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AK #1 vs Providence #3 4A

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Biglew, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. biglewboo

    biglewboo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2011
    my impressions of AK vs PHS

    It’s interesting to see how others looked at the same game? Not wrong, just different!

    My views:

    · I thought Ak did not hit a hard ball expect for Thornton.
    · I thought Providence's defense was below that of AK and gave up hits which would have been outs.
    · McQue was over throwing his curve and fast ball early in the game and I was behind two radar guns clocking both McQue and Buttery at 87-91, but Buttrey had better control.
    · McQue started to throw hard later in the game but was wild, e.g., threw a pitch a two feet behind Austin at one point and bouncing pitches in the dirt - clearly frustrated with either the calls or game.
    · Brett Austin was not frustrated, he never gets frustrated, AK just was in the right place at the right time and he was 0-3 until the big blast.
    · Pitching around Jackson Campana to pitch to Buttrey who was already 2 for 3 with a 2b, was interesting. Buttery 2b in Fincher who was hit by a pitch.
    · I thought Ak left fielder had a chance at Buttery's 2b in left? Could have laid out?
    · Fincher got a bad jump at second and was would have been out with a good throw.
    · Thornton did not pitch well, but was a stud at the plate, he shouldn't hang his head today, and he hit two bombs.
    · What happen when Herbert came out and threw the ball to Campana? I turned and Campana has his glove off and his rubbing his hand?
    · How many fans do you think attended at $5 each? CMS must be happy.
  2. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

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    Sep 25, 2008
    Alex leach hit one to the RCF wall that Xander Mattox caught with his tail scraping the wall--that was hit hard. I seem to remember another one Mattox caught at the wall.

    I almost commented on the bad jump that Fincher got..I know he wanted to make sure it was down, but there was no doubt.

    How is a little flare to shallow LF scored a double.....took second on the throw to the plate....maybe that counts as a double, not sure.
  3. campdogs

    campdogs Junior Member

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    Dec 29, 2008
    Buttrey's final hit was a single. Campana was rounding second. Fincher scored to win the game.
  4. biglewboo

    biglewboo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2011
  5. campdogs

    campdogs Junior Member

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    Dec 29, 2008
    The Observer was incorrect. Jackson was rounding 2nd when Finch scored. Buttrey did not reach 2nd base.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Bag's vs Higgy part 25...these games are never boring, and this one followed that pattern. You could feel the intensity after parking your car. The only games that were better were the Providence vs South Meck in the late 90's - 2006. Back then, no one liked each other on either side, and didn't particularly like their children and dogs either.

    But these games still are the one's to watch. You don't have to be a fan of either team to enjoy them. It's funny, every year for the past 4 years I stand in the same place...and the people surrounding me are the same one's too. It's like they've carved out their area and nobody dares to take their place.

    Although the names of the players may have changed from year to year, the talent level and the excitement of the games never have. And it's kinda comforting that the coaches have remained the same. This rivalry would not be the same if Hignight and Bagwell were not involved. They're the glue to this series...and are very entertaining. Since I no longer have a dog in this fight, it has allowed me to focus on the gamemanship between the two coaches. It is fun and at times amusing to watch the subtle things they do to impact a game...they are masters at not allowing the other team to get the upper hand, even though both coaches try.

    But the games themselves is what people come to see and last night's game was one of the best. It was like two heavyweights feeling each other out during the beginning rounds with Providence winning the early "points." Then out came AK with some haymakers to take the lead. However, Providence refused to go down. It was the bottom of the 7th and the heavyweight of all time for Providence was coming to bat...Brett Austin. And as if on cue, he proceeded to drill a pitch that rewarded his team and all the pro scouts attending, while drooling over this kid. In my opinion, next to Cameron Maybin and Madison Bumgarner, Brett Austin is the best HS player I have seen in 10 years.

    When Fincher got plucked, you sensed the game was over and sure enough it was. But what made this game special to me was that all the 'hype' players that participated lived up to their status. They all contributed to their team's effort--Providence and AK.

    By the way, Chris McCue was sensational. After he calmed down and got into a groove he was masterful.

    I thought that Trent Thorton made his mark in history of these games--the would be hero if AK won. The kid had a whale of a game and should hold his head high!

    Logan Ratledge has gotten better- defensively and offensively. It was the first time I have seen my fishing partner this year and he plays the game like a man...very mature.

    There are many others that were impressive for AK...Brett Lang, Preston Tiller, etc, but I'm running out of time and I want to mention some players from Providence.

    Buttrey really impressed me. He has great size and good run on his FB. Although he can develop into a college hitter, his career at the next level will be as a pitcher. He may become very special at the next level.

    Jake Fincher--best bat speed in Charlotte. Could flick a flea that jumped in the strike zone. Plays the game with swag...and I love it!

    Jackson Campana--So physically imposing that he scares most parents of the opposition pitcher. I see them texting their insurance carrier when he comes to the plate. The kid is simply awesome to watch hit and has really improved defensively. Nice to have him in spot relief, too.

    Michael Herbert--is it just me? I've been watching this young man for 3 years and have noticed huge improvements each season (partly because he's been given a greater role each season.) I find him to be one of the best players in Charlotte, yet is very underrated.

    Again there were many others deserving attention, but I have said enough. I'd like to conclude by shouting a big thank you to all the participants. You have continued the tradition of marking these games as some of the best.
  7. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

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    May 20, 2008
    Heroes and Goats

    Braves, thanks for your perspective - always on point.

    Isn't baseball a great game? From pitch to pitch a player, coach, umpire or fan can go from hero to goat and back again. Maybe goat is the wrong word, but hero may be just as wrong. The FACT is that both are short-lived phenomenons that come and go like the wind.

    • There were 40+ great athletes at Providence High School's baseball complex Monday night.
    • There were 8+ great coaches (on the field) Monday night, and countless others roaming the stands with radar guns and notepads.
    • There were nervous parents and grandparents squirming in their seats.
    • The AK moms and the PHS students exchanged jabs (that was funny!)
    And, there were heroes and goats. The great news is that neither will remain either for very long - another day, another game, another chance to rise or fall with the bounce of the ball - that's why we love the game.

    Hat's off to the heroes and the goats - and fans of both. Because of your commitment, sweat, tears and love of the game - we are entertained.

    Now ask your mom to wash your uniform - you have practice tomorrow. And go study, you have tests tomorrow. Remember when the post-game snack was the highlight of your day? Everyone was a hero then. And you are now - ALL of you.
  8. Low & Slow

    Low & Slow Full Access Member

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    Sep 25, 2008
    First, one person's definition of a flare may vary from another person. Secondly, give credit to the hitter for hitting it in a clutch situation. He did knock in the winning run to win the conference regular season title. Lastly the left fielder had to run a long way to retrieve it as it didn't travel very far on it's own. Credit the hitter for the winning hit and the baserunner for making it home safely with the winning run...
    Last edited: May 4, 2011
  9. biglewboo

    biglewboo Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 3, 2011

    Michael Herbert--is it just me? I've been watching this young man for 3 years and have noticed huge improvements each season (partly because he's been given a greater role each season.) I find him to be one of the best players in Charlotte, yet is very underrated.

    Herbert has improved and pitched himself out of many jams this year, i.e., come up big! which show his desire to win. I think he's 5-0 or 6-0? He's throwing 82-85 and improving each outing. Since the beginning of the season, he's getting the ball down more and with his control and curve - he's tough. With a 6'4 frame and only about 175-180lbs, he can add more muscle and work hard, he could be a major D1 prospect - if he isn't close to being one yet.
  10. law1ng2b2

    law1ng2b2 Full Access Member

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    Dec 30, 2003
    The second HR by Thornton was the longest ball I have seen hit by a high school player in over 20 years. Holy crap that was impressive.

    There was a boat load of talent on that field the other night. It's actually scary how good these two ball clubs are. I would love to see a three game set in the western finals.

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