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Jimmy McElhany to CVCC!

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by CBC O's, May 10, 2011.

  1. CBC O's

    CBC O's Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 26, 2011
    [​IMG]Congratulations to Jimmy McElhany, (2011 CBC Diamond Rats/ Mooresville HS), on his verbal commitment to Catawba Valley Community College. Jimmy is a hard working tough nosed kid and we are excited to watch him play at the next level. Congratulations to Jimmy, his family, Coach Burchett and the coaching staff at Moorseville High School.

    O’s Staff

    SCPBUC Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2006

    Congratulations to Jimmy and his family from the South Charlotte Panthers. Good Luck at CVCC.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    One of TBR's favorites, Jimmy is taking his talent to one of my ol' friends, Frank Pait. You'll have a blast playing for him. I wish you all the success in the world...you deserve it.
  4. Diamond Rat

    Diamond Rat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 30, 2008

    I really appreciate all the kind words of support. I'm extremely excited to take my..uh...talent..to Catawba and continue my career! :SmokinBanana:
  5. Diamond Rat

    Diamond Rat Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2008
    A real thank you

    I would like to thank so many people for helping me live my dream of playing college baseball.
    First is my family:
    1. My dad who coached me until I was 12. He said at that point I knew as much baseball as he did and it was time to seek quality coaching.
    2. My mom who works a full time job, cooks, cleans, washes uniforms, packs coolers, and drove me all over the east to play.
    3. My brother who was, and still is, able to detect the smallest flaw in my swing and fix it on the spot.
    4. To everyone for countless hours soft tossing in the cage.

    Second, my coaches:
    1. From rec ball and all stars Jimmy Meadows and Keith Beaver who taught me fundamentals and that baseball is fun, not all work.
    2. My first taste of real baseball from Joe Ledford and his crew of coaches of the Mallard Creek Tarheels who taught me how to practice effectively and how to be a leader. Coaches Jeff Shore and Tom Roy who taught me at 10 years old the basics of the swing I still use today
    3. My Mooresville High School coaches Jeff Burchette, Johnny Meadows, Moose Nanney, and Mark Owens who allow me to showcase my ability at several positions, and help me control my emotions when things get hairy.
    4. The entire staff at CBC, especially Patrick Whitted who not only taught me baseball, but gave me some perspective about life that I did not have before meeting him. He taught me to appreciate what I have instead of complaining about what I want. Jeff Schaeffer, what can I say? He has taught me so much that I do not know where to start. He showed me that there are no limits to what I can accomplish if I stay focused and work smart. Schaef was like a second father to me. He put up with my immaturity and temper when I first went to CBC and knew, or at least hoped, that there was a mature young man waiting to come out. He also worked with my folks so that I could attend the winter skills camp at CBC where I made my first contact with CVCC. He is without a doubt the most influential baseball figure in my life.

    Third is my teammates:
    1. Every team I ever played on was so much fun because of the guys and their families. I have memories that will live with me forever. I hope they all have fun memories of me as well.

    Fourth is my support group:
    1.. Kendal West who can be found at most every game with her mom cheering and taking pictures. If I have a rough night I can text, call, or go to house and she seems to be able to talk me back to reality.
    2. JT, Katie, Jaclyn, and Joe Wilkes as well as the who come to as many games as they can to cheer for me and the Blue Devils.
    3. The Student Section that was able to rattle more than one opposing player from the opposite team as well as keep us pumped up.
    4. My Uncle Vann who comes to most of the games and has done a lot of work to help make our field in good shape.
    5. Kevin Baumgarner, one of the best umps in the state. He was able to teach me and many others baseball while calling a game. What a great coach he could be.
    6. Brad Thede and Tom Worrell who provided me a lot of insight over the years, especially when I was trying to decide which offer to accept.

    Fifth is my new coaches at CVCC:
    1. Coach Leffler who first saw me at CBC Skills camp and passed my name on to Coach Pait.
    2. Coach Pait who took time out of his busy schedule to come see me play and make me an offer.

    I am sure I have missed some people, but rest assured that I do appreciate everyone who played any roll in my success.

    Thanks to all

    Jimmy McElhany
  6. Falcon#3

    Falcon#3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 29, 2010
    Wow!!! What a Post...

    {Jeff Schaeffer, what can I say? He has taught me so much that I do not know where to start. He showed me that there are no limits to what I can accomplish if I stay focused and work smart. Schaef was like a second father to me. He put up with my immaturity and temper when I first went to CBC and knew, or at least hoped, that there was a mature young man waiting to come out.}

    I'll bet Coach Schaeffer is beaming at the "mature young man" that he knew was inside this body and will proudly watch him grow even more in the years ahead.

    This is the ultimate "paycheck" for a coach - forget about wins and losses.

    Good Luck my man.... don't know you but expect we will read your name somewhere down the lines. Keep working hard and congratulations on achieving your dream.
  7. amfball

    amfball Member

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    Mar 16, 2008
    Congrats from the Ferrante family....Jimmy is a great kid and we wish him well at the next level.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    This is by far the best response by a player in congratulating those that have helped them achieve their dream. I shouldn't be surprised though. The young man is a class act and a bulldog on the field.

    It's been my pleasure and honor knowing Jimmy the last 3 years. I know he will be successful at CVCC and wherever he chooses to go after.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    This brings up a good point. I never understood why more players celebrated on TBR don't do what Jimmy has done...thank those that have been instrumental in their life.

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