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Mooresville Post 66 Alive and Well

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionMan, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. cheapseats

    cheapseats Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 17, 2008
    Complete Opposites

    It is great that Legionman and Put Me In Coach had their comments end up beside eachother. It gives the reader the ability to see the contrasts between the two statements. Put me in coach repeatedly refers to his love of the game and his desire to help the kids learn this great game. Legionman on the other hand, blames others for ruining an otherwise "successful" program. Put me in coach ends his comments wishing Post 66 the best of luck in the upcoming season. Legionman? He only offers smartass comments about not keeping score.
    I have no idea who Legionman is, so I will not guess his role in the situation or what his true motivations are, but I do think his words and attitude speaks for itself. Moose on the other hand, I have known for many years and have had the privaledge of having him coach my son. He has always placed the kids first. He is dedicated to each of them and will support them no matter who they play for.
    Based on the comments of both Legionman and Moose, and if Legion man is somehow involved in the program and the program shares his feelings, I think it would be an easy decision as to where a parent would want their son to play. I hope that the Post 66 program does not share his attitude and if he is involved with the program....well, nevermind. . I too wish both teams the best of luck this summer.
  2. MHS Lover

    MHS Lover Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 12, 2006
    Post 66 and 357

    The coaches should be talking only HS Baseball not Legion Baseball and the Head Coach ought to have enough B..s to tell the assistant to stop. But apparently he does not but lets put all this to sleep. No more posts on this subject by anyone. Everyone should not be putting pressure on a kid let him decide ON HIS OWN.
  3. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    As an outsider, I know a lot of good people in the Mooresville/Lake Norman area and consider many of them dear friends. I dont know what happened to create 2 separate teams, but I can tell you that your "airing" your dirty laundry or posting negative comments in any manner for all to read is not making anyone of you look too good.

    I sincerely wish both sides the best and hope you can learn to coexist, for the kids' sake.
  4. Baseball

    Baseball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2009
    Moose's accusations of Revenge by Post 66 on his kid has to be Wrong.

    Moose has good intentions at heart, we all know that. But if he is insinuating that Josh or Nick, the Post66 coaches would take it out on Moose's kid and cut him merely because Moose might be coaching an opposing team, that is wrong. Only a head coach can cut a kid so I am concerned that Moose feels the Post 66 coach would take revenge on his son for what the father has agreed to do. Who cares what Moose choses to do, that has nothing to do with his kid or his being able to play.

    Josh Graham as well has the best intentions for the kids at heart. I can't believe Josh or Nick would do such a thing. If there are any revengful acts being talked about against his kid, it is through someone other than Josh Graham or Nick Stutts. Although Moose said this was told to him several times that Post 66 was going to take revenge out on his kid I just cant believe that was coming from anyone with Post 66 and if it did those people dont need to be working with the kids and should get out of the program. I too wish Moose the best eventhough I am not sure his comment about his son and Post 66 has any merit.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Controversial subjects will always drive interest for a website. Although they are interesting, people always get hurt, so that's why I shy away from them. I know people want to vent, post hearsay, point fingers or blame someone, but honestly, nothing good comes of it.

    I and tj try to balance these type of topics because we know they can polarize a community, a team or in some cases, friends. We try to let you make your points, but when it starts getting personal (names mentioned), it's time to move away from this.

    American Legion has taken some hits the last few years and I hate that. To me, it's the best amateur brand of baseball this state offers. There is not another organization that can rally a community like AL does for baseball. The politics are messy, but that's true in every organization. There is arguably a ton of talent in the LN/Mooresville area and it's only getting better. I have no idea if you can build two successful teams from that area, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit that you could. From an outsider, I like any additional opportunities the kids can choose from, but I hope that everything can be worked out. It appears the coaches of both teams have a lot to offer.
  6. BPick5361

    BPick5361 Don't know anything

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2011
    This how I see it

    I have been told by people at ball game in the past . As long as there more player from LN program on the field then Mooresville program than everything all right . LN has threaten to start there on Post in the pass,so coach and commissioner have done anything they can to please LN parents . Both programs will be weaker for it . to make it to the state final ,we've got to beat Rowan team ,Post 66 biggest stopping point in the past . Maybe if you find somebody that had the backbone to stand up to all the BS around here ,and could coach and teach the player how to improve , that would be a starting point . For me I'll be watching Mooresville new Post . by the way witch Post will WHIP be following?
  7. Test123

    Test123 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 22, 2003
    Last I heard neither.

    For the last number of years WHIP did not actually produce the Legion game broadcasts. Gary Trexler buys the time and produces the games himself.

    With that being said I understand there is a possibility that Gary may do the Post 537 games. It would be unlikely that Gary would do Post 66 games due to the political situation.

    For the record WHIP will not be a part of the political situation between the two posts.

    If WHIP broadcasts Legion Baseball this year the games will be produced by Gary Trexler. He would be responsible for the broadcast content.

    If the games are not broadcast this year it would more than likely be due to lack of advertising support. I understand one very long time advertiser has decided not to advertise on the games. There are expenses involved in broadcasting the games that must be covered.

  8. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Everyone agrees more kids playing Legion in the area is going to be a good thing. Pine Lake HS can probably use the added income to help build their facility. Lake Norman can maybe add some more bleachers. Win Win.
  9. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    How awesome to have a Senior and Junior team at Pine Lake HS and a Senior and Junior team at Lake Norman HS. 40 more kids playing ball this June will be a nice boost to the community. People can use a little baseball in these stressful economic times. Thats 40 more familys, grandparents, friends and fans all heading out to the ballpark. Congradulations for the courage to expand to both groubs. I for one will be going to see both teams play. Weather not politics determines what games I enjoy.

    'Build it and they will come Ray'
  10. MHS Lover

    MHS Lover Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 12, 2006
    Vet 17,
    How is it going to help Pine Prep. They are playing all their games at Mooresville High School. This who will benefit along with the MHS Boosters Club.
    They use Pine Lake as novelty. Everything is to help the MHS Coach

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