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Scott Cousins hit on Posey: Clean or Dirty?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by LarryD, May 26, 2011.

  1. wolfpaknut

    wolfpaknut Junior Member

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    Jan 26, 2009
    The problem here is that a catcher can legally block the plate (partially or entirely). What's a runner to do? It's really not fair to allow one player to block and demand the runner to play around that block.

    In the case of youth ball, it's terribly unfair. Coaches are teaching the block (even without the ball) because they know there are no repercussions to it. Sort of like coaches teaching hitters to stand on the plate because they know no coach or player would throw at a batter, or way inside. We shouldn't be allowed to coach / teach half of the baseball equation.

    Actually, I've seen more kids hurt sliding around catchers than I have hurt catchers getting run over. In the youth game, to keep all kids safe, we shouldn't have a no-slide rule, we should have a no-block rule. Play it like the SS covering a steal. Everyone has access to the plate, no one gets hurt.

    As you get older, it becomes the catchers option.....block more, take more risk......it's big boy ball at that point. But you just can't allow one player to have a clear advantage like blocking the dish without giving the another player an answer like jarring the ball loose.
  2. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2008
  3. Dawgcatcherfive

    Dawgcatcherfive Full Access Member

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    Apr 23, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    Not sure where we are going here....

    Hopefully we all agree that there is one way to play the game.......HARD!

    There are certain fundamentals to this game that should be taught at an early age and are not. Stay in front of the ball, catch the ball with two hands, strikeouts are bad, when you have the ball....block the bag/plate, run everything out, know what you're doing with the ball before you get it, if you are not involved in the play find a place to back up and get involved, run on and off the field, pick up your teammates good or bad, etc. When it comes down to it, your job as a defense is to get the out. Your job as an offensive player is to be safe and find a way to score a run within the rules of the game. If your playing the game the right way, you are not worrying about the other player. You are trying to beat him. Competing is probably a better word for it.

    Cousins was competing. Let's not lose focus on why he did what he did. He ran him over because it gave his TEAM the best chance to win. It doesn't matter if he was directly in front of the plate. If Cousins doesn't plow Posey he is most likely out and they lose.
  4. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    I don't think there's a wrong answer here. Most agree it's legal to do what Cousins did. He was playing hard, & trying to knock the ball loose. Bottom line: If Posey had caught & held on to the ball, Cousins would have been out. Shame he was hurt on the play.
  5. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

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    May 25, 2010
    As an umpire I feel the collision rule should be changed. There is no sense in it. I need someone to explain to me how the NFL fines guys wearing pads and a helmet for some of the hits they dish out but MLB lets guys come in wide open and and just blow up a catcher. It's not just Buster Posey either. There have been some careers destroyed by one play. Little league, babe ruth, daddyball, showcase, high school, college all have collision/malicious contact rules but far less at stake than a guy being paid a good amount of money to handle a multi million dollar pitching staff.

    My other thought is if the only way you can score is to run over the catcher and possibly injure him than maybe you shouldn't have rounded third and headed for home. I'm not blaming Cousins because he played the game within the parameters of the game and the rules but it's a damn shame to see a guy with so much potential like a Buster Posey virtually crippled over one stinkin' play. I remember when American Legion didn't have a collision rule and I would see these young kids running down the third base line just sizing up these catchers to blow them up. There's no need for it. Baseball is a great game but the gladiator moment at home plate is totally not necessary.
  6. MCreek

    MCreek Member

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    Apr 17, 2009
    Should we then also disallow all take out slides at 2B?

    But if they ban the take out, don't they then also have to put in a no block rule? No foot planted by the plate while waiting for the ball.
  7. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

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    May 25, 2010

    The "takeout" slide at second isn't even on the same level with just blowing up a catcher...can you get hurt on a take out slide? Ya but it's not even close to the same. I've seen plenty of slides into second...the force play slide rule is designed to prevent that at amateur levels. Admittedly they are given more leeway at the professional level on that.

    As far as the catcher "planting his foot" in front of the plate...a good hard slide similar to the "take out" slide at second can still get you a run. I've seen catcher's "block" the plate and a good hard feet first slide into home moved their leg out of the way and they scored before being tagged. It's possible.
  8. fcpirate

    fcpirate Full Access Member

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    Apr 22, 2008
    Don't know the rule in MLB so will not comment on if it was legal, but it was a cheap shot.

    Cousins was running with both feet on the foul side of the line until the last step when his right foot was on the foul line showing a clear change of direction, he lowered his shoulder and basically threw a cross body block on Posey. On the front view you can see Cousin's forearm extend on the follow through he clearly tried to take Posey out.

    Cousin's was not even over the plate, his entire body was on the pitchers mound side of the plate at contact. On top of that he lauched his body and left his feet.

    Legal or not, I don't know but it was dirty. I don't doubt for a minute that there was no intent to injure as it does seem Cousin's is remorseful, which is a good thing.

    This is not a situation where the catcher was blocking the plate and the runner had no choice but to try to create a way to the plate, he had a way to the plate but chose to change his angle to create contact when none was necessary.

    As to Stretchy's point, this sends a bad message to kids everywhere. I wonder how many Little League kids got ejected this week trying to do the same thing?
  9. A Non E Mous

    A Non E Mous Full Access Member

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    May 25, 2010
    I agree a 100% with everything posted here and to compare a slide into second with running over a catcher is laughable.
  10. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

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    Jan 7, 2004
    And THIS is the real issue here, because so many young kids DO watch the pros and the youngsters will take it to the field.

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