a rude awakening to Varsity baseball in the SW4A. What I witnessed that night and something that has never changed in the years since is what has made Lou successful in his pitching career. The young man is a competitor. Despite not having “electric stuff ”, he goes into each contest with extreme confidence, a will to win and a gameplan of how he is going to do it.

    It’s been interesting to watch Lou evolve the past 4 years. He has always heard, “Lou, you got to improve your velocity.” So he worked his butt off to fine tune his mechanics, improve his strength and do whatever he could to increase his velocity. Although Lou has always been successful, he played on the SCP teams and had teammates that were top guns…guys that could throw 88-90+. So he tried hard to reach those goals. The funny thing is when he tried real hard to do that, his effectiveness decreased. Why? Because he stopped being a pitcher and tried to become a thrower: That’s not him. When he finally decided to go back to doing what he does best; the art of pitching, Lou looked comfortable again and achieved his normal success.

    What will serve him well at the next level is something most freshman pitchers don’t learn until later. Pitching to contact. If you watch college baseball on a regular basis you will find most of the successful pitchers are not the 90+ flamethrowers, but the guys that can throw all of their pitches for strikes and can change speeds. Lou knows how to get a hitter to swing at his pitch, not theirs.

    Having said that, what I like most about Lou is the person: Respectful, humble, a great teammate and an excellent student. He is a special young man that I am honored to call a friend. They don’t come any better than Lou Trosch. Guilford College is getting a unique young man. One they should put on their recruiting brochure and say, “ this is the type player we recruit.” The face of the program.
  6. BuzzyJ

    BuzzyJ Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 27, 2009
    I don't care whether he throws 80 or 90 mph, Lou Trosch can flat out deal on the mound. I've seen him get everyone in the SW4A out for four years from Schaffer, Tewell and Holberton to Austin, Fincher and Powell. If you can pitch successfully in that conference for 4 years, you can pitche anywhere. Every team needs a pitcher not just a bunch of throwers. Trosch is a pitcher's pitcher. All that work on his velocity must have paid off, because he's got the juice to keep 'em guessing this year. Bottom line, the kid's a winner.
  7. catcher10

    catcher10 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 19, 2006
    A wonderful young man and a fine ball player. I'm glad you get to continue your baseball career at the next level, I know you'll do well! Congrats to you and your family.
  8. Bunky

    Bunky .

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    i remember that year. he really got thrown into the mix early and often. Isn't this the same year that Olen Little was out with a broken something as well? I remember being very impressed with his ability and composure given his move into the lead pitching role. congrats to him.
  9. ASU86

    ASU86 Full Access Member

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    Jul 17, 2010
    Congratulations to Lou and his proud parents Cathey (the brown eyed girl) and Lou Jr. You have done an outstanding job of raising a son anyone would be proud to call their own.

    I first met Lou when he was a 3rd grader at Lansdowne Ele School. It was evident even then that he was a young man of extreme intelligence, honesty, and a willingness to work hard for whatever he wanted to achieve.

    On the baseball fields of Sardis Lou was not one of the "catch your eye talents" but was one of the league's hardest workers. Many a day I would call the Trosch house to talk to Big Lou only to have Cathey answer the phone with a sigh and say, "They are back up at the fields throwing." Lou was part of a group of kids that even today remain good friends and teammates at East Meck HS. This group is responsible for every one of the championship signs that hang on the outfield fences at the fields of Sardis. A group of kids who went against the norm and stayed loyal to each other and the league they learned to play in instead of breaking away from each other and playing travel ball. Lou was one of the leaders of this group and remains one of it's leaders today. There is no doubt in my mind that this quality will remain with Lou as he continues his career at Guilford. After finishing his career there he will probably get his Law Degree from Chapel Hill (his only character flaw) and continue the Trosch tradition of being a successful attorney here in Charlotte.

    Another side of Lou that needs to be mentioned is his genuine caring for others. Many are fortunate to call Lou their friend. My son is one of his closest. I'd like to take this opportunity to personally thank Lou for the many times over the last 8 years he was there for my son. Lou has been a voice of reason and common sense through many tough times and for this I am eternally grateful.

    Lastly let's talk baseball. Lou is a pitcher's pitcher. As Braves stated earlier Lou is light years ahead of most pitchers his age when it comes to thinking the game. After trying to be what he wasn't for part of last season, he got back to doing what he does best, getting hitters out. By commanding both sides of the plate and changing speeds along with location, he lets the hitter get himself out. My prediction is he WILL continue to have the same success at Guilford and have the final word to all the schools who didn't think he was good enough. Hopefully he will get to face some of these schools as I will be there in person to live that moment with him.

    Lou, Congratulations!! We are all very proud!
  10. Stangs

    Stangs Junior Member

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    Feb 23, 2010
    Congratulations to Lou and to his family. Our first introduction to Lou was at Randolph Middle School where Randolph was beaten regularly by double digit scores. Lou competed and conducted himself with class every season under difficult losing conditions. He certainly has had a stellar high school career and will definately do well at the next level. I'm looking forward to following his college career. Congrats again!

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