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Mooresville Post 66 Alive and Well

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionMan, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. LeaveItOnTheField

    LeaveItOnTheField Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2011
    Little league, Babe Ruth league, and travel baseball is a place for the kids to get an opportunity to play baseball. Legion baseball is the closest thing to college baseball and professional you can get. Legion baseball is not just a place to play, you baseball dads have got it all wrong, it is a place to get recognized by your community, make friendships with the enemy high school, and win every night. Alot of these post are dad's and i have seen it in the past where dads get to involved and the only reason kids play is for there dad or mom. When they go to college daddy cannot do it for them anymore. It is more like a job the kid has mourning workout goes to class then practice, and then games not much time for girlfriends, family, and party time. College coaches are pretty hard on kids for a good reason because there job is on the line. So if the kid only listen to what the dad says and not the coach they want survive.

    The teams play every night with maybe one or two days off a week. With that being said you have to have pitching. That does not mean kids that can throw that means kids that can actually pitch. A kid that just throws will get embarrassed in this league. You don't just have four or five good hitters, all nine plus guys off the bench can hit. Lake Norman has four or five guys that can pitch, Mooresville has five or six guys that can pitch, so if you put those guys together you make a great pitching roster. Lake Norman has five or six guys that can hit it any given night and Mooresville has nine plus guys off the bench that can hit it. Defensively Lake Norman has a weak outfield, Mooresville is very good defensive team all around. Everybody's going to make errors it's baseball. Going after a state championships is the reason we play baseball at this level and yes with the talent in this area it could have had one of the best shots it's had in years. Travel baseball is out there if you just want to play and not compete for anything, such as CBC. College coaches are now pushing legion because the kids know how to compete and not play for themselves. Over the years there have been some great friendships made when both teams got to play as one team, now that will never happen. When you put the best talent from two, three, or four teams makes for a great team and friendship all over the county are made.
  2. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Both teams have talent and are strong at the plate. The I-Meck is perhaps one of the top conferences around and while LKN finished 1st with Mooresville 4th, it could have easily been reversed, they are both that good. So it stands to reason that without exception the fielders and hitters would be interchangeable with little drop in production if there was but one team, the kids would just play only half the time. Pitching depth is another story, clearly since there are two teams this year more kids will have to pitch and the best pitchers will pitch more.
    Read those last 2 sentences again. Please.
    All agree that playing at the American Legion level is a great experience and your game will surely improve. So why would 40+ players getting the opprotunity be a bad thing?
    Last edited: May 16, 2011

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    American Legion Baseball


    If…. I understand your ranting, I believe that your objection to splitting Mooresville High School players and Lake Norman High School players on the American Legion field is that you do not believe they will be able independently to compete for an American Legion State Championship?

    Lake Norman has won a High School State Championship
    Lake Norman won the I-MECK Conference
    Mooresville is still playing in this years playoffs.

    Sounds like to me there are only two kinds of people complaining about this. 1. People of this town with no dog in the hunt that believes this is their private ball club or 2. One of the coaching staff that just got there feeling hurt because now they don’t have all of the control.

    Either way read in black and white. IT’S ABOUT THE BOYS PLAYING BALL!!!!


    Purpose and Scope of American Legion Baseball:

    1. To inculcate in youth a better understanding of the American way of life and to
    promote the principles of 100% Americanism.
    2. To instill in the nation’s youth a sincere desire to develop within themselves a feeling
    of citizenship, sportsmanship, loyalty and team spirit.
    3. To aid in the improvement and development of the physical fitness of our country’s
    4. To build for the nation’s future through our youth.
  4. Baseball

    Baseball Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2009

    You forgot about the 3rd type of people that think all baseball in the area should revolve around them and they cant stand it now that they cant dictate the playing/benching of "county boys" like they have done for 40 years.
    Last edited: May 16, 2011
  5. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Baseball, please be careful. We're not going to say or imply specific people in a negative manner.

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011

    I believe that your 3rd type fits both my 1 and 2 reference.
  7. Post 66

    Post 66 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2011
    Post 66 Senior Schedule

    2011 Schedule, Home Games at Lake Norman High

    ***subject to change***

    27 May AT - Kernersville
    28 May Kernersville
    29 May S. Rowan
    30 May AT - S. Rowan
    2 Jun Cornelius
    3 Jun Mooresville 537
    4 Jun S. Rowan
    5 Jun Kannapolis
    6 Jun AT – Mocksville
    8 Jun AT – Wilkes
    9 Jun Stanley
    10 Jun Statesville
    17 Jun Concord
    18 Jun AT – Mooresville 537
    19 Jun AT – Rowan
    20 Jun AT – S. Rowan
    22 Jun Mocksville
    24 Jun Wilkes
    25 Jun AT - Statesville
    26 Jun AT - Kannapolis
    30 Jun AT - Stanley
    1 Jul Rowan
    2 Jul AT – Concord
    6 Jul Allstar Game
    Last edited: May 16, 2011
  8. LeaveItOnTheField

    LeaveItOnTheField Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2011

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011

    Again, your complaint is “being able to win/compete” and your understanding of “Legion level of play”. I and others do not agree with your ideas of weakening the two teams. Nor do I agree with your concept of “Legion level of play”. Right, wrong or indifferent. We will just have to wait to see.

    You have never once got the concept that it is an AMERICAN LEGION POST “community program”. As a “Veterans” organization this is where the “HONOR” to play should come from NOT just because the team is the local power house.

    Could it be that some of the other powerhouse teams out there need to be bust up for the same reason it has happened here. The idea of what American Legion Baseball is and the “’HONOR” and control has been placed into the wrong hands?
  10. Post 66

    Post 66 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2011
    With 2 teams in Mooresville this year it is confusing on who plays where. Regardless of what you may have been told or even read in the paper below are the actual rules Pasted from the 2011 Rule Book we will be going by. The original team base school is Lake Norman and the new team base school is Pine Lake. Hope this Helps

    – Teams may select:

    1. Non-base school players whose parents’ or guardians’ domicile is nearest the team’s base school. To determine the nearest team, use the shortest driving distance as calculated by MapQuest ® (www.mapquest.com)
    2. Teams may not recruit a player(s) from another team’s base school.
    Players who try-out for and fail to make the nearest team can request a transfer to the second closest team to their parent’s domicile. If cut again, that player may try-out for the third closest team, until such time the player is able to play on a team. The enrollment of the high school a player attends on March 31, shall be counted. The combined total enrollment of the schools cannot exceed 5,000 students for 10th, 11th and 12th grades.

    I. New Team Formation. In the event a new Legion team is formed which is closer to a player’s parents’ domicile, that player has a one-time option of playing with the team for which he last played or for the new team.

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